I think I'm right in saying that almost every sentence so far at KoreanClass101.com has ended in ~ㅂ니다. I have some books that also finish every sentence with that verb ending. If I turn on the Korean TV channel that I somehow get, every sentence ends in ㅂ니다.
But when I listen to my Korean friends' conversation, everything ends in 요. Everything. If I ask how to say a word, they always give me something ending in 요. Hyunwoo's blog also is heavy on the 요, light on the ㅂ니다. I don't think he's used ㅂ니다 yet actually.
I have the feeling that one is polite and one is.. less polite?
Which is more polite?
How are these verbs formed?
Dictionaries always give the 다 form (I don't know what it's called) but I've never heard it used. Why would a dictionary be full of verb conjugations that aren't used?