Hello everyone, here's a thread for everyone to practice and learn how to introduce your family in Korean!!
It can be very simple or very complex depending on how many details you want to cover, right?
Here are some basic words for the members of the family
- ♥ 할아버지 = grandfather
♥ 할머니 = grandmother
♥ 아버지 = father
♥ 아빠 = Dad
♥ 어머니 = mother
♥ 엄마 = Mom
♥ 부모님 = parents
♥ 형 = older brother (if you're male)
♥ 오빠 = older brother (if you're female)
♥ 누나 = older sister (if you're male)
♥ 언니 = older sister (if you're female)
♥ 남동생 = younger brother
♥ 여동생 = younger sister
♥ 아내 = wife
♥ 남편 = husband
♥ 아이 = kid
♥ 아이들 = kids
♥ 아들 = son
♥ 딸 = daughter
If you can form sentences, that'll be great, but even if you can, please try to use those word in your English sentences and let's try! Introduce your family in Korean!!
- I am living with my (sister).
저는 여동생과 함께 살고 있습니다.
I have two (sisters).
저는 (여동생)이 두 명 있습니다.
And you ???