갔을 길
The Road That Would Have Been Taken But Wasn't
했을 일은 당연히 마치지 않고
Naturally I didn't do the work that would have been but wasn't
집으로 갔을 길을 걸어가지 않는 상상 이상이고
Tis beyond my imagining to not take the road that would lead home but doesn't
안 도착하면 물론 먹었을 음식 굶겠는데
Of course when I didn't arrive I would forgo eating the food that was to be eaten but wasn't
배가 고파서 엎치락 뒷치락하다가 잤을 잠도 못 자고
Hungry, tossing, turning, I didn't sleep the sleep that was to be slept but wasn't
꿨을 꿈조차 꾸지 않고 -누가 있었겠다는 꿈을 기대하겠어요?
I didn't even dream the dream that was to be dreamt but wasn't - who would wait for a dream that should have come but doesn't?
결국 얻었을 지식은 얻지 못하고 썼을 글도 다 못 썼는데 -이것 외에는
In the end the wisdom that should have been but wasn't, wasn't received.......and all the words I should have written but didn't, didn't get written --except for these.