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my feed track order, HELP!!!

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my feed track order, HELP!!!

Postby sp_segundo » October 19th, 2009 8:05 pm

ok i'm having serious issues with myfeed that is making me not even want to use it, here is my situation:

i'm trying to make my custom podcasts, and was wondering if there was a way to manipulate the track order? for instance, i want to download newbie lessons, and with them i want all audio. but when it generates the podcast it starts with the most advanced lesson first as track 1 (you got served) and then the most basic lesson is the final track (intros) this makes it EXTREMELY inconveinent when i'm listening to these while driving or running etc... because i then have to back track every single track to listen to them sequentially, instead of the tracks just playing in order.

i emailed csr support this exact paragrah, and they responded that there's some setting or something in itunes to make it automatically do that, and if that didn't work to just make a playlist and do it that would suck if i have to make a playlist of 93+ different tracks manually everytime i move up a series!!!

does anyone know of ANY way more effective to get hese in the right order? isn't there just a way to download them sequentially instead of backwards???

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Postby javiskefka » October 20th, 2009 5:34 am

If you want the tracks to play in a particular order, creating a custom playlist is probably the easiest way to do it. It's easier than you might think, though, and should only take you a minute or two. You can use the smart playlist feature of iTunes to create a playlist that automatically updates itself, and includes as specific a set of tracks as you want.

What you want to do in iTunes is click on the File menu, then "New Smart Playlist...". Next, check the checkbox next to "Match the following rule". For the rule, select Artist is . If you want to further restrict the tracks that are included in the playlist, for example, if you wanted to have a playlist for each season, you can add additional rules, like "Name contains Intermediate Lesson S2" or something. The last step is to click OK and sort the playlist as you see fit. To set up a playlist that plays the tracks from each season in order, you would sort by the Name column. To do that, just click at the top of that column in the pane where it lists all the tracks.

When you open that playlist on your iPod, the tracks will play in the order that you have sorted them. There's no need to sort them by hand if you just use the tools available to you.

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