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Korean language resources for children???

Established Presence
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Joined: April 11th, 2009 12:42 am

Korean language resources for children???

Postby Gudrun » June 5th, 2009 11:07 pm

Does anybody know of some good resources for teaching children, especially kindergarden-2nd grade, Korean? I have some books and flashcards, but they are really aimed more for middle school aged kids. I was wondering if there is a Korean language product similar to the "Hooked on Phonics" products used to teach English reading. (I am learning Korean myself and at best could be described as intermediate level. I wish I could teach my 5 year old son just by speaking to him, but I don't speak fluently. I guess we'll be learning together.) Any advice much appreciated!

Established Presence
Posts: 73
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Postby erich » June 6th, 2009 7:37 pm

Hey Gudrun,

Probably it's not what you are looking for (last time I checked it was for a little bit older children) but maybe you'll find your luck there:

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Postby kyuree » June 6th, 2009 11:03 pm

erich wrote:Hey Gudrun,

Probably it's not what you are looking for (last time I checked it was for a little bit older children) but maybe you'll find your luck there:

I know that site, too ^^

Haven't visited in ages though :(
unfortunately having half a set of Korean genes doesn't come w/ a language gene

Established Presence
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Joined: April 11th, 2009 12:42 am

Korean resources for kids?

Postby Gudrun » June 8th, 2009 2:35 am

Yeah, I know about Teen Korean, except I can't use it now b/c I forgot my password ...
But I really need something for younger kids. If I wanted to find Mandarin for kids I'd have sooo many choices of CD-ROMS, DVDs, etc. It's really frustrating trying to find Korean resources for kids here in the U.S. I keep thinking there's got to be something, but maybe not.
Thanks for any info. (Anybody know how to get a new password from Teen Korean? :oops: )

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Re: Korean resources for kids?

Postby kyuree » June 8th, 2009 9:29 am

Gudrun wrote:Thanks for any info. (Anybody know how to get a new password from Teen Korean? :oops: )

just create a new account maybe?
unfortunately having half a set of Korean genes doesn't come w/ a language gene

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Re: Korean language resources for children???

Postby tsungmien » June 11th, 2009 12:36 pm

What about this site? It starts from elementary school. As with most Korean sites, best viewed with IE.

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