Are these interchangeable, or is there a slight nuance between them?
Alexis wrote:Yay! I got something right!! *Excited*
kyuree wrote:^ thanks henry
Just wanted to say while watching Boys over flowers (episode 3 ) they said
"The one thing he can't do is swim!" and use 못 해
so that would contradict holdfast's theory
yhenry wrote:
Get this;
A:해 주세요
B:할 수 없으니 못해요
A:왜 할 수 없어요? 능력이 없어요, 재주가 없어요 아니면 할 마음이 없어요?
B;할 기분이 없어요
kyuree wrote:
I got similar translation for 재주 and 능력 on Yahoo
Well, Henry, give us the solution
kyuree wrote:^ thanks henry
Just wanted to say while watching Boys over flowers (episode 3 ) they said
"The one thing he can't do is swim!" and use 못 해
so that would contradict holdfast's theory