Alexis wrote:matthew254: I'm not sure... LOL. I've just seen people around here talking about the Sogang text books, and I wasn't sure what they were talking about!!
This is the full link: ... D.EC.96.B4
In other threads the language courses of the big universities in Seoul were discussed, one could sum it up as saying that Sogang university focuses more on speaking and Yonsei more on grammar.
In the Korean embassy in Berlin where I take classes atm they use the Sogang books (I also saw the first two in a library here in Berlin), they, too, focus on speaking, have a CD and a work book and are also suitable for self-study.
I can recommend them!
In Korea I bought a grammar book from Yonsei university, I use it as a reference. When I don't know a grammatical structure I can look it up in the index easily.
I intended to buy Sogang 3B in Seoul but never found them lying around (and I never asked....) and eventually I forgot to ask for them before I went back to Germany. When you order them here online you have to pay about 50€ (workbook, textbook, CD, shipping)
whereas I think one book is 15000 Won in Korea (so maybe 12€ the set?!! depending on the exchange rate...).
Similar to KoreanClass101, the Sogang series uses short dialogues to introduce grammatical structures. At the end of each dialogue there are other word sets with which you can practice this grammatical structure. There are also cultural tips, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, reading texts, texts on culture, exercises for speaking together in class, ... the work book has different kind of exercises on the grammar and also highlights the irregular verbs, writing exercises, speaking exercises...
I'm guessing
1A, 1B: newbie
2A, 2B: beginner
3A, 3B: intermediate
If you can afford them, get them!!