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-길래 / 기에

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-길래 / 기에

Postby cheri » March 5th, 2009 12:27 am


I have a question about the 길래/기에 pattern.

"감기 걸렸다 는 표현을 'caught a cold' 라길래 한참 웃었던 기억이 나네요."

After some Googling, I found that 길래 = 기에 and that it suggests cause or reason. Naver lists the following:【…(하)기 때문에】as;because. And on Galbijim, people have said that it can have a slight negative or cynical implication.

Would someone mind giving a few more examples?

Also, if it is in question form, does it imply "Question... have you ever...?
e.g. 날 언제 옷 해줬길래? When have you ever given me clothes?

Thank you :D
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Postby holdfast » March 5th, 2009 1:36 am

from what i have heard, ~기에 is short for ~기 대문에 and is usually used in writing, and can be kind of poetic. like... 당신 있기에.. is sort of poetic for "because of you."

but i have no idea what 길래 is..... 죄송해요~~
안녕하세요~ 에밀리입니다~~ ^^
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Re: -길래 / 기에

Postby yhenry » March 5th, 2009 1:25 pm

cheri wrote:Hello,

I have a question about the 길래/기에 pattern.

"감기 걸렸다 는 표현을 'caught a cold' 라길래 한참 웃었던 기억이 나네요."

After some Googling, I found that 길래 = 기에 and that it suggests cause or reason. Naver lists the following:【…(하)기 때문에】as;because. And on Galbijim, people have said that it can have a slight negative or cynical implication.

Would someone mind giving a few more examples?

Also, if it is in question form, does it imply "Question... have you ever...?
e.g. 날 언제 옷 해줬길래? When have you ever given me clothes?

Thank you :D

기에; 원인이나 근거를 나타내는 연결 어미. conjunctive suffix with advebial connotation of reason or cause

* 맛있어 보이기에/길래 너 주려고 사 왔다. Because it looked delicious, I bought to give it to you.
* 아프다고 하기에/길래 걱정이 되어서 찾아왔다. Because I heard you are sick, I was concerned to come to see you
* 뭐 했기에/길래 그러냐? What is it that you did?
*뭐 먹었기에/길래 그러냐? What did you eat to look like that?

*** of course if you say it with attitude or making face, you can add nagative connotations. Body language plays a big part in conversation.

[어미]‘-기에’의 잘못. wrong use of 기에, not poper but popular in use, like '니가' instead of '네가'.
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Postby ilwoo214574 » November 1st, 2011 11:10 pm

If -길래 it also means because, why can't you just say in this example ...

맛있어 보이길래 너 주려고 사 왔다. --> 맛있어 보이니까 너 주려고 사 왔다

Sometimes I feel the one hard thing in Korean is there are a million ways to say because haha.
-(하)기 때문에
and now 길래? :lol:

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Postby trutherous » November 2nd, 2011 7:30 am

Yeah, it's frustrating, but in any language there are numerous ways to say the same things.

I was just complaining to my language partner that Korean has too many ways to say "land" (터, 육지, 뭍, 땅) .. and she said "Do you want me to start about English -land, shore, ground, earth... and what does river bank have to do with a bank anyway? Is there money buried there?"

Because - for, on account of, owing to, by reason of, ..and I'm sure any good thesaurus will list several more examples.

Hang in there -- it only get's harder hahaha

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Re: -길래 / 기에

Postby sharmarahul263881997 » September 30th, 2013 4:21 am

I was just complaining to my language partner that Korean has too many ways to say "land" (터, 육지, 뭍, 땅) .. and she said "Do you want me to start about English -land, shore, ground, earth... and what does river bank have to do with a bank anyway? Is there money buried there?"

dude,,, if she says that again just tell her one thing that synonyms of words are very common thing in any language but I don't think that any other language (other than korean) has 5 to 10 synonyms of a grammatical pattern.
like in English, for example;
Since he was not feeling well, He didn't come to class.
앞아서 하교에 못 왔습니다.
아프기 때문에 학교에 못 왔습니다.
아프길래 학교에 안 왔습니다.
you can say that same thing in few other ways with minute difference which is difficult to define. .. (like using 안 and 못 -- My university teachers are not able to describe the difference between the two till date,,, bdw I can't blame my teachers as some of the teachers are Korean and even they are unable to describe the difference in the use of the two(안/ 못).
So what I am trying to say is why have so many similar grammatical patterns which are almost similar and difficult to differentiate????
Why??? :evil: :evil:

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Postby sharmarahul263881997 » September 30th, 2013 4:25 am

trutherous wrote:Yeah, it's frustrating, but in any language there are numerous ways to say the same things.

I was just complaining to my language partner that Korean has too many ways to say "land" (터, 육지, 뭍, 땅) .. and she said "Do you want me to start about English -land, shore, ground, earth... and what does river bank have to do with a bank anyway? Is there money buried there?"

Because - for, on account of, owing to, by reason of, ..and I'm sure any good thesaurus will list several more examples.

Hang in there -- it only get's harder hahaha

synonym is a different thing.....and having similar grammatical pattern(different to differentiate) is different thing.
I am pretty sure that you people don't have any alternative of "for"; as soon as; and many more.

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Re: -길래 / 기에

Postby dannychimo111_231122 » August 30th, 2017 3:05 pm

sharmarahul263881997 wrote:I was just complaining to my language partner that Korean has too many ways to say "land" (터, 육지, 뭍, 땅) .. and she said "Do you want me to start about English -land, shore, ground, earth... and what does river bank have to do with a bank anyway? Is there money buried there?"

dude,,, if she says that again just tell her one thing that synonyms of words are very common thing in any language but I don't think that any other language (other than korean) has 5 to 10 synonyms of a grammatical pattern.
like in English, for example;
Since he was not feeling well, He didn't come to class.
앞아서 하교에 못 왔습니다.
아프기 때문에 학교에 못 왔습니다.
아프길래 학교에 안 왔습니다.
you can say that same thing in few other ways with minute difference which is difficult to define. .. (like using 안 and 못 -- My university teachers are not able to describe the difference between the two till date,,, bdw I can't blame my teachers as some of the teachers are Korean and even they are unable to describe the difference in the use of the two(안/ 못).
So what I am trying to say is why to have so many similar grammatical patterns which are almost similar and difficult to differentiate????
Why??? :evil: :evil:

bro the difference I asked the very first day I came across the same and my professor tried to explain to me but i couldn't get it but over time i noticed that 안 is a decision not to do the verb while 못 is not being able to do it because of external circumstances eg
학교에 안 갔다 is i did not go to school even though it was possible
학교에 못 갔다 is i did not go to school because it wasnt possible to go
something in these lines, with some principles in korean it takes time to grasp :idea: :idea:

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Re: -길래 / 기에

Postby contactus_231994 » September 4th, 2017 1:54 am


Thank you for posting!


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Re: -길래 / 기에

Postby vkvkvk1219_233276 » December 4th, 2017 10:33 am

길래 has much more restricted use than as described with "because". It is used to provide the basis for the speaker's judgement. The clause which incorporates 길래 always describes a close past event that the speaker has observed, and the clause that comes after it always has first person as the subject and states what he did or is doing about it. So for example it goes like this:
비가 내리길래 우산을 가져갔다.
As it rained(what happened in the past), I (first person)took an umbrella(what he did after judging from that past event).
It is not simply cause and effect, so it should not go like this: 지구는 중력이 있길래 사물을 끌어당긴다.(X)
Because the earth has gravity, it attracts objects to itself.
Instead it should be 지구는 중력이 있기 때문에 사물을 끌어당긴다.
기에 is logically interchageable with 때문에 but it sounds a bit dramatic.

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Re: -길래 / 기에

Postby contactus_231994 » December 6th, 2017 12:06 am


Thank you for posting!
Please let us know if you have any questions.


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