I was just complaining to my language partner that Korean has too many ways to say "land" (터, 육지, 뭍, 땅) .. and she said "Do you want me to start about English -land, shore, ground, earth... and what does river bank have to do with a bank anyway? Is there money buried there?"
dude,,, if she says that again just tell her one thing that synonyms of words are very common thing in any language but I don't think that any other language (other than korean) has 5 to 10 synonyms of a grammatical pattern.
like in English, for example;
Since he was not feeling well, He didn't come to class.
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you can say that same thing in few other ways with minute difference which is difficult to define. .. (like using 안 and 못 -- My university teachers are not able to describe the difference between the two till date,,, bdw I can't blame my teachers as some of the teachers are Korean and even they are unable to describe the difference in the use of the two(안/ 못).
So what I am trying to say is why have so many similar grammatical patterns which are almost similar and difficult to differentiate????