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Age Joke again

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Age Joke again

Postby yhenry » February 14th, 2009 11:17 am

A wife said to her husband, "I don't think I look 35, do you?"
"No I don't," he said, "but you used to."
I am a forever ESL student.

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Re: Age Joke again

Postby cheri » February 15th, 2009 4:17 am

yhenry wrote:A wife said to her husband, "I don't think I look 35, do you?"
"No I don't," he said, "but you used to."

[spoiler]아내가 남편에게 "나는 35살 (의 나이로:?:) 안 보인 것 같은데..당신은요??"라고 말했어요.
"나는 안 그래요," 라고 남편이 말했어요. "근데 당신은 옛날에 그랬어요 (그렇게 보였어요)."
Not sure if you can just use the 그렇다 verb like that...?[/spoiler]

Attempts to blog in Korean^^

Ramblings about things related to (and sometimes not related to) Korea..usually this translates to FOOD^^

Expert on Something
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Joined: October 14th, 2008 11:52 am

Re: Age Joke again

Postby yhenry » February 15th, 2009 2:23 pm

A wife said to her husband, "I don't think I look 35, do you?"
"No I don't," he said, "but you used to."

아내가 남편에게 "나는 35살 (의 나이로:?:) ==> 35 세로, 세=나이
안 보인 것 같은데..당신은요??"라고 말했어요.
"나는 안 그래요," ==> 나도 그렀게 생각해
** we usually say 'how do you think', instead of 'what do you think; 어떻게 생각해요?
(Do you happen to know we Koreans can say, No, I think so, or Yes, I don't think' so? If you don't, we can talk about it later)

라고 남편이 말했어요. "근데 당신은
옛날에 그랬어요 (그렇게 보였어요)."==> 예전엔 그렇게 보였지
**예전 and 옛날 are interchangeable and both are commonly used but 예전 to me sound more recent than 옛날 because it is seldom used to describe those ancient historic events.

# 아주 먼 옛날 호랑이 담배 피우던 시절. not 예전
# 우리나라는 옛날부터 동방예의지국이라 불렸다. not 예전
# 물론 아득한 옛날, 신라가 삼국을 통일하기 직전의 일이야. not 예전
However we still say;
# 옛날 버릇 old habit
# 옛날 물건 thing of old
# 그는 옛날의 모습과 많이 달라졌다. he changed a lot from the way he used to
# 몸이 옛날 같지 않다. My body isn't like it used to be
# 그 사람 옛날에는 참 착실한 사람이었는데…he used to be a good man

Compare with the use of 예전; 옛날 can substitute 예전 though
# 우리 예전처럼 친하게 지내자. let's be friends like we used to be
# 수입이 예전만 못하다. income is not like it used to be
# 나이가 들어서 그런지 몸이 예전 같지 않다. My body isn't like it used to be probably because of getting old
# 수술만 하면 몸은 예전대로 돌아갈 겁니다. your body will be like it used to be once operation is done
Not sure if you can just use the 그렇다 verb like that...?

그렇다 (written)==> 그러타 (pronounced)
[형용사] adj (dictionary says so)
1 상태, 모양, 성질 따위가 그와 같다. state, form, character is 'like that' or in such state, shape, or character

저는 *그런 일은 할 수 없습니다. I cannot do such thing
상황이 그러니 어찌하겠나? what can you do in such a situation?
“선생님, 그 말이 정말입니까?” “그러네, 정말이네.”
Is it true, teacher? Yes, it is, really.
저번 사건은 네 소행이지. 그렇지? That incident was your work, wasn't it?

2 특별한 변화가 없다. no change much, so so, just like it used to be

“요즘 어떻게 지내니?” “항상 그렇지 뭐.” How have you been? So so, always

3 만족스럽지 아니하다. not satisfied, so so, not up to expectation, etc

* 이 물건 좀/그저 그렇지? This merchandise looks so so, don't you think?
4. 그렇다 can be used 'to agree' with the question asked or for asking opinion like 'what do you think'.
그렇다/그래/그래요 Yes, it is so.
그럴겝니다 I would think so/ it would much look like so
그러길 바랍니다 I hope it would be so/ like that.

그렇지? do you think like so or it is so?
그렇지 않니? don't you think? Isn't it so?
I am a forever ESL student.

Expert on Something
Posts: 134
Joined: April 25th, 2008 4:08 pm

Postby cheri » February 18th, 2009 3:40 pm

Ah, I love the word 그렇다 for its versatility. ^^
Attempts to blog in Korean^^

Ramblings about things related to (and sometimes not related to) Korea..usually this translates to FOOD^^

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Postby kimchiandsoju » April 8th, 2009 11:26 pm

thats a good joke.

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