matthew254 wrote:무슨 versus 어떤
How might we differentiate between these two? Sometimes when I'm trying to form new questions in Korean I find myself being corrected or not understood if I use one over the other.
For example, I asked my friend which restaurant that he wanted to eat at by asking "무슨 식당?" but then he asked our mutual friend "어떤 식당? 니가 결정 해"
Anyways, some sentences would help. Thanks in advance!
Chris' answer is excellent.
I just want to put a little more toppings(?) for your thirst for Korean.
(I myself learned from the Naver 사젼)
무슨 (basically what)
[관형사] come before a noun modifying it and functioning like determiners in English.
1 무엇인지 모르는 일이나 대상, 물건 따위를 물을 때 쓰는 말. Used to ask questions on things you don't know about.
2 사물을 특별히 정하여 지목하지 않고 이를 때 쓰는 말.used when you point to something not specified
3 예상 밖의 못마땅한 일을 강조할 때 쓰는... to emphasize things of unfavorable turn out unexpectedly.
* 무슨 what 일 thing 있었니 was there? What happened?
* 그 the사람은man 무슨what 죄를crime 지어commited 붙잡혀caught/arrested 갔대?sent/gone; what crime the man committed and arrested for?
* 이게this 무슨what 냄새지smell? what kind of smell is this or what is this smell?
* 그는he 무슨what 일이든work 척척easily 해냈다 have done/finished/accomplished.
He was able to do any sort of work easily.
무슨what 바람이wind 불어서blow+cause 무슨what(emphasizing) what wind blown to move you do this, how unlikely!
무슨 마음이 내켜서 왔오?. what kind/state of mind made you come?
무슨 일이 있어서오셨어오. what kind of business is there for you to come/ what brought you here? what can i do for you?
1 {의문문에 쓰여} 사람이나 사물의 특성, 내용, 상태, 성격이 무엇인지 물을 때 쓰는 말.used in question to ask for spec, content, state or character of things.
2 {의문문에 쓰여} 주어진 여러 사물 중 대상으로 삼는 것이 무엇인지 물을때used when you ask what the specific topic can be out of many.
* 그는 어떤 사람이니? what kind of person is he? (asking for character/taste/background/etc.)
(그는 무슨 사람이니; usually 뭐하는 사람 what does he do?)
선생님, 어떤 생각을 가지고 있나요? Teacher, what is your thought/opinion in depth?
cf. 무슨 생각해요? what is on your mind/what do you think?
어떤 생각 해요? what specific thoughts do you have?
* 어떤 분을 찾아오셨습니까? Whom do you come to see for? (in this case, we never say, 무슨 분을.
무슨 책을 찾아요 title, field, subject?
어떤 책을 찾아요 conversational or grammar, low or high level?
* 너는 이 둘 중에서 어떤 옷이 더 마음에 드니? which would you like better?
I am not good at my own language because I don't have Korean major.
But I did my best, leaving room to be corrected.
어떻게how 생각think 하십니까do you? what do you think?
I am a forever ESL student.