manyakumi wrote:한국인에게 물어보지 않으면 알 수 없지만 한국인에게 가장 물어보기 힘든 것은?
What is the most difficult thing to ask to a Korean that you'll never know unless you ask to a Korean? (Isn't this sentence awkward?) Do you guys have anything like this?
Mmm, I understand the sentence and the question....but honestly, I don't think Americans have this. I mean, there are some things that are taboo in my culture - some things that we don't speak of often - but honestly, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this concept.
Perhaps racism? That's something that is a bit difficult to ask. Each person's response will be different depending on his/her perspective. But even then, racism is not a distinctively American concept. Your question deals with something that Koreans hold unique to themselves...yeah I think it's just you guys