What a summer I'm having...both great and bad parts to it. I am posting a message just to let everyone know a few important things:
First, I was keeping up with this forum (and others) through Safari, which aggragates RSS feeds exactly how I wanted. But something made me go to Firefox a while back, and I regret it, because feed readers I was using weren't updating properly, and/or they were displaying things in a manner I couldn't decipher comfortably. So for weeks now, I've been missing tons and tons of your fine messages. I give up...going back to Safari. But now I have no clue what's going on with y'all.
Second, I'm still on vacation in France...which means my participation on anything Internet is inconsistent
Third, I had the flu up until some days ago...more inconsistent participation, in everything, and things to catch up on.
Fourth, I just recently made the decision to go to grad school - am I insane or what The last time I set foot in a university, it was when I got my BA...back in 1991! So I feel very intimidated and apprehensive, and I am looking for a nice, big, loud (and I mean LOUD!) cheering section, and lots of good advice and support. I am considering a couple of different programs, but am leaning towards an MTESOL - a Master's in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Fifth, I intend to keep studying Korean here while I am running around Arizona State University like a clueless chicken with its head cut off, but I may have to ease up on the pace. So I might not learn as fast as I'd like, or participate quite as intensively. But I'm still here! If you don't hear from me every so often at least, give me a good hard elbow-jab.