Finally (드디어!) I got the chance to schlep halfway across the Valley to the closest Korean market to my house. Appropriately enough, it's called "Seoul Market". It was a fun and interesting experience, except for the part where I thought I lost my wallet, called home in a panic for my family to search for it, and then discovered it in the wrong pocket of my handbag. My mother isn't going to let me live that down for a while. (Hey, it's a new handbag!)
I scored the following:
a big jar of white kimchi
mix to make Korean pancakes for vegetable wrapping
jujubee tea
red beans (azuki in Japanese, I don't know the Korean name)
hot bean paste
sticky rice cake (ddeok?)
fresh kimbap with egg and vegetables in it
some ginseng chewing gum
...and the obligatory rice candy for the household 공주.
I met a very nice lady who was shopping there - she saw me looking at chopsticks, smiled and said, "do you know how to use those?" So I impressed her with all my Korean knowledge (all 13 weeks of it ) and she helped me find lots of things. She gave me her business card - she is a tailor, but on the opposite side of town from me and so I don't know if we could meet.
No Korean drama or film dvds! Not even pirated ones
So now I'm all set...for what I don't know! I hope what I make is edible. I have nothing but a small book with basic Korean recipes, and vague memories of Woo Lae Oak restaurant.
My daughter and mother *hated* the smell of the kimchi! Which means I get it all to myself