Not sure if anyone else has used/talked about/discovered this site, but I have used it to set up a nice little set of Skype friends.
The site is a social networking site and has a great mix (it feels almost 50% Korean 50% foreigner)So think of it as a free Myspace of Korea (no, not your 미니홈피) in which to get hooked up with people who want to talk via Skype. good for self-motivated people willing to polish up their conversation skills (and don't mind staying up late to accommodate the 13 hour time difference).
hey, self motivated - that's why we're all here, isn't it?

It's also nice because it's not just for English-Korean, Korean-English. There are a fair amount of other languages represented there too.
Anyways, just make sure to use common sense when dealing with someone that turns out to want something other than language practice - has only happened twice so far I must be losing it....