안녕하세요! 저는 이름은 Catherine Kim임니다. 저는 미국에 태요낫슴니다, 저금 New York에이슴니다. 한극말 무레슴니다, 저금 한극말 베워슴니다.
That definitely made me break a sweat, I hope I didn't butcher it too much!
Hey my name is Catherine, I was born in America and currently live in New York.
I don't speak korean very well and hope to speak fluently someday. koreanclass101 has been an incredible resource! i am very very happy it exists. and everyone using it seems very friendly.
Some of the things I love: film, radiohead, coffee prince(love a girl who eats as much as i do), food of all kinds, street art(does korea have a street art community?), graphic design, and eating.