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Postby kraemder_226527 » July 25th, 2014 10:35 pm

It would be nice if you included hanja with all the vocabulary... I'm listening to some new year broadcast show where they said they'd do it for intermediate lessons and a couple others.

I might be a beginner but I'm coming from Japanese and so I studied a lot of Chinese characters. You may not have to explain the hanja for beginner lessons but just having it there would help those of us that already know them..

Guess I'm going to go check out some intermediate lessons way over my head to see what you're doing with the hanja..

is it written 漢字 in Korean?

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Re: hanja

Postby community.korean » July 29th, 2014 8:04 am

Hi there,

Thank you for your suggestion. :)
Yes, for 한자 hanja, we use 漢字.


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