Hey, can someone please explain how to use the particle 도 correctly. In a lesson, the position of 도 changes which has confused me.
In the first instance, 도 replaces 는:
B: The convenience store is at the dormitory building 편의점이기숙사빌딩에있어요
A: Then, where is the cafeteria? 그러면, 카페테리아는어디에있어요?
B: The cafeteria is also in the dormitory building 카페테리아도기숙사빌딩에있어요
However, in the second sentence, 도 is added after 에:
A: Where is the elephant? 코끼리가어디있어여?
B: The elephant is on top of the desk책상위에있어요
C: There is also an elephant under the desk책사밑에도있어요
Is 도 is added after 에 because the sentence is shortened (코끼리가 has been omitted) which means there is no particle for replace 도 with.
For the second conversation, could I also write:
C: There is also an elephant under the desk 코끼리도책사밑에있어요, which means that same thing?