5. "together" : hint (gat-i / ham-gge) - 갓이 / 함께
6. "that sounds good" : hint (joa-joa) – 좌좌
While it seems that the spelling 좌좌 seems to exist as a new-generation abbreviated form, it is not proper Korean, and the correct spelling should be 좋아 좋아, but on the net and in text messages you may see the other form.
3. "you and I" (informal) : hint (neoooooo and na)
너와 나 remember to space after 와/과 you also made the spacing error on 4-9
4. "you and I" (formal) : hint (dang-shinnnnn and jeo)
당신과 -- remember that 과 is used after a final consonant, in this case 당신 ends in ㄴ, a consonant
6. "they and us" : hint (geu-deullllllll and wu-ri)
그들과 -- 그들 ends in ㄹ, a consonant
8. "swimming and baseball" : hint (su-yeongggggg and ya-gu)
2. "Tim likes baseball and swimming" : hint "to like" is (jo-a-hap-ni-da)
팀( ) 야구( ) 수영을 좋아합니다.
팀(은 ) 야구(와 ) (I think you just forgot to do this one)
4. "I don't know about his name and office telephone number."
: hint "don't know" is (mo-reup-nida)
: hint "name" is (i-reum)
: hint "telephone number" is (jeon-hwa-beon-ho)
어는 그이름와사무실전화번호를 모릅니다
나는 그의 이름과 사무실 전화번호를 모릅니다. (that was a hard one so you did great for what you had)
5. "Korean and Japanese are fun" : hint "Korean" is (han-guk-eo)
: hint "Japanese" is (il-bon-eo)
: hint "are fun" is (jae-mi-it-da)
한국어와일본어를 재미잇다
한국어와 일본어가 재미있다 (space after 와, and subject or topic particle after 일본어 Korean and Japanese are not receiving any action so we do not use the object particle 을/를, 있다 not 잇다)
Keep up the great work!