Anyways, I searched the forum for "meet ups" in order to meet face to face with some of the koreanclass101 members so we can learn together as a group ... and specifically meet face to face (which is what I really need). Is there a forum post that I missed that includes this kind of information or detail?
I've searched Google and found several meet up groups that basically say "you teach me Korean and I'll teach you English". That's fantastic, but frankly I'm more interested in learning Korean with other noobs or experts than teaching English to someone else while gaining some Korean knowledge. A little selfish, yes...but anyways.
Is there something organized through KoreanClass101? If not, maybe I'll start a thread about this. I live in Chicago and I'm planning on visiting Korea before I turn 50 (which is a long time from now). Anywho...please let me know if this is a good idea or if I'm fishing in an empty pond.