I came across a very beautiful remake of an old song "유정천리". The song was the ending title for a one-episode drama called 누나의 3월, screened last year to commemorate the 50th year anniversary of the March protests in Masan. You can hear the song here.
I have some questions on the title & lyrics which I do not understand, as it seems to be written in "old" language:
가련다 떠나련다 어린 아들 손을 잡고
감자 심고 수수 심는 두메산골 내 고향에
못살아도 나는 좋아 외로워도 나는 좋아
눈물어린 보따리에 황혼 빛이 젖어드네
세상을 원망하랴 내 아내를 원망하랴
누이동생 혜숙이야 행복하게 살아다오
가도가도 끝이 없는 인생 길은 몇 구비냐
유정천리 꽃이 피네 무정천리 눈이 오네
1) What is 유정? According to Naver dictionary, it means "oil well"?
2) 1st line - "가련다 떠나련다" <-- What kind of grammar is used here?
3) 4th line - "눈물어린 보따리" <-- tears, child, package? Lost here.
4) 5th line - "~하랴 " <-- what does this ending mean?
5) 6th line - What is "혜숙"
6) 7th line - What is "구비"?
It is a beautiful song, do give it a listen!