Hi guys, I am new to this language. Have started learning Korean from this site since a month ago. I have to say this website has helped me a lot.
Due to much exposure to Korean shows and frequent practice on writing blogs, I have discovered several grammar points myself. However, I couldn't understand some of them. So, i would like to ask for you kind help.
First of all, -면 means "if" if I'm not mistaken. However, I don't understand the construction of -다면. What are the differences?
Next is the ending -구나. I have seen people said 끝났어 and it means it ended. What is 끝났구나?
Thirdly, the sentence ending -네/네요. What is the nuance behind the ending? 예쁜네요 and 예뻐요. How do they differ?
How do you use the ending 겠습니다? What is the plain form of this ending? How is it differ from the normal ending 입/습니다?
And also, the subject marking particles. I always confused between 은/는 and 이/가. Please please elaborate more on this. I'm having this problem since the starting of my Korean learning.
I have heard people said 말해봐 and 잘해봐. What is this ending?
Lastly, the ending -나요. I know there is a lesson on this but after I have already listened to it I still don't really understand it.
If possible, after the explanations, please write some sample sentences. I think it would be better.
Thanks in advance.
Adam Keith