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Kimchi Fun

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Kimchi Fun

Postby trutherous » June 9th, 2010 7:07 pm

I have loved Kimchi since 1983 -- in a sense Kimchi is really why I began my study of Korean. I was making my own Kimchi by 1984 and through many a trial and error I finally arrived at a point where I make some pretty mean varieties. I didn't get married until late 1987, and my Korean wife was, well let's just say, best at making western style food (I better not say anything more or I'll be in trouble).

Me making Kimchi - photo collage:

here is a tip - for medium size batches do the final mixing in a plastic kitchen bag its easy, clean, and neat that way

I'll give one of my recipes a bit later...

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Postby Gudrun » June 10th, 2010 12:29 am

I've long wanted to make kimchi, but my Korean friends (who buy theirs) have always told me I need to learn from a halmoni from the countryside! Could you please post some recipes? (I love the stuff and I think it improves my digestion.)

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How to make Kimchi...!? good luck!

Postby timandyou » June 10th, 2010 2:37 am

8) 8)

Hello Gudrun,

I know you can do it but I have to warn you cooking Kimchi is not an easy task.
But you always can do it if you really really really want!

I think you can find it by searching for Googling.

1. Search for Korean kimchi and google it.
2. There must be some sites that translate recipes.
3. Many things to prepare for to make Kimchi.

Good luck.

I also cook Korean food by myself, but I haven't tried Kimchi since it is very hard. Why don't you try something easier first? Once you become so good at making Korean food, you will know how hard it is to make Kimchi.

But, as I said earlier, if you 200% want, then go for it.

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Postby trutherous » June 10th, 2010 8:01 am

Hi Gudrun and Tim,

Here is one of my recipes for 배추(cabbage) 김치 (kimchi), this is a 'base' recipe and you can adjust it for your taste. Don't be afraid to try new things.

I usually make 2 standard size kimchi "jars" at a time, and this recipe reflects that.

Ok, we are going to start with 5 medium to large "Napa" also called "Chinese" cabbages and two cups of natural sea salt, do not use table salt.

1. Discard any outer leaves that are obviously damaged. Don't get carried away, a little nick or bruise is not a problem.

2. Quarter the cabbages -slice the cabbages in 1/4ths from top to bottom, next knock off some of the excess inner yellow leaf tips, you don't need that many of the fine thin parts in your kimchi.

3. Rinse the cabbage quarters and set them in rack or large colander to drain off excess water for a few minutes.

4. Apply a thin coat of sea salt to the cut surfaces of the cabbage quarters, if you can imagine how much of the coarse sea salt would stick to the cut surfaces if the surface were pressed against the salt, that is about the right amount.

5. Set the salted cabbage slices in a colander or rack where then can drain easily and allow them to "weep" for about 4 to 6 hours as much as 2-3 quarts of water can weep out of the cabbage.

6. Rinse the cabbage in fresh cold water and allow it to drain while you make the sauce.

The sauce:

Note, I use the "handful" method of measuring but here is a close approximation for this recipe):

* Salted baby shrimp (you can just use shrimp) 1/4 cup
* Fish = Pollock or Oyster or Crab 1/2 cup
* Korean red pepper 2 cup
* Natural sea salt 1/2 cup
* Green Onion 3 bunches
* Garlic 1/2 cup
* Ginger 1/4 cup
* Large white Korean radish (무) 1
* Carrot 3 large
* Seaweed (미역) 2 tablespoons - finely ground (blender or coffee grinder)
* Honey 1 tablespoon -or- a ground pear

A word about the red pepper - a dark earthy red is generally a milder spice and more robust flavor than the more orange colored ones -- look for BIG flakes -- make sure it's "Korean" if it says "Product of China" on the bag do yourself a favor and put it back on the shelf. I recommend a blend of at least two red peppers, one for heat and one for flavor. I like my kimchi hot!

7. Grind the salted baby shrimp and "fish" in blender with 1/2 cup water and pour through fine strainer, and press; we will only be using the liquid. Coarsely dice garlic and ginger (do not blend), coarsely grate the radish and carrots, slice the green onion into bite size lengths.

8. Mix sauce ingredients in a large bowl.

9. Now put all the ingredients together in a new large plastic kitchen/cooking bag (a new kitchen trash bag works too but they are probably not designed for having food in them) tie the top of the bag and work the bag around until the sauce is evenly distributed. The Old Method is to apply the sauce to the cabbage in large tub. Be sure to work the sauce between the leaves.

Now the hard part, getting the salt right:

10. Taste a thick part of several cabbage leaves and adjust the salt. If it tastes a little too salty you are probably ok, after it ripens it should be all right, if it tastes way too salty you probably let the cabbage weep too long or put too much salt on it to start - anyway let it ferment and if it is still too salty use it in soup or kimchi pancakes 부침개. If it tastes a little insipid you need to add only slightly more salt at a time and wait... and taste again. Be careful because coarse sea salt does not 'melt' immediately so it may not taste salty right away. A rule of thumb is that a freshly mixed batch should taste just slightly more salty than you want the finished batch.

Once the the ingredients are all well mixed place your kimchi in the desired containers. Pack it down tight but leave some space at the top, be sure to leave jar with lid slightly loose for initial fermentation or the jar can burst -- at very least the lid will pop. Of course you can also use the square plastic kimchi tubs. I just started using them and find them much more convenient than the old glass jars. I usually put one jar in the refrigerator right away, and leave the other one out on kitchen counter 1-3 days to start ripening a little faster. However you don't want the kimchi to ripen too quickly or it changes the flavor. Also remember it will ripen much faster in warmer weather. They tell me a kimchi refrigerator is best but I've never used one.

Misc notes:

Real kimchi is a fermented food and is VERY high in "good" bacteria (great for digestion) when ripe, I have personally seen this under high powered microscope and it is amazing, the numbers are staggering.

Good luck with your kimchi making and

Bon appetit!
Last edited by trutherous on June 13th, 2010 6:35 am, edited 3 times in total.

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오~~ 영훈씨~~!!^^

Postby timandyou » June 11th, 2010 12:29 am

영훈씨, 영훈씨...

정말 훌륭합니다.
Gudrun씨, 영훈씨의 방법을 한번 시도해 보세요.
정말 고맙게도 자세하게 적어 주셨네요...
영훈씨, 정말 고맙습니다.
저도 시간이 나면 한번 영훈씨가 적어준대로 시도를 해보도록 하겠습니다.
하지만 전 아직도 배추김치는... 아직...
아주 훌륭합니다, 영훈씨.
Gudrun씨, 영훈씨와 친하게 지내세요.
더 많은 요리 방법을 배울 수 있을것 같네요.
그럼, 영훈씨, Gudrun씨 두분 다 기분좋은 하루~~~^^ 8) 8)

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Postby sehwayoon » June 13th, 2010 8:06 pm

이렇게 하나 하나 레서피를 적어주셨어요
저도 뉴욕에서 김치 만들기를 한번 도전해볼까요?
항상 어렵게만 느껴졌는데 나영훈님 레서피를 보니까 저도 만들수 있을것 같아요
사진도 잘 봤습니다.
김치 정말 맛있어 보여요
먹고 싶네요 :D

김치 최고!

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Postby julialim » October 27th, 2010 8:31 am

조지 님 정말 대단하세요!! 하하

조지 님의 김치 한번 꼭 먹어봐야 하는데
폭풍이 한번 오고 난 이후, 배추값이 폭등해서 지금 한국에서는 김치가 아주 귀하답니다.

아이고~ 김치만 생각해도 군침이 도는군요. 역시 저도 어쩔 수 없는 한국인인가 봐요. 하하

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