So I made the foolish decision of trying to read the Korean translation of Haruki Murakami's "1Q84", since there won't be an English translation for about another two years. I thought I'd start a thread here to ask about things I think I still need extra clarification or help with. Thankfully, there aren't too many of these, even though I can only read about 1-2 pages per evening due to the necessity of looking up so many words in the dictionary.
1. "적어도 내가 미처 다 읽어낼 수 없는 뭔가가 들어 있지 않으면 안 돼"
If there's not at least something that I can't thoroughly understand at first (?), it's no good.
Is this interpretation roughly accurate? I'm not entirely sure of the exact meaning of 미처, or of how the meaning of 읽다 is modified by being combined with 내다. My original guess would have been that 읽어내다 meant something like "read completely, from beginning to end", but from context it seems to be closer to "grasp", "understand", or "comprehend". If that interpretation is close, then it seems like an appropriate thread title.
2. "... 어디로도 발전할 가능성이 없는 만큼 속편하고 내용은 충실했다"
Is "속편하다" a variation on "편하다"?
3. "월급은 연공서열로 정해지고, 사생활은 상사에 의해 관리되고, 능력이나 인기 따위는 아무 의미 도 없다"
Pay is determined by seniority, personal leave (?) is managed in accordance with one's supervisor (?); things like talent and popularity mean nothing.
I normally understand "사생활" to mean one's private/personal life, but that interpretation doesn't seem to make sense here. Does it mean something like hours, personal leave, or vacation days in this context?
4. "뭐라셨죠?"
Is this a contraction for "뭘라고 하셨죠"?
5. "알 게 뭐야?"
Is this roughly analogous to saying "whatever" or "who cares" in English?
6. Temporary shifts in style during conversation.
Chapter 2 consists largely of a conversation between one of the main characters (Tengo) and his editor (Komatsu), to whom he uses the 해요 and 합니다 styles. However, there are some lines where he temporarily switches to the 한다 style:
"물에 풍덩 내던져도 기어나올 가망이 없다?"
"그래." 고마쓰는 말했다.
"그래서 최종심에는 올리지 않는다?"
"바로 거기야." 고마쓰는 말했다. ...
"그러니까 고마쓰 씨가기 말하는 '조금 특별한 아이디어'가 거기서 등장하는군요?"
I assume that the shift during this particular exchange implies something about it that I don't understand? Also, I assume the fact that it happens is an indication that their relationship is fairly close?