Hello! I'm having problems with the pronunciation of these double consonant: ㄳ,ㄵ,ㄶ,ㄺ,ㄻ,ㄼ,ㄽ,ㄾ,ㄿ,ㅀ,ㅄ. The pronunciation depends if they're followed by a vowel, a consonant or nothing, is it right? What happens when a double consonant is followeb by a nasal consonant?
For example in this word: 없는
Where ㅂ + ㄴ = ㅁ and ㅅ + ㄴ = ㄴ
ㅄ followed by a consonant is pronunced ㅂ.
So the word is pronunced 엄는, is it correct?
But when there is a word like: 낡는
I know that when ㄺ is followed by a consonant
you have to pronunce both consonant, right?
ㄱ + ㄴ = ㅇ so how do I pronunce this word?
Thank you for your kind attention!
If you could also give me other examples I'll be really happy ^^