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What's the difference between "..." and "..." ?

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What's the difference between "..." and "..." ?

Postby ederer20071005 » February 17th, 2013 9:30 pm

Hello everyone!
To begin with, it's my first post there and I really want to thank koreanclass101 team for providing all these awesome helpful lessons. Keep up the good work! By the way, I apologize in advance for my poor English, it's far from being perfect , but I really hope everyone will understand me :D

So, let's begin!~

There are many words with similar meaning in Korean and I have really hard time trying to distinguish the difference between them. I face with this problem almost everyday and it's really getting on my nerves! That's why I really need your help to deal with it :roll: Thanks in advance!

Here are my first 3 questions :
1) Difference between 다, 모두, 전부, 전체 ?
2) Difference between 어리다 and 젊다 ?
3) Difference between 이 and 이번. Both mean "this"? Does it mean these words are interchangeable?
Look forward to your reply,

kc101com Team Member
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Re: What's the difference between "..." and "..." ?

Postby kc101com » February 18th, 2013 7:20 pm

ederer20071005 wrote:Hello everyone!
To begin with, it's my first post there and I really want to thank koreanclass101 team for providing all these awesome helpful lessons. Keep up the good work! By the way, I apologize in advance for my poor English, it's far from being perfect , but I really hope everyone will understand me :D

So, let's begin!~

There are many words with similar meaning in Korean and I have really hard time trying to distinguish the difference between them. I face with this problem almost everyday and it's really getting on my nerves! That's why I really need your help to deal with it :roll: Thanks in advance!

Here are my first 3 questions :
1) Difference between 다, 모두, 전부, 전체 ?
2) Difference between 어리다 and 젊다 ?
3) Difference between 이 and 이번. Both mean "this"? Does it mean these words are interchangeable?
Look forward to your reply,

Welcome elderer20071005!:D

Thank you for your comment and we could feel you are really studying hard!:)

This is Madison from and would love to answer the questions you have given us!

1) Difference between 다, 모두, 전부, 전체 ?

: This is a good question as it has slight different contexts instead of distinctive meanings!

다 - this is more like colloquial version of meaning 'all'
모두 - usually comes to the people. So when you mean let's all do something then you could use this word in it!
전부 - literally same as 'everything'.
전체 - would be quite similar to 'whole'

As you see, it has a little bit of different nuance and these words has good comparative English as mentioned :)

2) Difference between 어리다 and 젊다 ?

어리다/젊다 as you know both mean 'young' however it could be interpreted in different ways when it comes to context.
For example, when you say '저 사람은 생각이 어리다.' then it directly means 'his/her thought's young' which means
'he/she is immature.' 젊다 in this case cannot be replaced. Also 어리다 is well-used with children/kids while 젊다 has neutral meaning of being young.

3) Difference between 이 and 이번. Both mean "this"? Does it mean these words are interchangeable?

이 basically means 'this'. If you add 번 to it which is 이번, it means 'this time'.
So you could interchange in a way as you could shorten in English as well from 'this cup' to 'this' or something to shorten up in spoken English.

Hope this gives you a bit of insight and please do not hesitate to ask us if you were to have more questions!:D

Thank you


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Re: What's the difference between "..." and "..." ?

Postby Markuezi » February 19th, 2013 11:58 am

Woah, thanks a bunch, Madison, for such a detailed reply!
Now everything is absolutely clear! 8)
And by the way, it's still ederer20071005, don't get confused with my new profile name. I've just changed it after contacting with support :D

kc101com Team Member
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Re: What's the difference between "..." and "..." ?

Postby kc101com » February 21st, 2013 6:46 pm

No problem at all Markuezi,

Glad to hear that you feel understood!:D

Please ask us anytime if you have questions on Korean itself or Korean culture, whatever it goes in your mind!;)

Nice nickname!:)

Thank you


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Re: What's the difference between "..." and "..." ?

Postby Markuezi » March 6th, 2013 9:18 am

Hi there :) One more question!
Are (으)며 and 고 interchangeable when being used to connect verbs or they have slightly (or not so slightly) different meanings?

upd. Ah, and how about 하루종일 and 온종일? Looks like both of them mean "all day"

Sorry for all these silly questions, but I really enjoy to learn new vocabulary and to know, which word suits for certain situation better :D

kc101com Team Member
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Re: What's the difference between "..." and "..." ?

Postby kc101com » March 8th, 2013 7:49 pm

Hello Mark!:)

Thank you for your question and yes it is quite confusing one especially when it comes to colloquial Korean!

So about this question:
Are (으)며 and 고 interchangeable when being used to connect verbs or they have slightly (or not so slightly) different meanings?

Both are used to connect the sentence but it has little different meaning - -으며 has more of 'and then' and it's also more formal while -고 would simply mean 'and' so it could be used for explaining something in order!

And about this question:
upd. Ah, and how about 하루종일 and 온종일? Looks like both of them mean "all day"

This one basically mean the same - 하루 means a day, 온 means all and as 온 comes with 종일 it almost can be translated as 'all day' with it.

Hope this helps a bit for your understanding and please ask us anytime you have more questions!:D

Thank you


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