What People Say

All of the incredible feedback from our great listeners is what gives us the energy and motivation to keep doing what we do every day. Here is a selection of some of the emails, reviews, comments, or mentions that we have received. We want to hear from you! Share your story!
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Becca Bowers
Becca Bowers
I LOOOOVE KoreanClass 101 because I am already learning so much. I’m just a newbie but this class has already filled my brain with the essentials. I find myself sitting in my car having conversations with myself. Once I arrive home I’ll walk into my front door and yell, “Annyong!” My favorite part about taking the class is listening to the podcasts and hearing the instructors banter back and forth. They keep me entertained and make learning fun. I’ll be sticking with KoreanClass101 for awhile. I plan on visiting Seoul, South Korea for the first time in 2013, and I feel that I will be prepared, all thanks to KoreanClass101.
Vania Tjahjadi
Vania Tjahjadi
I’m a total newbie, I have never studied Korean before and is interested because there’s so many Koreans in my neighborhood. Getting to know KoreanClass101.com is amazing, I can start saying a few Korean phrases right away - within the first lessons and develop my pronunciation. KoreanClass101.com is the fastest way if you want to learn Korean and you never get bored because of the radio show style lessons.
Ryan Ellis
Ryan Ellis
Ever since the first time that my friends showed me KPOP, I seriously got into the Korean culture. I started with this program to get me started and I loved it. Now I’m using more advanced learning tools to get me going. This past November I went to a KPOP concert in Las Vegas, and knowing the basics helped me out a lot. I also used what I remembered from the daily words of the day to help me. Now I’m almost fluent in the language, and can make small conversation, so thank you KoreanClass101 for giving me the push to learn a new language.
Skyler Rounsaville
Skyler Rounsaville
I am learning Korean and it is the best website i have ever been on! I have tried other websites and even though i have only been on this one for about a week or 2 it has already helped me more than the others. The word of the week email helps so much and the videos, audio, and written lessons are so helpful and well done!! Thank you so much!
Michelle McCarthy
Michelle McCarthy
I stumbled upon KoreanClass101 not knowing one word of Korean. Now, two months later, I can read/speak/hear casual conversations in Korean! The Premium Plus program has been absolutely superb, not only are there the benefits of the Premium membership (flashcards, PDF’s, review dialogues), but the added help and support of a native Korean instructor is irreplaceable. Having an instructor and weekly lessons has kept me both motivated and on-track to learning Korean fast. The lessons are tailored to what I want to learn and what I need extra help with, and the instructor reinforces lesson concepts through homework and engaging me in live 1-on-1 Korean conversation – which has been by far the best benefit of all. The Premium Plus program has been unbelievably helpful and enjoyable; I would definitely recommend it anyone who wants to learn Korean fast!
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