Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

잘 자요. (Jal jayo.)
만나서 반가워요. (Mannaseo bangawoyo.)
잘 가요. (Jal gayo.)
What do these words mean? Stick around.
In this quick lesson, you’ll learn basic Korean greetings that all beginners must know.
Before we start, do you know how people in Korea usually greet each other?
Do you know why we do this?
Keep watching for the answer at the end.
안녕하세요. (Annyeonghaseyo.)
[SLOW] 안녕하세요. (Annyeonghaseyo.)
안녕하세요. (Annyeonghaseyo.)
If you like K-pop or Korean dramas, you've heard this expression before, right?
안녕하세요. (Annyeonghaseyo.)
Then, do you know this expression too?
안녕 (annyeong) or 안녕하십니까 (annyeonghasimnikka)?
안녕 (annyeong) is a casual way to say hello, like hi in English.
안녕하십니까 (annyeonghasimnikka) is a formal way to say hello.
안녕하십니까 (annyeonghasimnikka)
Jack greets Steve at a networking event.
Jack: 안녕하세요. 어떻게 지내세요? (Annyeonghaseyo. Eotteoke jinaeseyo?)
Steve: 잘 지냈어요. 잭 씨는요? (Jal jinaesseoyo. Jaek ssineunyo?)
좋은 아침이에요. (Joeun achimieyo. )
"Good morning."
[SLOW] 좋은 아침이에요. (Joeun achimieyo. )
좋은 아침이에요. (Joeun achimieyo. )
좋은 (joeun) means good, 아침 (achim) means morning.
So altogether it means it's a good morning.
좋은 아침이에요. (Joeun achimieyo.)
And you know what?
This expression is not as common as 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo),
which means hello, but it's still good to know.
좋은 아침이에요. (Joeun achimieyo.)
And the casual way to say it is 좋은 아침 (joeun achim).
Seul-gi greets her friends at a train station before heading out on a hiking trip.
Seul-gi: 좋은 아침이에요, 여러분. (Joeun achimieyo, yeoreobun. )
Tom: 좋은 아침이에요! 반가워요. (Joeun achimieyo! Bangawoyo.)
잘 자요. (Jal jayo.)
[SLOW] 잘 자요. (Jal jayo.)
잘 자요. (Jal jayo.)
잘 (jal), well, 자요 (jayo), sleep.
Altogether it means sleep well.
잘 자요 (jal jayo).
And casually you can also say 잘 자 (jal ja).
Formally, you can also say 안녕히 주무세요 (annyeonghi jumuseyo).
And do you want to say this phrase to your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife?
Then you can also say this:
내 꿈 꿔 (nae kkum kkwo).
It means "dream about me."
How sweet is that?
Steve ends a late-night phone call with Tom.
Steve: 잘 자요, 톰 씨. 오늘 시간 내 줘서 고마워요. (Jal jayo, Tom ssi. Oneul sigan nae jwoseo gomawoyo. )
Tom: 잘 자요, 스티브 씨. (Jal jayo, Seutibeu ssi.)
만나서 반가워요. (Mannaseo bangawoyo.)
"Nice to meet you."
[SLOW] 만나서 반가워요. (Mannaseo bangawoyo.)
만나서 반가워요. (Mannaseo bangawoyo.)
만나서 (mannaseo) to meet, 반가워요 (bangawoyo), nice.
So "nice to meet you" in Korean is 만나서 반가워요 (mannaseo bangawoyo).
Is it too long?
Then you can just say 반가워요 (bangawoyo).
반가워요 (bangawoyo).
And please remember, we use this phrase when we meet someone for the first time or meet them after a long time.
And casually, you can say 반가워 (bangawo).
Formally, you can say 반갑습니다 (bangapseumnida).
Seon-yeong greets a new student as they join the class for the first time.
Seon-yeong: 만나서 반가워요. 들어오세요. (Mannaseo bangawoyo. Deureooseyo. )
Gabriel: 저도 만나서 반가워요. 감사해요. (Jeodo mannaseo bangawoyo. Gamsahaeyo. )
어떻게 지내세요? (Eotteoke jinaeseyo?)
"How are you?"
[SLOW] 어떻게 지내세요? (Eotteoke jinaeseyo?)
어떻게 지내세요? (Eotteoke jinaeseyo?)
어떻게 (eotteoke) means how, 지내세요 (jinaeseyo) means to spend time.
Altogether, 어떻게 지내세요 (eotteoke jinaeseyo) means "how have you been?" or "how are you?"
Did you know that there are many ways to say "how are you" in Korean?
잘 지내요? (jal jinaeyo?)
어떻게 지냈어요? (eotteoke jinaesseoyo?)
So make sure to remember them all.
Steve greets Tom at a party.
Steve: 여기서 보니 반갑네요! 어떻게 지내세요, 톰 씨? (Yeogiseo boni bangamneyo! Eotteoke jinaeseyo, Tom ssi?)
Tom: 잘 지내고 있어요! 스티브 씨는 어떻게 지내세요? (Jal jinaego isseoyo! Seutibeu ssineun eotteoke jinaeseyo?)
잘 가요. (Jal gayo.)
[SLOW] 잘 가요. (Jal gayo.)
잘 가요. (Jal gayo.)
잘 (jal) means well, 가요 (gayo) means go.
So altogether it means 잘 가요 (jal gayo), "go well."
So when can you use this expression?
Imagine I invited Chim Chim to my place and we had a great party, and he is leaving my place.
So I'm saying, "go well, go well, goodbye."
잘 가요, 잘 가요 (jal gayo, jal gayo).
So what can Chim Chim say to me in this case?
Does he say 잘 가요 (jal gayo) too?
He says 잘 있어요 (jal isseoyo), 잘 있어요 (jal isseoyo), 잘 있어요 (jal isseoyo).
Because it means 잘 (jal), well, 있어요 (isseoyo), stay.
So "stay well," 잘 있어요 (jal isseoyo).
I'm not going anywhere else, so he cannot say 잘 가요 (jal gayo).
So I say 잘 가요 (jal gayo), "go well," 잘 있어요 (jal isseoyo), "stay well."
Jack says goodbye after meeting with Steve.
Jack: 잘 가요. 곧 또 만나요! (Jal gayo. Got tto mannayo!)
Steve: 그래요. 잘 지내요! (Geuraeyo. Jal jinaeyo!)
Let's review.
You'll see the words in English and your job is to say the words in Korean.
Do you remember how to say "Hello."?
안녕하세요. (Annyeonghaseyo.)
안녕하세요. (Annyeonghaseyo.)
And how to say "Good morning."?
좋은 아침이에요. (Joeun achimieyo. )
좋은 아침이에요. (Joeun achimieyo. )
What about "Goodnight."?
잘 자요. (Jal jayo.)
잘 자요. (Jal jayo.)
Do you remember how to say "Nice to meet you."?
만나서 반가워요. (Mannaseo bangawoyo.)
만나서 반가워요. (Mannaseo bangawoyo.)
Let's try "How are you?"!
어떻게 지내세요? (Eotteoke jinaeseyo?)
어떻게 지내세요? (Eotteoke jinaeseyo?)
And finally, do you remember how to say "Goodbye."?
잘 가요. (Jal gayo.)
잘 가요. (Jal gayo.)
Do you know how people in Korea usually greet each other?
The most common greeting in Korea is a bow, which can vary from a small nod of the head to a deep bend at the waist, depending on the situation.
Handshakes are becoming more common, especially in business settings, but traditional Korean greetings don't involve any physical contact.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to practice these new words and phrases, and see you next time!

