Vocabulary (Review)

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미국인 (Migugin)
중국인 (Junggugin)
러시아인 (Reosiain)
What do these words mean? Stick around.
In this quick lesson, you’ll learn Korean vocabulary for nationalities.
Before we start, did you know there's a meaning hidden in the South Korean flag? Do you know what it is?
Keep watching for the answer at the end.
한국인 (Hangugin)
[SLOW] 한국인 (Hangugin)
한국인 (Hangugin)
his is such an important word because as a Korean learner, you will visit Korea someday, right? And you will see lots of 한국인 (Hangugin) means Korean people or Korean person.
한국인 (Hangugin).
How does these words are made up with?
So 한국 means South Korea and 인 means person or people.
So all together, 한국인 (Hangugin) means Korean people or Korean person.
And you know what?
There is another way to make Korean, the word, which is 한국 사람 (Hanguk saram).
한국 사람 (Hanguk saram).
한국 (Hanguk), you know the word, right? South Korea.
And 사람 (saram) means another way to say person or people. So 한국 사람 (Hanguk saram) means exactly the same thing.
So Korean. 한국인 (Hangugin) or 한국 사람 (Hanguk saram).
Lina asks Susan about her friend.
Lina: 친구가 외국에서 놀러 왔어요? (Chinguga oegugeseo nolleo wasseoyo?)
Susan: 네, 제 친구는 한국인이에요. (Ne, je chinguneun Hanguginieyo.)
미국인 (Migugin)
[SLOW] 미국인 (Migugin)
미국인 (Migugin)
미국인 (Migugin) has 미국 (Miguk), the United States, 인 people.
So American in Korean is 미국인 (Migugin).
And did you know that 미국 (Miguk) actually means a beautiful country?
So beautiful country, people, 미국인 (Migugin).
Or there's another way to say American, which is 미국 사람 (miguk saram).
미국 사람 (miguk saram).
Jack and Susan chat about a group of tourists.
Jack: 저 사람들은 어느 나라 사람이에요? (Jeo saramdeureun eoneu nara saramieyo?)
Susan: 미국인이에요. (Miguginieyo.)
중국인 (Junggugin)
[SLOW] 중국인 (Junggugin)
중국인 (Junggugin)
By the way, what nationalities are most common in South Korea?
Except for Korean people, of course!
That's Chinese.
So yes, there are many 중국인 (Junggugin) in Korea.
And now you know how to say Chinese in another way, which is 중국 사람 (jungguk saram).
중국인 (Junggugin) or 중국 사람(jungguk saram). Both are fine. Xie xie!
Oscar asks Tom about a mutual friend.
Oscar: 그 친구는 어느 나라 사람이에요? (Geu chinguneun eoneu nara saramieyo?)
Tom: 중국인이에요. (Jungguginieyo.)
러시아인 (Reosiain)
[SLOW] 러시아인 (Reosiain)
러시아인 (Reosiain)
It's an easy word, right? 러시아인 (Reosiain).
You can obviously hear Russia in the word.
So we use Russia, the English word, directly.
러시아인 (Reosiain). Russian or 러시아 사람 (reosia saram). Russian. Spasiba!
Susan asks Tom about his friend.
Susan: 톰 씨 친구는 어느 나라 사람이에요? (Tom ssi chinguneun eoneu nara saramieyo?)
Tom: 러시아인일 거예요! (Reosiainil geoyeyo!)
인도인 (Indoin)
[SLOW] 인도인 (Indoin)
인도인 (Indoin)
Easy way to remember this word.
인도인 (Indoin).
Well, when you read it backwards, it's 인도인 (Indoin). So 인도인 (Indoin) easy to memorize.
인도 (Indo) is India. It's not India in Korean.
It sounds very similar from English but different. India is 인도 (Indo).
So 인도인 (Indoin), 인도사람 (Indo saram). These are the ways to say Indian in Korean.
Steve and Jack chat about a new restaurant.
Steve: 저 새로운 식당 가 봤어요? (Jeo saeroun sikdang ga bwasseoyo?)
Jack: 네, 음식이 정말 맛있어요. 요리사가 인도인이에요. (Ne, eumsigi jeongmal masisseoyo. Yorisaga Indoinieyo.)
태국인 (Taegugin)
[SLOW] 태국인 (Taegugin)
태국인 (Taegugin)
Sawadee ka!
Let me teach you an easy way to memorize this word.
태 (Tae) Thai. Thailand. 태 (Tae)
And 국 (guk) Now you know it. "Country."
국 (guk)
인 Person. I인 People.
태국인 (Taegugin). Thai people.
And there's another way to say Thai people which is 태국사람 (Taeguk saram).
태국사람 (Taeguk saram). 태국인 (Taegugin).
Both are great.
Tom asks Oscar about his friend.
Tom: 오스카 씨 친구는 어느 나라 사람이에요? (Oseuka ssi chinguneun eoneu nara saramieyo?)
Oscar: 태국인이에요. (Taeguginieyo.)
일본인 (Ilbonin)
[SLOW] 일본인 (Ilbonin)
일본인 (Ilbonin)
Quick quiz. What nationality travels to South Korea the most? The answer is 일본인 (Ilbonin) or 일본사람 (Ilbon saram).
Yes, it's Japanese.
So you will see lots of Japanese tourists in Korea.
Ha-jun asks Jil-li about a new colleague.
Ha-jun: 저 사람은 진리 씨의 새로운 동료예요? (Jeo sarameun Jilli ssiui saeroun dongnyoyeyo?)
Jil-li: 네, 일본인이에요. (Ne, Ilboninieyo.)
필리핀인 (Pillipinin)
[SLOW] 필리핀인 (Pillipinin)
필리핀인 (Pillipinin)
Puebo. That's the only word that I remember from my stay in the Philippines.
Yes, I learned English in the Philippines and many Korean people go to the 필리핀 (pillipin) to learn English or for vacation.
So it's 필리핀 (pillipin) Philippines.
It's not F sound because there is no F sound in Korean. So it's 필리핀 (pillipin).
So 필리핀인 (Pillipinin), 필리핀사람 (Pilipin saram)
Those means Filipino.
Steve needs a translation help.
Steve: 저는 필리핀어를 하는 사람을 찾고 있어요. (Jeoneun Pillipineoreul haneun sarameul chatgo isseoyo.)
Jack: 저 사람이 필리핀인이에요. (Jeo sarami Pillipininieyo.)
프랑스인 (Peurangseuin)
[SLOW] 프랑스인 (Peurangseuin)
프랑스인 (Peurangseuin)
Bonjour, je m'appelle Kyejin. Enchantée.
프랑스 (Peurangseu) in Korean, because there's no F sound.
F sound becomes P as in 프랑스 (Peurangseu).
So French is Peurangseuin or Peurangse saram.
Merci beaucoup!
Beaucoup, beaucoup!
Susan asks Tom about a performer at a cultural festival.
Susan: 저 예술가가 어느 나라 사람인지 알아요? (Jeo yesulgaga eoneu nara saraminji arayo?)
Tom: 프랑스인이에요. (Peurangseuinieyo. )
호주인 (Hojuin)
[SLOW] 호주인 (Hojuin)
호주인 (Hojuin)
Good day mate!
I heard this. What Australian people say, but anyway.
Australia. The country's name is not used in Korean. We say 호주. Remember this word.
It's easier than Australia, right?
And if you say Australia, Korean people will be confused because Austria is so similar.
So just say 호주 or 호주인. 호주사람 for Australian people.
Seo-Joon and Seul-gi talk about a new customer.
Seo-Joon: 그 새로운 손님을 알아요? (Geu saeroun sonnimeul arayo?)
Seul-gi: 그 손님은 막 여기로 이사 왔어요. 호주인이에요. (Geu sonnimeun mak yeogiro isa wasseoyo. Hojuinieyo.)
Let's review.
You'll see the words in English and your job is to say the words in Korean.
Do you remember how to say "Korean"?
한국인 (Hangugin)
한국인 (Hangugin)
And how to say "American"?
미국인 (Migugin)
미국인 (Migugin)
How about "Chinese"?
중국인 (Junggugin)
중국인 (Junggugin)
Do you remember how to say "Russian"?
러시아인 (Reosiain)
러시아인 (Reosiain)
And how to say "Indian"?
인도인 (Indoin)
인도인 (Indoin)
Let's try "Thai"!
태국인 (Taegugin)
태국인 (Taegugin)
What about "Japanese"?
일본인 (Ilbonin)
일본인 (Ilbonin)
Now, let's see if you remember how to say "Filipino"!
필리핀인 (Pillipinin)
필리핀인 (Pillipinin)
Another one! What about "French"?
프랑스인 (Peurangseuin)
프랑스인 (Peurangseuin)
And finally, do you remember how to say "Australian"?
호주인 (Hojuin)
호주인 (Hojuin)
Did you know there's a meaning hidden in the South Korean flag? Do you know what it is?
The South Korean flag, called the 'Taegeukgi,' features a circle with red and blue that stands for balance in the universe, similar to the yin-yang symbol.
The four corners have symbols representing the sky, the earth, water, and fire.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to practice these new words and phrases, and see you next time!

