
Lesson Transcript

Do you know how to talk about health problems in Korean?
Welcome to Three Step Korean Practice by KoreanClass101.com. In this lesson, you will practice how to talk about health problems.
Let’s look at the main dialogue.
Two people are having a conversation.
노아 씨, 괜찮아요?
(Noa ssi, gwaenchanayo?)
Noa, are you okay?
몸이 좀 안 좋아요. 머리가 아프고 배도 아파요.
(Momi jom an joayo. Meoriga apeugo baedo apayo.)
I’m not feeling well. My head hurts, and my stomach hurts too.
In this conversation, this character
Says that their head hurts
And that their stomach hurts too.
You can use this "[body part] 아프다 (apeuda)." pattern to describe different parts of your body in hurting. Let’s practice with more body part vocabulary in this lesson.
Here is a list of topicwords.
First is,
눈 (nun). 눈. 눈.
코 (ko). 코. 코.
배 (bae). 배. 배.
팔 (pal). 팔. 팔.
다리 (dari). 다리. 다리.
Do you know what 눈 means?
How about 코?
And 배?
And what about 팔?
And 다리?
Let's do some multiple choice.
Circle the correct answer.
What does 눈 (nun) mean?
“ear” is “귀 (gwi).”
Circle the correct answer.
What does 코 (ko) mean?
“mouth” is “입 (ip).”
One more. Circle the correct answer.
What does 다리 (dari) mean?
“foot” is “발 (bal).”
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Ready? What are they saying?
(pause with a tap of the finger)이 아프다.
___i apeuda.
(pause with a tap of the finger)이 아프다.
팔 (pal)
팔이 아프다. (pali apeuda.)
팔이 아프다.
My arm hurts.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Ready? What are they saying?
(pause with a tap of the finger)이 아프다.
___i apeuda.
(pause with a tap of the finger)이 아프다.
눈 (nun)
눈이 아프다. (pali apeuda.)
눈이 아프다.
My eye hurts.
Let's do some true or false questions now.
True or false —
코 (ko) means nose.
코 means nose.
One more.
True or false —
배 (bae) means back.
배 (bae) means stomach
배 (bae).
back is 등 (deung)
Let's do some listening practice.
Listen to me as I speak. Which word am I saying?
코가 아프다.
(koga apeuda.)
Did you hear the word? Let’s listen one more time.
코가 아프다.
코가 (koga)
코가 is nose, and the subject marking particle.
Listen to me as I speak. What am I saying?
다리가 아프다.
(dariga apeuda.)
Did you hear the word? Let’s listen one more time.
다리가 아프다.
다리가 (dariga)
다리가 is leg, and the subject marking particle.
Listen as I speak. What is the body part in the sentence?
팔이 아프다. (pali apeuda.)
Let’s listen one more time.
팔이 아프다.
Did you hear, 팔? 팔 means arm.
How about...?
코가 아프다. (koga apeuda.)
Let’s listen one more time.
코가 아프다.
Did you hear, 코 (ko)? 코 means nose.
다리가 아프다. (dariga apeuda.)
One more time.
다리가 아프다.
Did you hear, 다리 (dari)? 다리 means leg.
눈이 아프다. (nuni apeuda.)
One more time.
눈이 아프다.
Did you hear, 눈 (nun)? 눈 means eye.
배가 아프다. (baega apeuda.)
One more time.
배가 아프다.
Did you hear, 배 (bae)? 배 means stomach.
Now you know how to talk about health problems in Korean.
...and now you can move on to the next lesson in the pathway on KoreanClass101.com.
잘 가요 (jal gayo)!

