Vocabulary (Review)

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ㄷ irregular Korean verbs.
Irregular verbs are very important because it's irregular.
Even though I teach you lots of grammar or rules,
that doesn't apply to this one because irregular is irregular, exceptions. So it needs a different rule.
And today we are going to talk about these irregulars.
Actually, there are many irregulars. There are like seven.
But we will focus on this ㄷ irregular.
ㄷ irregular.
What are these ㄷ irregular Korean verbs?
Is it important? Do I have to know that?
Yes, I chose one of the most... not one.
I chose the most important verb today, so you have to know that.
So let me show you this first.
How can you use these irregular Korean verbs?
ㄷ irregular Korean verbs.
It should be very, very, very easy if you keep practicing.
So number one.
Is it a ㄷ irregular verb?
There are regular Korean verbs, too.
ㄷ regular Korean verbs.
So you have to know if it's a regular ㄷ irregular verb or it's just regular.
So what are ㄷ irregular Korean verbs?
These are the common ones.
There are some more, but those are not very common.
So remember these five verbs.
These are irregular.
These are always applied with irregular, exception.
So what are these verbs?
걷다 means "to walk."
You walk, right?
To realize.
And I just give you a piece of information.
침침 is a boy!
You realized, 침침 is a boy! A-ha! You realize.
듣다, meaning "to listen."
듣다, meaning "to listen," or "to hear."
묻다 means "to ask."
You ask a question, right?
You ask, teacher, I have a question.
침침, are you a boy or a girl? I want to ask.
So "ask" is 묻다.
How about this?
싣다, to load.
싣다, so it's "to load."
For example, you load your baggage to the car, or you have lots of suitcase, or you have lots of books, and you put them in the truck. So you load something.
싣다, 싣다.
So these are the common ones.
So you just need to remember the five irregular Korean verbs.
So if it's one of these verbs, that means you can use this exception, these rules.
Is it a good irregular verb?
Let's see, 걷다.
걷다, meaning "to walk."
And if you see this, oh, here's ㄷ.
That's why it's a ㄷ irregular verb.
Some verbs also have ㄷ in the verb stem, but they are not irregular, they are regular. So you have to know that is this irregular or not?
Irregular or not?
How can you know?
If the verb is one of these, then that's irregular.
If it's not one of these, then it's regular.
OK, and next thing you have to know is, is the following conjugation start with the vowel?
What does it mean?
So usually you conjugate this verb with some other grammar, right?
It was 걷다.
How can you conjugate the verb usually?
You remove 다 and then conjugate some grammar here, right?
You use this verb stem only.
You don't use 다.
You always remove 다 at the end, right?
So you have 걷.
Do you know this conjugation?
으세요 or 세요?
It means "please."
So if you conjugate it, it's "please walk."
But please remember, do you see this?
It's 으세요.
으, 으, 으.
The following conjugation start with the vowel, right?
Yes, it's 으 sound.
으, 으, 으 sound.
So this conjugation start with 으, vowel sound.
So you need to change this ㄷ to ㄹ.
So it was ㄷ, but you change it to ㄹ.
Please walk is 걸으세요.
I have this verb, let's use the same verb to practice.
걷다 meaning "to walk."
And I want to conjugate with 고 싶다.
고 싶다.
Or, let's use the spoken verb 고 싶어요, this is spoken form.
걷 + 고 싶어요, how can I conjugate this?
So remove 다.
And you are going to conjugate with this.
OK, so is it a ㄷ irregular verb?
Yes, it's 걷다.
It was one of these verbs, which is this one, 걷다, so yes, number one passed.
Number two, is the following conjugation start with a vowel?
고 싶어요.
고 싶어요.
어? It starts with 고, 고, 고, which is kind of like G sound.
고 싶어요.
Oh! This is not a vowel, this is consonant.
So we are not going to change ㄷ to ㄹ.
So it should be 걷고 싶어요.
겉고 싶어요.
Why? Because the following conjugation is this.
The following conjugation starts with ㄱ, this consonant sound.
Consonant sound.
This is the exception.
Exception can be confusing, of course, because it doesn't follow the regular rule.
As a Korean, I have to learn English.
And I have to learn the exception, too.
For example, I learned you can make past tense by putting -ed at the end.
So verb plus -ed makes the past tense.
For example, exercise is a present tense.
If you just put -d, then it becomes exercised.
Ah, I see. That's so easy.
And for example, I watch TV.
What's the past tense?
It's watched.
You put -ed.
OK, I got it.
Past tense in English is so easy.
So how about this?
Eat, yum, yum, yum, eat.
What is the past tense?
Is it eated?
No, it's ate.
You see something.
What is past tense?
It's seed?
No, it's saw.
Even in English, you have to memorize it.
And you get used to it, so you don't feel it's difficult.
Same for Korean. This is exception. So when you think with your brain, that's difficult.
But when you keep saying that, and your brain and your mouth, the muscle, your tongue remembers it, then without thinking, it will come out.
So the only thing you have to do right now is practice.
So naturally, when you use it, it comes out.
None of Korean people will think this grammar rule.
So when you make this grammar, we never think. It's just like this.
We said this pattern so much, so our muscle just remembered and naturally say it.
So that's same to you.
And unfortunately, language is something like that.
You need practice. You have to do it many, many, many, many times.
Let's practice the second verb, 깨닫다.
Now I have this verb, 깨닫다.
Now I want to conjugate with 으세요.
으세요 or 세요, you have to choose.
How can you choose?
If the verb stem end with consonant, then you use 으세요.
If the verb stem end with vowel, then you are going to use 세요 only.
What is the verb stem?
Korean verb and adjective always end with 다.
And remove 다 at the end, then that's the verb stem.
Does it make sense?
Like this, 걷다, 깨닫다, 듣다, 묻다, 싣다.
Wow, all verb end with 다, 다, 다, 다, 다.
Just remove 다, then you only have , 걷, 깨닫, 듣, 묻, 싣.
So without 다, the left part is verb stem or adjective stem.
That's the stem, stem of the word, stem, stem, stem.
So when you conjugate it, we usually use stem only, stem only.
Now 깨닫, 깨닫, do you see this 깨닫, 깨닫,깨닫?
It ended with consonant, so we are going to use 으세요.
Okay, so it's a regular verb, so yes, it's pass.
Number two, is the following conjugation start with a vowel?
으세요, yes, 으, 으, 으, 으, 으.
It start with a vowel, so number two, pass.
Number three, change ㄷ to ㄹ.
Change ㄷ to ㄹ.
How can you change it?
It ended with ㄷ here, right? ㄷ.
Remove, and then.
So this is how you do, 깨달으세요.
Remove 다, because we only need to use the stem.
Why? Because 세요 is used for the verb stem that ends with vowel.
But 깨달, 깨달, it ended with a consonant sound, so we will be using 으세요, not 세요.
It can be confusing, right? But irregular verb, there are just five for ㄷ irregular verb.
You know there are thousands of Korean verb, and for ㄷ irregular verb, there are only five.
What about 얻다, teacher?
Let's practice!
얻다, and let's conjugate with 으세요.
얻다, 얻다 meaning "to gain," "to obtain."
For example, in the game, you play the game, and you get some item from your friends.
You gain something, you obtain something, you get something.
Ok, so is it ㄷ irregular verb?
Let's look at these steps.
ㄷ irregular verb.
걷다, no; 깨닫다, no; 듣다, no; 묻다, no; 싣다, no.
Ah! So this is not a ㄷ irregular verb, because it's not one of these verbs. So no, no, we are not using this rule.
So if it's ㄷ irregular verb, you change ㄷ to ㄹ.
But this one is not, not, not, not irregular verb, so we will not change it.
We just use the verb stem as it is.
So how can you conjugate it?
Remove 다.
And just say 으세요.
얻으세요, "please obtain."
Why do I use 으세요, not 세요?
Because it ended with 얻, ended with 받침, this ended with consonant.
Consonant, right? Consonant.
So we are using 으세요.
If it ended with vowel sound, then I was about to use 세요.
But it ended with consonant sound, then I'm using 으세요.
ㄷ irregular verb, there are just five, five.
There is actually some more, but those verbs are not common, not common.
So you only need to remember these five.
If it's 걷다, then it's ㄷ irregular verb.
깨닫다, ㄷ irregular verb.
듣다, ㄷ irregular verb.
묻다, ㄷ irregular verb.
ㄷ다, ㄷ irregular verb.
If it's not this one of these, then it's regular verb.
Want to practice a bit more?
믿다, meaning "to trust," "to believe."
믿다, and now I want to conjugate with 으세요.
으세요 or 세요, but it ended with consonant, so I'll use 으세요.
So how can I conjugate it?
Remove 다, and that's it.
믿으세요, 믿으세요.
That's it.
Oh teacher, you said you have to change this.
ㄷ sound to ㄹ.
Why didn't you change?
Because it's not ㄷ irregular verb, this is just regular verb.
So you just follow the regular sentence pattern.
Regular rule, regular grammar rule.
But here, regular one.
Here, this one is regular, but if it's one of these,
then I was about to use this irregular rule.
How about 받다?
What does that mean?
받다 means "to receive," "to get."
Do you want to conjugate it with 으세요?
Is it a ㄷ irregular verb? No, it's not one of these.
Only 걷다, 깨닫다, 듣다, 묻다, 싣다 are irregular Korean verbs.
So if it's other verb that end with ㄷ, you don't follow this one.
So it will be 받으세요.
Let's practice irregular more.
How about this?
듣다, 듣다.
듣다 meaning "to listen" or "to hear."
Okay, how can I conjugate it?
Number one.
Is it a ㄷ irregular verb?
Yes, it is because 듣다 is here, so I have to use this rule.
Number two.
Is the following conjugation start with a vowel?
Yes, it starts with a vowel sound.
으, 으세요.
으, 으, 으세요.
What should you do?
You just use the verb stem.
Since number two passed, now we are going to number three.
If yes, change, ㄷ to ㄹ.
So "please listen," "please hear," is 들으세요.
How about this, 묻다?
And then I want to conjugate with 고 싶어요.
What does 고 싶어요 mean?
It means "want to."
And what does 묻다 mean is "ask."
So it literally means "I want to ask."
침침, I want to ask.
So how can you conjugate this?
You need to use the verb stem always.
Number one.
Is it a ㄷ irregular verb?
ㄷ irregular verb?
Yes, 묻다 is here.
So yes, it's irregular verb.
Irregular verb.
Number two.
Is the following conjugation start with a vowel?
고 싶어요, 고 싶어요, it's not starting with a vowel.
고 싶어요. 고, 고, 고, 고, it starts with constant.
This 고 싶어요 is kind of start with G sound.
고 싶어요. So since it's no, we are not changing to ㄹ.
So, you use this verb stem directly.
묻 고 싶어요.
I want to ask.
Let's practice this, 싣다.
싣다, 싣다.
This time, do you want to try a different conjugation?
We learned 으면, remember? 으면
We already covered this grammar, so if you want to learn more about it, please check out the previous lesson.
And 으면 means "if" or "when."
If or "when."
You use 으면 when the verb stem ends with a consonant.
If the verb stem ends with a vowel, then you use 면 only.
That's why I use this bracket because it's optional.
It's sometimes used and sometimes not, it depends on the verb stem.
Okay, so let's practice.
So what's the verb stem?
Remove 다 and you have verb stem.
So 싣, 싣.
Okay, so let's see this. Is it a ㄷ irregular verb?
Yes, 싣다 is here, so ㄷ irregular verb.
Since it's pass, we go to the step two.
Is the following conjugation start with a vowel?
싣, 싣... Oh, here.
으면, 으면. Yes!
Since it ended with 싣, 싣, it ended with a consonant sound, so I'm using 으면, 으면.
싣 으면, is that all?
No, since it starts with a vowel here, vowel here, I'm changing to ㄹ.
Now, next step is changing ㄷ to ㄹ.
So "if you load," if you load, if you load some luggage, if you load some suitcase, if you load some books to truck, if you load, is 실으면.
Nat, you just say 실면.
Nope, it's not 실면.
It should be 실 으연.
Why? Because this 으면, you can find more explanation about this verb, at this conjugation, this grammar.
It means "if" or "when."
There is two way: 으면, 면.
으면 is used when the verb stem ends with a consonant.
면 is used when this verb stem ends with a vowel.
실 실 실.
It was originally 실, right?
Ended with?
Ended with?
Consonant, so we are using 으면.
면 is only used when the verb stem ended with...(vowel)
How about this, 닫다, 닫다?
And start with 으면.
Okay, so I need verb stem to conjugate with this "if," check out the previous lesson.
If. What is the verb stem?
Just remove 다.
Remove 다.
That's it.
Why teacher? You said change ㄷ to ㄹ.
And then it start with a vowel.
So you have to use the con... this conjugation start with 으면.
으, vowel, so you have to use this rule, right?
No, no, no. Why? Because this is not irregular verb.
ㄷ irregular verb, there are only five.
걷다, 깨닫다, 듣다, 묻다, 싣다.
닫다 is not here, so you don't use this rule.
Does it make sense?
Yes, that's why it's 닫으면.
닫으면, 닫으면.
I'm using 으면 because 닫 it ended with a consonant.
And here's a tricky part.
Let's practice 묻다.
묻다 plus 으면, 으면 .
Do you know this?
By the way, for beginners, it means "if."
What is 묻다?
묻다 means "to ask," but there is another meaning.
To bury.
To bury.
So if you bury, you bury your jewellery to the ground because you want to find the jewelry 30 years later.
Or you write the letter and you bury into the ground and you will open it later. So you bury, you bury.
The answer is 묻으면.
Why teacher? You said 묻다 is irregular verb.
Yes, I said 묻다, meaning "to ask," is irregular verb.
But 묻다 meaning "bury" is not irregular verb, it's a regular verb.
So the answer is 묻으면, "if you bury."
The sound is the same, but 묻다 is different.
So they are two different verbs.
If bury is 묻으면.
And then 묻다 meaning "to ask" plus 으면.
으면, again, "if."
묻다 meaning "to ask."
If you use this as a meaning of asking, ask,
then it should be 물으면. 물으면.
Please remember if it means "bury," that's a regular verb.
If it's "ask," 묻다, 물으면, that's irregular verb, so you have to remember.
안녕 안녕!
다음 시간에 봐요.

