
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. yunseorimnida.)
Minkyong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. mingyeongimnida.)
Keith: Hey, Keith here. A Cold Summer.
Seol: But how can a summer be cold?
Keith: Well, let’s say you are in the Bahamas and it’s really hot, but you are sleeping in an igloo.
Seol: Is it possible?
Keith: That’s a cold summer.
Seol: Okay.
Minkyong: It’d be really, really good if it’s cool summer.
Seol: Yeah it’d be great.
Minkyong: They would be perfect.
Keith: Well, let’s talk about summer in Korea. What’s summer like?
Seol: It’s humid, hot and you are not feeling well in summer. You are not fresh at all.
Keith: Yeah actually Korea has a very hot summer and it’s also very humid in Korea. It’s a peninsular nation and I remember during my summers there, I would walk around and I’d always sweat. I cannot help but not sweat and when I was in New York, I never really sweat that much but in Korea, I sweat all the time.
Seol: Yeah I hate sweating. 화장이 다 지워져요. (hwajangi da jiwojyeoyo.)
Keith: Your makeup just wears off.
Seol: Yeah. That’s the reason that I hate sweating.
Minkyong: But I love summer. There is like 팥빙수 (patbingsu) and all the cold desserts.
Seol: I love 팥빙수 (patbingsu) too.
Keith: Okay what’s that word?
Seol: 팥빙수. (patbingsu.)
Keith: Bean paste on top of ice kind of dessert.
Seol: Yeah.
Minkyong: Yes, yes.
Keith: And it’s very popular in Korea and if you are ever there, it’s wonderful in the summer, it’s wonderful. All right, so let’s move on. What’s going on in today’s conversation?
Seol: 경민 (gyeongmin) feels it’s hot but at the same time 민정 (minjeong) feels it’s cold.
Keith: Where might this conversation take place?
Minkyong: For example like in a library or a bank or like cinema inside of building, if there is too much air conditioning, you just feel so cold
Seol: But somebody who just entered the building still feels hot.
Keith: So maybe that’s what’s going on in today’s conversation. All right and these two are good friends. So they are speaking in casual language.
Seol: 반말. (banmal.)
Minkyong: 예. 들어 봐요. (ye. deureo bwayo.)
경민 (gyeongmin): 아... 더워! 더워! 아이스크림! (a... deowo! deowo! aiseukeurim!)
민정 (minjeong): 아... 추워… (a... chuwo…)
경민 (gyeongmin): 추워? (chuwo?)
민정 (minjeong): 추워... 커피… (chuwo... keopi…)
Minkyong: 한 번 더 천천히 (han beon deo cheoncheonhi).
경민 (gyeongmin): 아... 더워! 더워! 아이스크림! (a... deowo! deowo! aiseukeurim!)
민정 (minjeong): 아... 추워… (a... chuwo…)
경민 (gyeongmin): 추워? (chuwo?)
민정 (minjeong): 추워... 커피... (chuwo... keopi…)
Minkyong: 영어로 한 번 더 (yeongeoro han beon deo).
경민 (gyeongmin): 아... 더워! 더워! 아이스크림! (a... deowo! deowo! aiseukeurim!)
Gyeongmin: Ah...it's hot! It's hot! Ice cream!
민정 (minjeong): 아... 추워... (a... chuwo...)
Minjeong: I'm cold...
경민 (gyeongmin): 추워? (chuwo?)
Gyeongmin: You’re cold?
민정 (minjeong): 추워... 커피… (chuwo... keopi…)
Minjeong: It's cold...coffee.
Keith: Okay maybe this was taking place in an air-conditioned building in the summer but in Korea, air conditioning is on all the time.
Seol: 네. (ne.)
Keith: All the time, everywhere, anywhere you go. Actually what places wouldn’t have air conditioning?
Seol: 공원? (gongwon?)
Keith: Come on, the park, yeah we know that.
Seol: 아, 헬스클럽. (a, helseukeulleop.)
Keith: The gym where you go to exercise, workout, why not?
Seol: Because if the sweat dries, you will feel more cold and you will catch a cold then.
Keith: Yeah I remember working out at my gym and then it was the summer and it was really hot but I remember, they never really turned on the air conditioner too strong. They would turn it on but not too strong. It was hot in there too.
Minkyong: But I understand 민정 (minjeong) because I catch cold a lot in summer and I didn’t understand why but I think it’s because of air conditioning like you know the temperature difference, it will make you sick.
Keith: Yeah like when you are walking outside, it’s really hot outside, really humid and then you walk into very well air-conditioned store, building, restaurant, yeah it’s a big temperature change in a short amount of time. Let’s move on to the vocab.
Keith: First word we have is
Minkyong: 더워. (deowo.)
Keith: Hot. It’s hot, I am hot.
Minkyong: 더워 (deowo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 더워 (deowo) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Minkyong: 아이스크림. (aiseukeurim.)
Keith: Ice cream.
Minkyong: 아이스크림 (aiseukeurim) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아이스크림 (aiseukeurim) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Minkyong: 추워. (chuwo.)
Keith: It is cold, I am cold.
Minkyong: 추워 (chuwo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 추워 (chuwo) [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Minkyong: 커피. (keopi.)
Keith: Coffee.
Minkyong: 커피 (keopi) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 커피 (keopi) [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. Let’s take a look at some of these words in a little more detail and do you know how we are going to do it?
Seol: We are going over line by line, no?
Keith: Don’t ask the question?
Seol: Okay.
Keith: Let’s do it.
Seol: Okay. Why don’t we do the line by line thing?
Keith: All right, all right. So first, what do we have?
Minkyong: 아... 더워! 더워! 아이스크림! (a... deowo! deowo! aiseukeurim!)
Keith: Okay first we have
Minkyong: 아... 더워! (a... deowo!)
Keith: Ah it’s hot. Now that word
Minkyong: 더워 (deowo)
Keith: Just means hot and it’s in intimate politeness level. It’s casual language used to our good friends. So they are using intimate politeness level but if you noticed, there is no word I in there. I hot, I am hot. It’s just hot. In English, we need a subject, an auxiliary verb and then the adjective but here it’s just hot.
Minkyong: 더워. (deowo)
Keith: And that’s totally understandable. If you say hot, it mostly likely means I am hot.
Seol: Are you?
Minkyong: Oh god! Don’t answer.
Keith: I am hot. Let’s move on or…
Minkyong: It’s hot.
Keith: Yeah it’s hot outside or yeah, you can just say hot. So we have 더워! 더워! (deowo! deowo!) and now we have
Minkyong: 아이스크림! (aiseukeurim!)
Keith: Ice cream and ice cream in Korea, where do you go for ice cream in Korea?
Seol: I go to Baskin Robbins 31 and Haagen Dazs.
Keith: Oh so there is no special Korean ice cream stores?
Seol: No we have, we have 나뚜르. (nattureu.)
Keith: 나뚜르? (nattureu?)
Seol: 나뚜르. (nattureu)
Keith: This is the first time I heard that. What’s that?
Seol: It’s just like the Baskin Robbins 31 and it’s really delicious.
Minkyong: I go to the cheap stores like supermarkets and I always, always eat 쭈쭈바 (jjujjuba) in summer. It’s ice cream for summer.
Keith: What is that?
Minkyong: 쭈쭈바. (jjujjuba.)
Keith: And this is
Seol: This is basically for kids.
Keith: Yeah I ate this when I was a kid.
Seol: Yeah me too.
Keith: And it’s slushed ice frozen.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Flavored of course and…
Minkyong: Not only for kids, you…
Seol: No you are still a kid.
Keith: No it’s for kids.
Minkyong: Okay.
Keith: No it’s okay, it’s okay. You can have it if you want but yeah it’s kind of like toothpaste. You know like you’ve got to squeeze from the bottom up.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: And once you finish it up, you try to squeeze everything out.
Seol: Right.
Keith: But it’s clear. So you can see everything.
Minkyong: Yeah and it’s perfect in summer.
Seol: Yeah.
Minkyong: You don’t really eat it in winter right?
Seol: You can chill your mouth but at the same time, you can chill your hands too.
Keith: Oh yeah that’s right and when I was a kid, I used to take it and put it on my neck, on my head and…
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Yeah. All right, so we are discovering new things about Minkyong. Still a 4-year-old at heart.
Minkyong: So embarrassing.
Keith: No there is nothing wrong with that. Okay let’s move on. Next we have.
Seol: 아... 추워… (a... chuwo...)
Keith: Ah cold literally but here I am cold or it’s cold.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So just like the word hot.
Seol: 더워. (deowo.)
Keith: You can just say cold.
Seol: 추워. (chuwo.)
Keith: Without the word I or an auxiliary verb just cold and for both of those 더워 (deowo) and 추워 (chuwo) hot and cold, if you wanted to make it a little more polite
Seol: We add 요 (yo) at the end. 추워요. 더워요. (chuwoyo. deowoyo.)
Keith: So if you are talking with your teacher, what would you say?
Minkyong: 추워요. (chuwoyo.)
Keith: Or if you are hot
Seol: 더워요. (deowoyo.)
Keith: Okay and next we have
Minkyong: 추워? (chuwo?)
Keith: Cold. Now that’s the same word as what we had before in our previous line but it’s in a question.
Minkyong: So it has rising intonation 추워? (chuwo?)
Keith: Yeah and if you wanted to say yes cold
Seol: 추워. (chuwo.)
Keith: Yeah pay attention to the different intonations. Okay so now we have
Seol: 추워... 커피… (chuwo... keopi...)
Keith: Cold and now we have
Seol: 커피. (keopi.)
Keith: Coffee. Pretty much you can infer, I want coffee. Okay so I think that’s going to do it. That was real quick. We flew by that lesson.
Seol: 너무 쉬웠어요. (neomu swiwosseoyo.)
Keith: It was easy.
Minkyong: 재밌었어요. (jaemisseosseoyo.)
Keith: That’s good. All right, so remember to stop by KoreanClass101.com and what was that question that we had just before?
Minkyong: 추워? (chuwo?)
Keith: And the statement is
Minkyong: 추워. (chuwo)


Keith: Yeah. Same word, different intonations. If you want to pay a little more attention to that, in the premium learning center, we have line by line audio. Very cool feature. Just click 추워? (chuwo?) or 추워 (chuwo). with the question mark and without and you can practice your intonation and even record your own voice at the same time.
Minkyong: I think it’s actually really fun to record your voice and listen it.
Keith: That’s why you are working here.
Minkyong: Yes, I can you know to make sure my voice is okay all the time.
Keith: Okay, on that note, we will see you next time.
Seol: 안녕. (annyeong.)
Minkyong: Bye-bye.


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