
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo).
Keith: 안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo). Hi, Keith here. Thanks. OK, how did you feel about the first two newbie lessons so far?
Seol: Just very useful.
Keith: Yeah they're very very useful. I mean.. anytime you meet new people, these are going to be great phrases to use. Well we have another great lesson for you today. Today we're going over how to say “thanks.”
Seol: Yeah, you have to say “Thank you.”
Keith: Yeah in any language, that's one in the first things you learn. Now in Korean, there's several different ways you can say “thank you”, right?
Seol: Right.
Keith: What are the different ways, why?
Seol: Because we have many politeness levels.
Keith: That's right- the different politeness levels. So we're gonna give you all through those politeness levels today and what to say when someone says thanks to you. Alright so can you give us a little background on this conversation?
Seol: Garcia has just came to Korean and Kim Suhan is his agent, and Lee Sungho is his team captain. And they are all baseball players or baseball player’s agent.
Keith: And they're all very thankful.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: You know I'm thankful that you're here too. You're such a great addition to this.
Seol: Me too. I am thankful to be here.
Keith: Alright so let's get into this thankful conversation.
(1)김수한: 성호. 나와 줘서 고마워. (seongho. nawa jwoseo gomawo.)
그리고, 완갈시아 씨. 와 주셔서 고맙습니다. (geurigo wangalsia ssi. wa jusyeoseo gomapseumnida.)
(2)이성호: 네... 맞아요. (ne... majayo.)
완갈시아 씨. 와 주셔서 감사합니다. (wangalsia ssi. wa jusyeoseo gamsahamnida.)
(3)갈시아: 아니에요. (anieyo.)
저를 만나 주셔서 감사합니다. (jeo-reul manna jusyeoseo gamsahamnida.)
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히 (han beon deo cheoncheonhi)
(1)김수한: 성호. 나와 줘서 고마워. (seongho. nawa jwoseo gomawo.)
그리고, 완갈시아 씨. 와 주셔서 고맙습니다. (geurigo wangalsia ssi. wa jusyeoseo gomapseumnida.)
(2)이성호: 네... 맞아요. (ne... majayo.)
완갈시아 씨. 와 주셔서 감사합니다. (wangalsia ssi. wa jusyeoseo gamsahamnida.)
(3)갈시아: 아니에요. (anieyo.)
저를 만나 주셔서 감사합니다. (jeo-reul manna jusyeoseo gamsahamnida.)
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더 (yeongeoro han beon deo)
(1)Su Han Kim: Sung Ho. Thanks for coming. And Mr. Garcia. Thank you for coming out.
(2)Sung Ho Lee: Yes... that's right Mr. Garcia. Thank you for coming out.
(3)Juan Garcia: No, not at all. Thank you for meeting me.

Lesson focus

Seol: So now you know how to say thank you in Korean, right?
Keith: We got three different ways to say thank you. Well, here's the one thing though. This conversation was very difficult I think. Some of the grammatical structures here I think they're very difficult actually.
Seol: So let's keep the grammar points.
Keith: Yeah. I was planning on doing that anyway but we're going to be the translations and we're just gonna focus on how to say thank you.
Seol: Okay
Keith: Alright. Let's start with the vocab. How about thank you?The first thank you we have is?
Seol: 고마워 (gomawo).
Keith: thanks
Seol: 고마워 (gomawo). 고마워( gomawo).
Keith: Another thank you is?
Seol: 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida).
Keith: thank you
Seol: 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida). 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida).
Keith: and the last thank you we have is
Seol: 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida).
Keith: once again thank you
Seol: 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida). 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida).
Keith: Now the last one we have is?
Seol: 아니에요 (anieyo).
Keith: it's nothing
Seol: 아니에요 (anieyo). 아니에요 (anieyo).
Keith: All right let's take a deeper look into this conversation. Okay, the first line we have is?
Seol: 성호, 나와줘서 고마워. (seongho, nawajwoseo gomawo.)
Keith: This is a little difficult so we're just gonna give me the translation. “Sungho, thanks for coming out.” The last line is
Seol: 고마워 (gomawo).
Keith: “thanks” Now this is used with people that are very close to you or people that you're very familiar with. This thank you 고마워 (gomawo)
Seol: 고마워 (gomawo). 고마워 (gomawo).
Keith: Who can we use this 고마워 (gomawo) with?
Seol: With my friends and with my co-workers who are really close to me.
Keith: Right, so once again you can use this with friends, close friends, close family members, and maybe even little children right?
Seol: Yes maybe to kids, or to children.
Keith: Yeah.. cute little kids because it's kinda, you know, this is kinda cute, right?
Seol: Right?
Keith: 고마워. 아, 고마워. (gomawo. a, gomawo.)
Seol: It’s just like “thanks” right?
Keith: Yeah, just “thanks.”Alright, so here 김수한 (gimsuhan) is talking to 성호 (seongho), 이성호 (iseongho), the team captain. Now, here they are obviously on our friendly terms.
Seol: Yeah, they know each other very well.
Keith: That's right. That's why 김수한 (gimsuhan), the agent uses this intimate politeness level - 고마워 (gomawo). Alright but here in the next line 김수한 (gimsuhan), the agent addresses Juan Garcia, who he doesn't know exactly too well so he's going to use a more formal thank you. So let's go over really quickly. Once again I'll give you the translation of the more difficult lines and we will get two points that we wanna hit. Alright the next time we have is?
Seol: 그리고, 완갈시아 씨. (geurigo, wangalsia ssi.)
Keith: “And Juan Garcia..”
Seol: 와 주셔서 고맙습니다. (wa jusyeoseo gomapseumnida.)
Keith: “Thank you for coming” Let's take another look. 완갈시아 씨 (wangalsia ssi) at his name, Juan Garcia, followed by 씨 (ssi) which is the honorific suffix. Once again this is used when you wanna respect somebody or honor somebody. And here he's using 씨 (ssi) because he doesn't know Juan Garcia very well so he's being respectful. All right the next line we have is..?
Seol: 와 주셔서 고맙습니다 (wa jusyeoseo gomapseumnida).
Keith: “Thank you for coming.” Now the first part is 와 주셔서 (wa jusyeoseo) “for coming” but we're gonna glance over that and hit 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida). This is a more polite form of “thank you” So the last one we have is.
Seol: 고마워 (gomawo).
Keith: “thanks” and this one is
Seol: 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida)
Keith: They sound very similar but this one is more polite so here he's being polite because he doesn't know Juan Garcia too well. Seol, can you break it down first please?
Seol: 고맙습니다. 고맙습니다. (gomapseumnida. gomapseumnida.)
Keith: Alright and next we have 이성호 (iseongho), who is the team captain and he says 네 맞아요 (ne majayo). This is “Yes that's right.” So he's agreeing with the agent right after that he says..
Seol: 완갈시아씨 (wangalsiassi)
Keith: Juan Garcia followed by the honorific suffix. He's addressing him now. 완갈시아 (wangalsia).
Seol: 와주셔서 감사합니다 (wajusyeoseo gamsahamnida).
Keith: Thank you for coming. Now this is once again the same exact line that the agent said. Just with the different form of the word “thank you” Can we hear the word “thank you” again?
Seol: 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida)
Keith: And what’s the other one that the agent said?
Seol: 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida).
Keith: Right. What's a difference between the two?
Seol: 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida) is more formal. It’s kind of the utmost formal form.
Keith: Right it's just like a tiny bit more formal right? Not a lot.
Seol: There’s no big changes but 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida) is more formal.
Keith: Yeah just like a tiny little bit. So here the two ways to say “thank you” once again side by side please.
Seol: 감사합니다. 고맙습니다. (gamsahamnida. gomapseumnida.)
Keith: Now these two ways to say thank you, you can use them with people that you meet for the first time..
Seol: ..and they were not that close to you and maybe those people who are older than you..
Keith: That’s right Older people, maybe your boss.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: And anyone you wanna respect, use these two “thank you”s. 고맙습니다, 감사합니다. 설, 와주셔서 고맙습니다. (gomapseumnida, gamsahamnida. seol, wajusyeoseo gomapseumnida.) Thank you for coming.
Seol: Wow, so you’re respecting me?
Keith: What? I shouldn't? 와주셔서 고마워. 고마워. (wajusyeoseo gomawo. gomawo.)
Seol: 고마워 (gomawo) is fine because we are friends.
Keith: Okay. Well how do you respond to that in Korean?
Seol: 아니에요 (anieyo).
Keith: And that's exactly what Juan Garcia says next. He says 아니에요 (anieyo) and what does.. what does that mean exactly?
Seol: “No”
Keith: It means “no” but in this context you're saying “Ah.. it's nothing. Don't worry about it.” You can use this with 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida). or 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida). And if someone says 고마워 (gomawo) to you, what do you say?
Seol: 아니야 (aniya).
Keith: 아니야 (aniya), right? It’s the same exact thing. Maybe we're going over too much but..
Seol: Yeah..
Keith: Al right. Here let's do a little practice round here, Okay? Seol will give you “thank you” twice and please respond in Korean. Here we go.
Seol: 고맙습니다. 감사합니다. (gomapseumnida. gamsahamnida.)
Keith: Did you get it? It was 아니에요 (anieyo). Now we just went over this. Just wanted to keep you guys on your toes so 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida), 아니에요 (anieyo), 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida), 아니에요 (anieyo). Let's go over the last line just really quickly just so we can get to the last thank you.
Seol: 저를 만나주셔서 감사합니다. ( jeoreul mannajusyeoseo gamsahamnida.)
Keith: Now this sentence probably didn't make a lot of sense except that last 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida) right? I hope you guys got it. Here he says “thank you for meeting me.” All right, that's the end the our lesson. What's the four things we wanna get across to listeners today?
Seol: 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida).
Keith: “thank you”
Seol: 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida).
Keith:once again “thank you”
Seol: 고마워 (gomawo).
Keith: “thanks”
Seol: and 아니에요 (anieyo).
Keith: “It’s nothing” and so Seol, thank you for coming out today. 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida).
Seol: 아니에요 (anieyo).
Keith: Really? It's nothing?
Seol: It’s nothing.
Keith: Yeah, you're not busy at all?
Seol: No. I’m not busy at all for you.
Keith: Yeah I know. You're actually taking a nap before you came here, right?
Seol: Who says that?
Keith: No, you told me. 감사합니다 ((gamsahamnida), so “thank you.”


Alright, that's gonna do it for today.
Seol: 안녕 (annyeong).
Keith: See you.


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