
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다. (Annyeonghaseyo. Yunseorimnida.)
Keith: Keith here. What Day Is It? Seol, what day is it today?
Seol: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Keith: Well, we are not learning English here. We are learning Korean.
Seol: 월요일, 화요일… (woryoil, hwayoil…)
Keith: You don’t know?
Seol: I am not sure.
Keith: It is okay, I am not sure either. That’s why I asked. What’s your favorite day?
Seol: 금요일 (geumyoil).
Keith: Friday, why?
Seol: Because we have 토요일 (toyoil) and 일요일 (iryoil).
Keith: Party, big party on the weekends.
Seol: And we can rest.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: And party.
Seol: We can rest, we can watch TV doing nothing.
Keith: And party!
Seol: Yes and party!
Keith: All right, well today as you can tell, we are talking about the days, the days of the week and that’s very essential to any language that you learn and that’s why we are sticking this into Newbie. We are going to give you the days of the week today. All right, so to continue on with our story with Ryuji and 형사 (hyeongsa), the detective, what’s going on today?
Seol: 형사 (hyeongsa) is asking Ryuji the day, what day it is and Ryuji does not know the answer like us because he’s been in jail for so long. Poor Ryuji.
Keith: Poor Seol. You have been working here too long.
Seol: Yeah I know.
Keith: And you don’t know what the day is just like Ryuji.
Seol: Ah yeah. So I am like Ryuji?
Keith: A prisoner here at kclass101.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: Well you don’t like being a prisoner here, right?
Seol: Sure.
Keith: All right. So before we jump in, we are going to take something that Austin, one of our listeners suggested and give you something to listen for. So this is going to be active listening, not just passive listening. So please watch out what should the listeners listen for in today’s lesson?
Seol: You should catch 요일 (yoil) here.
Keith: And this is roughly equivalent to day. What we mean by that is when we say day in English, when we say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday that ending, that day, the same goes for Korean. How do you say that again?
Seol: 요일 (yoil).
Keith: And that’s that day at the end, Monday, Tuesday and watch out for the changes in the beginning. All right, so with that said, let’s listen in.
(1)형사: 오늘이 무슨 날인지 알아? (oneul-i museun nal-inji ara?)
(2)류지: 일요일이요. (iryoil-iyo.)
(3)형사: 아니야. (aniya.)
(4)류지: 월요일? (woryoil?)
(5)형사: 아니. (ani.)
(6)류지: 화요일? (hwayoil?)
(7)형사: 아니. (ani.)
(8)류지: 수요일? 금요일? 토요일? 아… 무슨 요일이에요? (suyoil? geumyoil? toyoil? a... museun yoil-ieyo?)
(9)형사: 목요일이야… 류지, 오늘… 니 생일이야. (mogyoil-iya... ryuji, oneul... ni saengil-iya.)
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히. (han beon deo cheoncheonhi.)
(1)형사: 오늘이 무슨 날인지 알아? (oneul-i museun nal-inji ara?)
(2)류지: 일요일이요. (iryoil-iyo.)
(3)형사: 아니야. (aniya.)
(4)류지: 월요일? (woryoil?)
(5)형사: 아니. (ani.)
(6)류지: 화요일? (hwayoil?)
(7)형사: 아니. (ani.)
(8)류지: 수요일? 금요일? 토요일? 아… 무슨 요일이에요? (suyoil? geumyoil? toyoil? a... museun yoil-ieyo?)
(9)형사: 목요일이야… 류지, 오늘… 니 생일이야. (mogyoil-iya... ryuji, oneul... ni saengil-iya.)
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더. (yeongeoro han beon deo.)
(1)형사: 오늘이 무슨 날인지 알아? (oneul-i museun nal-inji ara?)
(1)Detective: Do you know what day it is today?
(2)류지: 일요일이요. (iryoil-iyo.)
(2)Ryuji: Sunday.
(3)형사: 아니야. (aniya.)
(3)Detective: No.
(4)류지: 월요일? (woryoil?)
(4)Ryuji: Monday?
(5)형사: 아니. (ani.)
(5)Detective: No.
(6)류지: 화요일? (hwayoil?)
(6)Ryuji: Tuesday?
(7)형사: 아니. (ani.)
(7)Detective: No.
(8)류지: 수요일? 금요일? 토요일? 아… 무슨 요일이에요? (suyoil? geumyoil? toyoil? a... museun yoil-ieyo?)
(8)Ryuji: Wednesday? Friday? Saturday? Ah... what day is it?
(9)형사: 목요일이야… 류지, 오늘… 니 생일이야. (mogyoil-iya... ryuji, oneul... ni saengil-iya.)
(9)Detective: It's Thursday. Ryuji... today is your birthday.
Keith: So today is Ryuji’s birthday hah?
Seol: We have to throw a party for him.
Keith: Okay.
Seol: Not really? Okay.
Keith: An online K Class party. I don’t know how we are going to do that but yes its birthday.
Seol: Happy birthday, Ryuji!
Keith: All right. So everybody, post a comment and say happy birthday to Ryuji if you like. All right and according to our previous lesson, his birthday is June 20th. So just for a quick review, how do we say that in Korean?
Seol: 6월 20일. (6wol 20il.)
Keith: Right but 유(yu) is typically 육 (yuk) but it changes to
Seol: 유 (yu)
Keith: When you add 월 (wol) month to it at the end. So one more time
Seol: 유 월 이십 일 (yu wol isip il.).
Keith: June 20th. Okay so let’s go into today’s vocabulary. Okay and I hope that active listening activity worked out for you guys. Please post a comment, let us know if it helped you out or not, yeah. Give us any feedback and we will try to accommodate you guys as much as possible. All right, so let’s move into the vocab. The first word we have is
Seol: 월요일 (woryoil).
Keith: Monday.
Seol: 월요일 (woryoil) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 월요일 (woryoil) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next is
Seol: 화요일. (hwayoil.)
Keith: Tuesday.
Seol: 화요일 (hwayoil) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 화요일 (hwayoil)[natural native speed]
Keith: Next
Seol: 수요일. (suyoil.)
Keith: Wednesday.
Seol: 수요일 (suyoil) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 수요일 (suyoil)[natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 목요일 (mogyoil).
Keith: Thursday.
Seol: 목요일 (mogyoil) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 목요일 (mogyoil) [natural native speed]
Keith: And next
Seol: 금요일(geumyoil).
Keith: Friday.
Seol: 금요일 (geumyoil) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 금요일 (geumyoil)[natural native speed]
Keith: After that
Seol: 토요일 (toyoil).
Keith: Saturday.
Seol: 토요일 (toyoil) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 토요일 (toyoil) [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 일요일 (iryoil).
Keith: Sunday.
Seol: 일요일 (iryoil) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 일요일 (iryoil) [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 알아 (ara).
Keith: Know.
Seol: 알아 (ara) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 알아 (ara) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 몰라 (molla).
Keith: Not know.
Seol: 몰라 (molla) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 몰라 (molla) [natural native speed]
Keith: And finally we finish off with the phrase
Seol: 무슨 요일이에요? (museun yoirieyo?)
Keith: What day is it?
Seol: 무슨 요일이에요 (museun yoirieyo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 무슨 요일이에요 (museun yoirieyo) [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. So let’s talk about these vocabulary words in a little bit more detail. As we went over the days of the week, if you noticed they all end the same as we mentioned at the beginning of this podcast. So the first word, the ending is
Seol: 요일 (yoil).
Keith: And the only thing that changes is the first syllable. So there is three syllables. The last two stay the same and the first one changes just like in English, Monday, Tuesday, the first part changes, the second part stays the same. So the only thing that you have to remember is, the first part and then add 요일 (yoil) after that and there you go. You got the day. So let’s go over the seven days of the week, just the first syllable starting from Monday to Sunday.
Seol: 월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토, 일. (wol, hwa, su, mok, geum, to, il.)
Keith: 요일 (yoil).
Seol: 요일 (yoil).
Keith: You got to add that part too, right? Well actually you don’t really have to a lot of times, right? A lot of times people just say 월, 화, 수… (wol, hwa, su…)
Seol: When people ask which days I am coming here, I say 월,금요일 (wol,geumyoil).
Seol: No, I don’t think I put 요일 (yoil). Yeah you are right.
Keith: So you just say 월, 금. (wol, geum.)
Seol: Umm…
Keith: Just the first syllable. So actually that’s the most important part to remember.
Seol: Right.
Keith: Because a lot of times people will just say oh, so what days do you go to work, what days do you go to school and then if it’s a number of days throughout the week, you just say the first syllable. So Seol what days of the week do you go to school?
Seol: 월화수목금 (wolhwasumokgeum).
Keith: That’s a little fast for our listeners.
Seol: Okay. 월화수목금 (wolhwasumokgeum).
Keith: Monday through Friday.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: So what days of the week do you workout?
Seol: 월수금 (wolsugeum).
Keith: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: And you don’t have to add that 요일 (yoil) at the end.
Seol: No, people understand.
Keith: Yeah. So basically when you say the day of the week, you say the full three syllables but if you are just giving days of the week that you are doing something, you just say the first syllable, people understand.
Seol: So Keith, what day of the week are you having a party?
Keith: 월화수목금토일 (wolhwasumokgeumtoil). Every day.
Seol: Ah I envy you.
Keith: No just kidding, not partying every day but yeah the first syllables are the most important to remember and then you just add 요일 (yoil) at the end to say the day, very simple. All right, now let’s go over the other words. The word to know, what was that?
Seol: 알아 (ara).
Keith: Now this is in the intimate politeness level. So once again, you use this with people that you are familiar with. Don’t feel the need to respect but if you do feel the need to respect someone, the way you make it into this standard politeness level, you just add
Seol: 요 (yo).
Keith: Very simple. So the same goes for 몰라 (molla). That’s don’t know in the intimate politeness level and now to make it a little more polite
Seol: 몰라요 (mollayo).
Keith: Same thing, very simple. Now these are not conjugations of each other, these are just two different words. In English, you say I know or I don’t know but in Korean, there is two separate words for these two separate occasions. All right, so let’s go into this conversation and just break it down really quickly. We are going to give you all the things that you need and just not go into too much detail with the things that are a little past this level. All right so the first line we have is
Seol: 오늘 무슨 날인지 알아? (oneul museun narinji ara?)
Keith: This is one of those things that are beyond the scope of this lesson. So the translation is, do you know what day it is. All right next we have
Seol: 일요일요 (iryoiryo).
Keith: Sunday. Okay let’s take a look at this really quickly. What’s Sunday again?
Seol: 일요일 (iryoil).
Keith: And then at the end he adds
Seol: 요 (yo).
Keith: So that’s to make it polite. So a lot of things in Korean, you could just add 요 (yo) at the end and it becomes polite. So remember to watch out for that 요 (yo) you would be able to hear if people are being polite to you or not being polite to you. All right the next line we have is
Seol: 아니 (ani).
Keith: No in the intimate politeness level.
Seol: 월요일 (woryoil)?
Keith: Monday. Now there is that rising intonation. It’s just one word a noun but it’s a question just like in English, Monday? 월요일(woryoil)? That rising intonation. Okay next is,
Seol: 아니(ani).
Keith: No, in the intimate politeness level.
Seol: 화요일 (hwayoil) ?
Keith: Tuesday, rising intonation, question.
Seol: 수요일? 금요일? 토요일? (suyoil? geumyoil? toyoil?)
Keith: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday? She’s just asking these questions, rising intonation, rising intonation, rising intonation and now we have
Seol: 아… 무슨 요일이에요 (att museun yoirieyo)?
Keith: All right and that’s how you ask what day is it. And you are asking for the day of the week. Can you break that down really quickly?
Seol: 무슨 요일이에요 (museun yoirieyo)?
Keith: This is very useful for everyday life with Koreans. What day of the week is it? All right, now our last line we have
Seol: 목요일이야 (mogyoiriya).
Keith: Thursday is. Let’s break that down really quick.
Seol: 목요일 (mogyoil)
Keith: Thursday followed by
Seol: 이야 (iya).
Keith: Is, in the intimate politeness level. So you can use this when you want to say any day of the week, just say the day 일요일, 월요일, 화요일 (iryoil, woryoil, hwayoil) and then you add is 이에요 or 이야 (ieyo or iya). All right, now our last line is
Seol: 류지, 오늘… 니 생일이야. (ryuji, oneultt ni saengiriya.)
Keith: Okay let’s break that down.
Seol: 오늘 (oneul)
Keith: Today.
Seol: 니 (ni)
Keith: Your. Now this is a little bit beyond newbie, not too much beyond the scope of newbie but it means your in the intimate politeness level. There is a little bit of abbreviation but 니 (ni) is your in the intimate politeness level and now we have
Seol: 생일 (saengnil)
Keith: Birthday.
Seol: 이야 (iya).
Keith: Is. Just like the days, Monday is, Birthday is and that’s a statement. All right so big twist hah! It’s his birthday.
Seol: Yeah. When is your birthday?
Keith: 6월 16일 (6wol 16il).
Seol: 몇 요일이에요? (myeot yoirieyo?)
Keith: 그건 모르죠 (geugeon moreujyo). I don’t know. I don’t know what day of the week it is.
Seol: The reason I asked the question is because my birthday is 13th and sometimes it’s Friday.
Keith: Friday, the 13th.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: Well, isn’t that an American thing?
Seol: It is but because I watch too many like horror movies and this year, luckily my birthday is Thursday, not Friday.
Keith: So next year, it will be Friday, right?
Seol: Yeah. What was the guy’s name of the movie?
Keith: Freddy Kruger.
Seol: Yeah so I am afraid of him, I am afraid of him coming to my place.
Keith: Don’t worry, it’s Thursday, the 13th.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: Next year, you will have to…
Seol: Friday.
Keith: I think its next year, right?
Seol: Yes it’s next year.
Keith: The Friday, 13th unless you get lucky, it’s a leap year.
Seol: I don’t think there is a leap.
Keith: Oh okay.
Seol: So next year, it’s going to be Friday the 13th.
Keith: And well, sweet dreams.
Seol: Okay, thank you.


Keith: All right well, that’s going to do it for today. See ya!
Seol: Bye-bye.


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