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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Korean Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 25 - Happy Anniversary!
Becky: Hi everyone, I'm Becky.
Jaehwi: And I'm Jaehwi.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Korean about Anniversary greetings. 재우 (Jae-Wu) celebrates his wedding anniversary with his wife, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Jaehwi: 결혼기념일 저녁식사! (gyeolhonginyeomil jeonyeokshiksa!)
Becky: Meaning - "Wedding anniversary dinner!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
재우: 결혼기념일 저녁식사! (gyeolhonginyeomil jeonyeokshiksa!)
(clicking sound)
민희: 축하해~ 오래오래 행복하게. (chukahae- oraeorae hangbokhage.)
하나: 여긴 어디야? 로맨틱해 보여. (yeogin eodiya? romaentikhae boyeo.)
공유: 행복한 결혼생활 비밀이 뭐야? (haengbokhan gyeolhonsaenghwal bimiri mwoya?)
만세: 오늘은 둘이 싸우지마. (oneureun guri ssawuji ma.)
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
재우: 결혼기념일 저녁식사! (gyeolhonginyeomil jeonyeoksiksa!)
Becky: "Wedding anniversary dinner!"
(clicking sound)
민희: 축하해~ 오래오래 행복하게. (chukahae- oraeorae hangbokhage.)
Becky: "Congratulations! Wishing for you to be happy forever."
하나: 여긴 어디야? 로맨틱해 보여. (yeogin eodiya? romaentikhae boyeo.)
Becky: "Where's this? It looks romantic."
공유: 행복한 결혼생활 비밀이 뭐야? (haengbokhan gyeolhonsaenghwal bimiri mwoya?)
Becky: "What’s your secret to maintaining a happy marriage?"
만세: 오늘은 둘이 싸우지마. (oneureun guri ssawuji ma.)
Becky: "Just for today, try not to fight."
Becky: Listen again to 재우 (Jae-Wu)'s post.
Jaehwi: 결혼기념일 저녁식사! (gyeolhonginyeomil jeonyeokshiksa!)
Becky: "Wedding anniversary dinner!"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 결혼기념일 저녁식사! (gyeolhonginyeomil jeonyeoksiksa!) (Regular) 결혼기념일 저녁식사! (gyeolhonginyeomil jeonyeokshiksa!)
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "wedding anniversary."
Jaehwi: 결혼기념일 (gyeolhonginyeomil)
Becky: Listen again- "wedding anniversary" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 결혼기념일 (gyeolhonginyeomil) (REGULAR) 결혼기념일 (gyeolhonginyeomil)
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "dinner."
Jaehwi: 저녁식사 (jeonyeokshiksa!)
Becky: No matter how big the meal is, you can use this word to mean from “a small dinner with snacks”, to “supper with a lot of people.” Listen again- "dinner" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 저녁식사 (jeonyeokshiksa!) (REGULAR) 저녁식사 (jeonyeokshiksa!)
Becky: All together, "Wedding anniversary dinner!"
Jaehwi: 결혼기념일 저녁식사! (gyeolhonginyeomil jeonyeokshiksa!)
Becky: In response, 재우 (Jae-Wu)'s friends leave some comments.
Becky: His neighbor, 민희 (Min-Hee), uses an expression meaning - "Congratulations! Wishing for you to be happy forever."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 축하해~ 오래오래 행복하게. (chukahae- oraeorae hangbokhage.) (REGULAR) 축하해~ 오래오래 행복하게. (chukahae- oraeorae hangbokhage.)
Jaehwi: 축하해~ 오래오래 행복하게. (chukahae- oraeorae hangbokhage.)
Becky: Use this expression to give congratulations to a young couple.
Becky: His high school friend, 하나 (Hana), uses an expression meaning - "Where's this? It looks romantic."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 여긴 어디야? 로맨틱해 보여. (yeogin eodiya? romaentikhae boyeo.) (REGULAR) 여긴 어디야? 로맨틱해 보여. (yeogin eodiya? romaentikhae boyeo.)
Jaehwi: 여긴 어디야? 로맨틱해 보여. (yeogin eodiya? romaentikhae boyeo.)
Becky: You can say this to show you are interested in where the poster is.
Becky: His supervisor, 공유 (Gong-yu), uses an expression meaning - "What’s your secret to maintaining a happy marriage?"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 행복한 결혼생활 비밀이 뭐야? (haengbokhan gyeolhonsaenghwal bimiri mwoya?) (REGULAR) 행복한 결혼생활 비밀이 뭐야? (haengbokhan gyeolhonsaenghwal bimiri mwoya?)
Jaehwi: 행복한 결혼생활 비밀이 뭐야? (haengbokhan gyeolhonsaenghwal bimiri mwoya?)
Becky: You can ask this to imply that the couple looks happy.
Becky: His nephew, 만세 (Manse), uses an expression meaning - "Just for today, try not to fight."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 오늘은 둘이 싸우지마. (oneureun guri ssawuji ma.) (REGULAR) 오늘은 둘이 싸우지마. (oneureun guri ssawuji ma.)
Jaehwi: 오늘은 둘이 싸우지마. (oneureun guri ssawuji ma.)
Becky: You can say this to be funny.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson and this series. If a friend posted something about Anniversary greetings, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you in the next series. Bye, everyone.
Jaehwi: 안녕히 계세요. (annyeonghi gyeseyo.)

