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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Korean Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 24 - At Christmas.
Becky: Hi everyone, I'm Becky.
Jaehwi: And I'm Jaehwi.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave Christmas greeting comments and messages in Korean. 소라 (Sora) celebrates Christmas with her family, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Jaehwi: 모두, 메리 크리스마스! (modu, meri keuriseumasu!)
Becky: Meaning - "Merry Christmas, everyone!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
소라: 모두, 메리 크리스마스! (modu, meri keuriseumasu!)
(clicking sound)
만세: 어디나 커플만 잔뜩 있고. (eodina keopeulman jantteuk ikko.)
민희: 오늘밤은 화이트 크리스마스래. (oneulbameun hwaiteu keuriseumaseurae.)
공유: 크리스마스에도 일하는 중.. (keuriseumaseu-edo ilhaneun jung..)
하나: 크리스마스 선물은 뭐 받았어? (keurisemaseu seonmureun mwo badasseo?)
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
소라: 모두, 메리 크리스마스! (modu, meri keuriseumasu!)
Becky: "Merry Christmas, everyone!"
(clicking sound)
만세: 어디나 커플만 잔뜩 있고. (eodina keopeulman jantteuk ikko.)
Becky: "Couples everywhere!"
민희: 오늘밤은 화이트 크리스마스래. (oneulbameun hwaiteu keuriseumaseurae.)
Becky: "I heard that it's going to be a white Christmas tonight."
공유: 크리스마스에도 일하는 중.. (keuriseumaseu-edo ilhaneun jung..)
Becky: "Working on Christmas Day as usual..."
하나: 크리스마스 선물은 뭐 받았어? (keurisemaseu seonmureun mwo badasseo?)
Becky: "What Christmas gift did you get?"
Becky: Listen again to 소라 (Sora)'s post.
Jaehwi: 모두, 메리 크리스마스! (modu, meri keuriseumasu!)
Becky: "Merry Christmas, everyone!"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 모두, 메리 크리스마스! (modu, meri keuriseumasu!) (Regular) 모두, 메리 크리스마스! (modu, meri keuriseumasu!)
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "everyone."
Jaehwi: 모두 (modu)
Becky: Listen again- "everyone" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 모두 (modu)
(REGULAR) 모두 (modu)
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "Merry Christmas."
Jaehwi: 메리 크리스마스 (meri keuriseumaseu!)
Becky: This is from the English expression "Merry Christmas." Listen again- "Merry Christmas" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 메리 크리스마스 (meri keuriseumaseu!) (REGULAR) 메리 크리스마스 (meri keuriseumaseu!)
Becky: All together, "Merry Christmas, everyone!"
Jaehwi: 모두, 메리 크리스마스! (modu, meri keuriseumaseu!)
Becky: In response, 소라 (Sora)'s friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her nephew, 만세 (Manse), uses an expression meaning - "Couples everywhere!" As a note, Many Korean people celebrate Christmas as couples, like Valentine's Day. It’s not the traditional family-oriented Christmas like in western countries.
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 어디나 커플만 잔뜩 있고. (eodina keopeulman jantteuk ikko.) (REGULAR) 어디나 커플만 잔뜩 있고. (eodina keopeulman jantteuk ikko.)
Jaehwi: 어디나 커플만 잔뜩 있고. (eodina keopeulman jantteuk ikko.)
Becky: Use this expression if you are feeling bitter.
Becky: Her neighbor, 민희 (Min-Hee), uses an expression meaning - "I heard that it's going to be a white Christmas tonight."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 오늘밤은 화이트 크리스마스래. (oneulbameun hwaiteu keuriseumaseurae.) (REGULAR) 오늘밤은 화이트 크리스마스래. (oneulbameun hwaiteu keuriseumaseurae.)
Jaehwi: 오늘밤은 화이트 크리스마스래. (oneulbameun hwaiteu keuriseumaseurae.)
Becky: You can say this to share a little extra information about the day.
Becky: Her supervisor, 공유 (Gong-yu), uses an expression meaning - "Working on Christmas Day as usual..."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 크리스마스에도 일하는 중.. (keuriseumaseu-edo ilhaneun jung..) (REGULAR) 크리스마스에도 일하는 중.. (keuriseumaseu-edo ilhaneun jung..)
Jaehwi: 크리스마스에도 일하는 중.. (keuriseumaseu-edo ilhaneun jung..)
Becky: You can say something like this if you’re working through or not enjoying the holiday.
Becky: Her husband's high school friend, 하나 (Hana), uses an expression meaning - "What Christmas gift did you get?"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 크리스마스 선물은 뭐 받았어? (keurisemaseu seonmureun mwo badasseo?) (REGULAR) 크리스마스 선물은 뭐 받았어? (keurisemaseu seonmureun mwo badasseo?)
Jaehwi: 크리스마스 선물은 뭐 받았어? (keurisemaseu seonmureun mwo badasseo?)
Becky: Use this expression to find out how the poster spent the day. Christmas gifts are common between a couple or even friends.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about Christmas greetings, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Jaehwi: 다음 시간에 만나요. (daeum shigane mannayo.)

