
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Korean Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 22 - At a Birthday Party.
Becky: Hi everyone, I'm Becky.
Jaehwi: And I'm Jaehwi.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave birthday comments and messages in Korean. 소라 (Sora) goes to her birthday party, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Jaehwi: 이제 30살! (ije seoreunsal!)
Becky: Meaning - "Turning 30, today!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
소라: 이제 30살! (ije seoreunsal!)
(clicking sound)
재우: 생일 축하해~ (saengil chukahae-)
민희: 잘 태어났어! (jal taeeonasseo!)
공유: 생일 선물 뭐 갖고 싶어? (saengil seonmul mwo gakko shippeo?)
만세: 늦었지만, 생일 축하해! (neujeojjiman, saengil chukahae!)
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
소라: 이제 30살! (ije seoreunsal!)
Becky: "Turning 30, today!"
(clicking sound)
재우: 생일 축하해~ (saengil chukahae-)
Becky: "Happy Birthday!"
민희: 잘 태어났어! (jal taeeonasseo!)
Becky: "You’ve come a long way.” (or lit. Well done being born.)
공유: 생일 선물 뭐 갖고 싶어? (saengil seonmul mwo gakko shippeo?)
Becky: "What do you want for a birthday present?"
만세: 늦었지만, 생일 축하해! (neujeojjiman, saengil chukahae!)
Becky: "It's late, but Happy Birthday!"
Becky: Listen again to 소라 (Sora)'s post.
Jaehwi: 이제 30살! (ije seoreunsal!)
Becky: "Turning 30, today!"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 이제 30살! (ije seoreunsal!) (Regular) 이제 30살! (ije seoreunsal!)
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "now."
Jaehwi: 이제 (ije)
Becky: If you want to say "already" you can say
Jaehwi: 벌써 (beolsseo).
Becky: Listen again- "now" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 이제 (ije) (REGULAR) 이제 (ije)
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "30 years old!"
Jaehwi: 30살! (seoreunsal)
Becky: When you count ages, make sure to count them with native Korean numbers. Make sure you don't say, for example,
Jaehwi: 삼십살 (samsipsal)
Becky: which uses Sino-Korean numbers. Listen again- "30 years old!" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 30살! (seoreunsal) (REGULAR) 30살! (seoreunsal)
Becky: All together, "Turning 30, today!"
Jaehwi: 이제 30살! (ije seoreunsal!)
Becky: In response, 소라 (Sora)'s friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her husband, 재우 (Jae-Wu), uses an expression meaning - "Happy Birthday!"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 생일 축하해~ (saengil chukahae-) (REGULAR) 생일 축하해~ (saengil chukahae-)
Jaehwi: 생일 축하해~ (saengil chukahae-)
Becky: This is the standard way to say “Happy Birthday”.
Becky: Her neighbor, 민희 (Min-Hee), uses an expression meaning - "You’ve come a long way.” Or literally, “Well done being born."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 잘 태어났어! (jal taeeonasseo!) (REGULAR) 잘 태어났어! (jal taeeonasseo!)
Jaehwi: 잘 태어났어! (jal taeeonasseo!)
Becky: This is kind of a unique way to express congratulations.
Becky: Her supervisor, 공유 (Gong-yu), uses an expression meaning - "What do you want for a birthday present?"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 생일 선물 뭐 갖고 싶어? (saengil seonmul mwo gakko shippeo?) (REGULAR) 생일 선물 뭐 갖고 싶어? (saengil seonmul mwo gakko sippeo?)
Jaehwi: 생일 선물 뭐 갖고 싶어? (saengil seonmul mwo gakko shippeo?)
Becky: You can ask this if you are older than the person posting.
Becky: Her nephew, 만세 (Manse), uses an expression meaning - "It's late, but Happy Birthday!"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 늦었지만, 생일 축하해! (neujeojjiman, saengil chukahae!) (REGULAR) 늦었지만, 생일 축하해! (neujeojjiman, saengil chukahae!)
Jaehwi: 늦었지만, 생일 축하해! (neujeojjiman, saengil chukahae!)
Becky: You can use this to say “Happy Belated Birthday”.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about birthday greetings, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Jaehwi: 다음 시간에 만나요. (daeum shigane mannayo.)

