Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Expressions that Are Commonly Used in TV programs
Becky: Hi everyone, and welcome back to KoreanClass101.com. I'm Becky.
Jaehwi: And I'm Jaehwi!
Becky: This is Must-Know Korean Slang Words &Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 22. In this lesson, you'll learn Expressions that Are Commonly Used in TV programs.
Becky: You’ll hear these expressions often on TV, even if you're watching the news.
Becky: The expressions you'll be learning in this lesson are:
Jaehwi: 귀차니즘
Jaehwi: 외계어
Jaehwi: 생얼
Jaehwi: 종결자
Becky: Jaehwi, what's our first expression?
Jaehwi: 귀차니즘
Becky: literally meaning "laziness.” It’s a combination of a Korean adjective meaning “lazy” and the English word “ism,” as in “Nationalism.” When it's used as a slang expression, it means "laziness."
Jaehwi: [SLOW] 귀차니즘 [NORMAL] 귀차니즘
Becky: Listeners, please repeat.
Jaehwi: 귀차니즘
[pause - 5 sec.]
Becky: Use this slang expression when referring to chronic laziness.
Becky: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 요새 귀차니즘에 빠졌어. [SLOW] 요새 귀차니즘에 빠졌어.
Becky: "I feel lazy these days."
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 요새 귀차니즘에 빠졌어.
Becky: Okay, what's the next expression?
Jaehwi: 외계어
Becky: literally meaning "alien language." When it's used as a slang expression, it means "netspeak."
Jaehwi: [SLOW] 외계어 [NORMAL] 외계어
Becky: Listeners, please repeat.
Jaehwi: 외계어
[pause - 5 sec.]
Becky: Use this slang expression when referring to internet acronyms, text message jargon, and abbreviations.
Becky: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 이게 외계어야 한국어야? [SLOW] 이게 외계어야 한국어야?
Becky: “Is this netspeak or Korean?” It literally means "Is this an alien language or Korean?"
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 이게 외계어야 한국어야?
Becky: Okay, what's our next expression?
Jaehwi: 생얼
Becky: literally meaning "natural face." When it's used as a slang expression, it means "face without makeup."
Jaehwi: [SLOW] 생얼 [NORMAL] 생얼
Becky: Listeners, please repeat.
Jaehwi: 생얼
[pause - 5 sec.]
Becky: Use this slang expression when referring to a person without any makeup on.
Becky: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 여자 친구 생얼이 진짜 예뻐. [SLOW] 여자 친구 생얼이 진짜 예뻐.
Becky: "My girlfriend looks really pretty without makeup."
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 여자 친구 생얼이 진짜 예뻐.
Becky: Okay, what's the last expression?
Jaehwi: 종결자
Becky: literally meaning "the finisher." When it's used as a slang expression, it means "the best of something,” for example, “best of a marathon.”
Jaehwi: [SLOW] 종결자 [NORMAL] 종결자
Becky: Listeners, please repeat.
Jaehwi: 종결자
[pause - 5 sec.]
Becky: Use this slang expression when describing someone or something as a master or the best choice.
Becky: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 한국어 공부 사이트 종결자는 KoreanClass101이지! [SLOW] 한국어 공부 사이트 종결자는 KoreanClass101이지!
Becky: "The best website for learning Korean is definitely KoreanClass101"
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 한국어 공부 사이트 종결자는 KoreanClass101이지!
Becky: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I'll describe four situations, and you'll choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
Becky: You just read a blog, and it seems most of the content is written in netspeak. Which slang word can you use to refer to this?
Jaehwi: 외계어
Becky: “netspeak,” or literally "alien language"
Becky: You don’t want to do anything and just feel lazy. Which slang word can you use to describe this situation?
Jaehwi: 귀차니즘
Becky: "laziness”
Becky: You want to be the best of something, for example, the best at marketing. Which word can you use to describe your goal?
Jaehwi: 종결자
Becky: "the best of something"
Becky: You like when your friend doesn’t wear any makeup and want to say this as a compliment. Which word can you use?
Jaehwi: 생얼
Becky: "face without makeup"


Becky: There you have it; you have mastered four Korean Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at KoreanClass101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks, everyone, and see you next time!
Jaehwi: 안녕히 계세요 (annyeonghi gyeseyo).

