
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tim: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com 여러분. 팀입니다.
Debbie: Debbie here. Don’t Stop Learning Korean.
Tim: 안녕하세요, 여러분. 팀이에요. 잘 지내셨지요?
Debbie: 안녕하세요, everyone. 데비예요. KoreanClass101.com에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
Tim: KoreanClass101.com에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 우리와 함께 즐겁게 한국어 공부해요. Let’s have fun learning Korean.
Debbie: 재미있고 능률적인 수업들과 함께요. With fun and effective lessons. So Tim, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Tim: 오늘의 표현은요 today’s expression is 뭐뭐지 말라고 하다 which can be translated as to tell someone not to do something.
Debbie: For example, 이것을 하지 말라고 하다 to tell someone not to do this.
Tim: Great. Another example is 팀을 믿지 말라고 하다 to tell someone not to trust him.
Debbie: Okay so where does this conversation take place?
Tim: 차 안에서. In the car.
Debbie: And the conversation is between
Tim: Tim, 수진, 철수 and 고은.
Debbie: Since the speakers are friends, the speakers will be speaking informal Korean.
Tim: 반말입니다. Let’s listen to the conversation.
수진: 여보세요? 아. 아빠! 무슨 일이에요? 예, 예, 예, 알았어요! 걱정 마세요!
팀: 아버지께서 뭐라고 하시는데..?
수진: 아버지가 아버지를 제외한 모든 남자는 다 늑대라고 절대 믿지 말라고 하시네.
팀: 하하. 역시 한국 아버님들은..
고은: 여보세요? 아, 아빠! 무슨 일이에요? 예, 예, 예, 알았어요! 걱정하지 마세요!
철수: 아버지가 뭐라고 하셔?
고은: 남자들하고 같이 술 마시지 말라고 하시는데..
철수: 하하. 뭐라고 더 말씀하신 것 같으신데..
고은: 응. 철수 너하고 말도 하지 말라고 하셨어!
철수: 뭐!? 여보세요? 네. 엄마, 무슨 일이에요? 네, 네, 네, 알았어요. 걱정하지 마세요. 엄마!
고은: 엄마가 뭐라고 하셔?
철수: 엄마가 엄마를 제외한 모든 여자는 다 여우라고 조심하래! 특히 고은이 너!
Tim: 이번에는 천천히 들어 보겠습니다.
Debbie: Let’s listen to it one time slowly.
수진: 여보세요? 아. 아빠! 무슨 일이에요? 예, 예, 예, 알았어요! 걱정 마세요!
팀: 아버지께서 뭐라고 하시는데..?
수진: 아버지가 아버지를 제외한 모든 남자는 다 늑대라고 절대 믿지 말라고 하시네.
팀: 하하. 역시 한국 아버님들은..
고은: 여보세요? 아, 아빠! 무슨 일이에요? 예, 예, 예, 알았어요! 걱정하지 마세요!
철수: 아버지가 뭐라고 하셔?
고은: 남자들하고 같이 술 마시지 말라고 하시는데..
철수: 하하. 뭐라고 더 말씀하신 것 같으신데..
고은: 응. 철수 너하고 말도 하지 말라고 하셨어!
철수: 뭐!? 여보세요? 네. 엄마, 무슨 일이에요? 네, 네, 네, 알았어요. 걱정 마세요. 엄마!
고은: 엄마가 뭐라고 하셔?
철수: 엄마가 엄마를 제외한 모든 여자는 다 여우라고 조심하래! 특히 고은이 너!
Tim: 이번에는 영어 번역과 함께 들어 보겠습니다.
Debbie: Let’s listen to it one time with the translation.
수진: 여보세요? 아. 아빠! 무슨 일이에요? 예, 예, 예, 알았어요! 걱정 마세요!
Sujin: Hello? Ah, Dad! What's the matter? Yes, yes, yes, I will keep that in mind! Don't worry!
팀: 아버지께서 뭐라고 하시는데..?
Tim: What did your dad say?
수진: 아버지가 아버지를 제외한 모든 남자는 다 늑대라고 절대 믿지 말라고 하시네.
Sujin: He said that men, except him, are all wolves, so I should never believe what they say.
팀: 하하. 역시 한국 아버님들은..
Tim: Ha ha! That's what I would expect to hear from Korean fathers.
고은: 여보세요? 아, 아빠! 무슨 일이에요? 예, 예, 예, 알았어요! 걱정하지 마세요!
Goeun: Hello? Ah, Dad! What's the matter? Yes, yes, yes, I will keep that in mind! Don't worry!
철수: 아버지가 뭐라고 하셔?
Cheolsu: What did your dad say?
고은: 남자들하고 같이 술 마시지 말라고 하시는데..
Goeun: He said that I shouldn’t drink with men.
철수: 하하. 뭐라고 더 말씀하신 것 같으신데..
Cheolsu: Ha ha! Did he say anything else? I heard him saying more.
고은: 응. 철수 너하고 말도 하지 말라고 하셨어!
Goeun: Yes. He said that I shouldn’t say a word to you, Cheolsu. Not a single word!
철수: 뭐!? 여보세요? 네. 엄마, 무슨 일이에요? 네, 네, 네, 알았어요. 걱정 마세요. 엄마!
Cheolsu: What? Hello? Yes. Mom, what's the matter? Yes, yes, yes, I will keep that in mind! Don't worry!
고은: 엄마가 뭐라고 하셔?
Goeun: What did your mom say?
철수: 엄마가 엄마를 제외한 모든 여자는 다 여우라고 조심하래! 특히 고은이 너!
Cheolsu: My Mom said that women, except her, are all foxes, so I should be careful of them. Especially you, Goeun!
Debbie: So in today’s conversation, both 고은 and 수진’ dads call back and warn them not to trust Tim and 철수. They seem really worried but why did Susan’s dad call the guys wolves?
Tim: 아… 남자는 늑대. A man is a wolf.
Debbie: 그게 무슨 말이지요? What does that mean?
Tim: Before I answer your question, let me ask you something, Debbie. When you hear the word wolf, do you think of a positive or negative image? For example, what if someone called me a wolf?
Debbie: I guess I would see that in a more negative way because I immediately think of the Little Red Riding Hood and in general, I see wolves as being sneaky and untrustworthy.
Tim: Yes.
Debbie: So I guess 수진’s dad was warning 수진 to watch out for Tim and 철수.
Tim: Exactly because
Debbie: 남자는 늑대이니까. A man is a man. They are all wolves.
Tim: 맞아요. There is a similar expression as well. 양의 탈을 쓴 늑대.
Debbie: Ah a wolf in sheep’s clothing. That expression came from a fairy tale, right?
Tim: 예, 맞아요. 한국의 표현 중에 “남자는 늑대다.”라는 표현이 있어요. This expression, a man is a man, they are all wolves is very commonly used in Korean culture.
Debbie: Well here is a better expression. 팀은 늑대의 왕이다.
Tim: What! Tim is the king of wolves. Oh no!
Debbie: By the way Tim.
Tim: Yes.
Debbie: To be fair, 철수’s mom said that all women are foxes too.
Tim: 아… 여우? A fox. Don’t worry. We will learn about it in today’s key vocabulary.
Debbie: All right. Then let’s move on to today’s key vocabulary.
Debbie: The first word is
Tim: 제외한.
Debbie: Except.
Tim: 제외한 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 제외한 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 모든.
Debbie: All, whole, every.
Tim: 모든 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 모든 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 늑대.
Debbie: Wolf.
Tim: 늑대 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 늑대 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 절대.
Debbie: Never.
Tim: 절대 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 절대 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 역시.
Debbie: Just as expected, just as I thought.
Tim: 역시 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 역시 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 술.
Debbie: Alcohol.
Tim: 술 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 술 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 마시다.
Debbie: To drink.
Tim: 마시다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 마시다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 말씀하시다.
Debbie: To talk, to say, to speak honorific.
Tim: 말씀하시다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 말씀하시다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 응.
Debbie: Okay, all right, yeah informal.
Tim: 응 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 응 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And finally we have
Tim: 특히.
Debbie: Especially, particularly.
Tim: 특히 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 특히 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Debbie: The first word is
Tim: 여우. A fox. The word 여우 has two meanings.
Debbie: Yes one is a fox as a literal meaning and contextually, the other one could mean a cunning woman who takes advantage of men.
Tim: Right.
Debbie: And that’s why 철수’s mom warned him to watch out for 고은 because
Tim: Because a woman is a woman. They are all foxes. I have a better expression though.
Debbie: 뭐죠?
Tim: 데비는 여우의 여왕이다.
Debbie: What! Okay Debbie is the queen of foxes.
Tim: Yes.
Debbie: 복수했네요.
Tim: Yes, yes.
Debbie: You got your revenge.
Tim: Yes, now we know how to call someone a wolf and a fox in Korean. Let’s give a sample sentence for each.
Debbie: Okay. 그럼 팀은 늑대래요. 절대 믿지 마세요. Tim is a wolf, never trust him.
Tim: What! Okay here is mine. 데비는 여우래요. 절대 믿지 마세요. Debbie is a fox, never trust her.
Debbie: What! 알았어요. 제가 먼저 사과할게요. Okay I am sorry I called you a 늑대.
Tim: 아니에요, 데비 씨. 제가 사과할게요. No, I am sorry that I called you a 여우.
Debbie: Listeners, please keep in mind that both words 늑대 a wolf and 여우 a fox have a negative connotation. Okay so what’s the last phrase?
Tim: 걱정 마세요. or 걱정하지 마세요 meaning don’t worry.
Debbie: Okay well let’s break the phrase down. 걱정 is a noun that means worry, concern or anxiety.
Tim: And 마세요 is a verb that means please don’t. So altogether 걱정 마세요 means don’t worry.
Debbie: Here is an example sentence. 팀하고 데비하고 싸우는 거 아니에요. 걱정하지 마세요. Tim and Debbie are not fighting, don’t worry.
Tim: 예, 여러분. 절대 오해하지 마시고요. Yes, please don’t misunderstand.
Debbie: Okay now let’s move on to the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Debbie: The focus of today’s lesson is the expression to tell someone not to do something.
Tim: 예. 한국어로 ‘뭐뭐지 말라고 하다’입니다.
Debbie: Yeah. This expression 뭐뭐지 말라고 하다 is often used when somebody warns the subject in advance.
Tim: 예, 맞아요. Let’s break it down.
Debbie: Sure okay so first 말다 is an imperative ending that means do not, should not or never.
Tim: Second 고 하다 is a phrase meaning tells or says.
Debbie: So verb stem plus 지 말라고 하다 means somebody tells or says that you should not do something. 예문 부탁해요. Examples please.
Tim: 알겠습니다. Let’s use the verb 믿다 to believe or to trust. 믿 is the verb stem. Then we add 지 말라고 하다. So it becomes 믿지 말라고 하다 meaning somebody tells you not to trust someone. Here is an example sentence. 어머니는 데비를 믿지 말라고 하셨어요.
Debbie: Which means my mom told me not to trust Debbie. 왜요? Why does she say that?
Tim: 그거는요. It’s because my mom said that all women except her are all 여우들 foxes. So I have to be careful of all girls especially you Debbie.
Debbie: 뭐라고요? I am not a fox. Okay so what’s the next example?
Tim: Yes, you are. Here is one with the verb 마시다 to drink. 마시 is the verb stem. Then we add 지 말라고 하다. So it becomes 마시지 말라고 하다 meaning someone tells you not to drink something.
Debbie: I have an example sentence. 아빠는 팀하고 절대 술을 마시지 말라고 하셨어요. My dad told me that I should never drink with Tim.
Tim: 왜요 왜요? 제가 뭘 어떻게 했길래? Why? What did I do?
Debbie: Well don’t take it personally, Tim. It’s because my dad said that all men except him are 늑대들 wolves. So I have to be careful around guys and especially from you Tim.
Tim: 뭐라고요? 화는 나지만요 데비 씨 아버지 이해합니다. I can understand where your dad is coming from.
Debbie: Right? Okay what’s the last example?
Tim: Let’s use the verb 운전하다 to drive. 운전하 is the verb stem, then we add 지 말라고 하다 so it becomes 운전하지 말라고 하다 meaning somebody tells me not to drive. Here is an example sentence. 저의 절친은 저에게 술을 마시고 절대 운전하지 말라고 했어요.
Debbie: Which means my best friend told me never to drive after drinking. Good example. In my opinion, Tim shouldn’t drink at all.
Tim: 왜요?
Debbie: Well you often fall asleep and throw up after drinking. Do you remember the last time when we….
Tim: No, no Debbie, stop, stop, stop right there. 제가 말하지 말라고 했지요!
Debbie: I know you told me never to tell anyone about that.
Tim: But you’ve already said everything. 이제 데비 씨랑 절교입니다. We are no longer friends from now on.
Debbie: Oops. 미안해요, 팀.


Debbie: Okay well that’s all for today’s lesson.
Tim: 여러분, 즐겁게 한국어 공부하셨나요?
Debbie: 네, 그럼 여러분 다음 시간에 더욱 재미있게 한국어 공부해요.
Tim: See you next time, bye.
Debbie: Are we really no longer friends, Tim?
Tim: 물론 아니죠. Of course not.


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