
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tim: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com 여러분. 팀입니다.
Debbie: Debbie here. Defying Death at a Korean Amusement Park.
Tim: 안녕하세요, 여러분. 팀이에요. 잘 지내셨나요?
Debbie: 안녕하세요, everyone. 데비예요. KoreanClass101.com에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
Tim: KoreanClass101.com에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 우리와 함께 즐겁게 한국어 공부해요. Let’s have fun learning Korean.
Debbie: 재밌고 능률적인 수업들과 함께 해요. With fun and effective lessons.
Tim: Umm…
Debbie: 팀, 오늘은 무엇을 배워요? What are we looking at in this lesson?
Tim: 오늘의 표현은요 today’s expression is ㄹ을 뻔하다 which means come close to something.
Debbie: ㄹ을 뻔하다. Come close to something?
Tim: 예, 맞아요. For example, 죽을 뻔하다. I came close to dying.
Debbie: So where does this conversation take place?
Tim: 롯데월드에서. At the Lotte World Amusement Park.
Debbie: The conversation is between
Tim: Tim, 철수 and 수진.
Debbie: Since the speakers are close friends, the speakers will be speaking informal Korean.
Tim: 반말입니다.
Debbie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
수진: 휴. 나 진짜 간 떨어질 뻔했어.
팀: 하하. 철수 너는, 괜찮아?
철수: 야! 나 죽는 줄 알았다. 너지!? '후렌치 레볼루션'이 탈 만하다고 말한 게?
팀: 미안. 나도 숨 넘어갈 뻔했어.
철수: 이번에는 덜 무서운 걸로 타자.
팀: 아.! 바이킹이 진짜 안 무섭고 탈 만하다고 하던데!
철수: 그럼, 그거 타러 가자!
바이킹 안전요원: 안전벨트를 꽉 매주세요!
철수: 야. 이거 뭔가 불안하지 않아? 팀. 이거 정말 안 무서운거 맞아?
팀: 하하. 아니! 이거 ‘후렌치 레볼루션’보다 더 무서운 거야. 이제 넌 죽었다. 하하!
철수: 뭐라고!!!
철수: 우우우. 엄마. 살려줘.
Tim: 이번에는 영어 번역과 함께 들어 보겠습니다.
Debbie: Now, let’s listen to it with the English translation.
수진: 휴. 나 진짜 간 떨어질 뻔했어.
Su-jin: Whew. I came close to dying.
팀: 하하. 철수 너는, 괜찮아?
Tim: Haha. How about you, Cheol-su? Are you all right?
철수: 야! 나 죽는 줄 알았다. 너지!? '후렌치 레볼루션'이 탈 만하다고 말한 게?
Cheol-su: No! I thought I was going to die! Was it you, Tim, who said that the "The French Revolution" wasn't that scary?
팀: 미안. 나도 숨 넘어갈 뻔했어.
Tim: Sorry.I was scared to death, too.
철수: 이번에는 덜 무서운 걸로 타자.
Cheol-su: Let's ride something that is less scary this time.
팀: 아.! 바이킹이 진짜 안 무섭고 탈 만하다고 하던데!
Tim: Ah.! I heard that "Viking" isn't that scary at all and very enjoyable too!
철수: 그럼, 그거 타러 가자!
Cheol-su: Then let's go on that!
바이킹 안전요원: 안전벨트를 꽉 매주세요!
Staff: Please fasten your seat belts!
철수: 야. 이거 뭔가 불안하지 않아? 팀. 이거 정말 안 무서운 거 맞아?
Cheol-su: Hey.this doesn't feel right! Tim, are you sure this isn't scary?
팀: 하하. 아니! 이거 ‘후렌치 레볼루션’보다 더 무서운 거야. 이제 넌 죽었다. 하하!
Tim: Haha. Yep! "Viking" is supposed to be scarier than "French Revolution!" You're dead meat! Ha ha!
철수: 뭐라고!!!
Cheol-su: What!
철수: 우우우. 엄마. 살려줘.
Cheol-su: Oh, Mommy. Save me.
Tim: Umm Lotte World, Lotte World’s amusement park? Debbie, have you ever been there?
Debbie: 아니요, 아직. And I don’t know much about it.
Tim: Lotte World opened in 1989 as the world’s largest indoor swim park.
Debbie: What kind of facilities can we enjoy in Lotte World?
Tim: Umm you can enjoy the indoor and outdoor amusement parks, a Korean museum, shopping malls, a sports center and it also has a skate rink, a luxury hotel, movie theaters and many more.
Debbie: 정말 가고 싶다. I really want to visit. Can you tell us about its hours of operation?
Tim: Lotte World runs from 9 AM to 11 PM. An unlimited pass costs $20 to $30 per person.
Debbie: Umm that’s not bad at all. 자, 그럼 오늘의 중요 단어와 구를 보겠습니다. Let’s move on to today’s key vocabulary.
Debbie: The first word is
Tim: 타다
Debbie: To ride, to take transportation.
Tim: 타다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 타다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 이번
Debbie: This time.
Tim: 이번 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 이번 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And the next word is
Tim: 덜
Debbie: Less
Tim: 덜 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 덜 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 무서운
Debbie: Scary.
Tim: 무서운 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 무서운 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 안전벨트
Debbie: Safety belt.
Tim: 안전벨트 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 안전벨트 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 매다
Debbie: To tie, to fasten.
Tim: 매다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 매다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 불안하다
Debbie: To be uneasy.
Tim: 불안하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 불안하다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 보다
Debbie: More than
Tim: 보다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 보다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 더
Debbie: More.
Tim: 더 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 더 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And finally we have
Tim: 살려주다
Debbie: To save, to rescue, to spare
Tim: 살려주다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 살려주다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first set of phrases is
Tim: 간 떨어지다 or 숨 넘어가다. To be frightened or terrified out of one’s senses which generally means, I was scared to death in English.
Debbie: 간이 떨어져요? Doesn’t that literally translate to the liver dropped?
Tim: 예, 간이 떨어지지요. Yes, the liver dropped. You use it when you are so scared to death in Korea. It’s a very common expression. 또 다른 말로 ‘간이 콩알만 해지다’라고도 하지요. There is another expression you can use. The size of the liver became the size of a bean.
Debbie: What? The size of a bean.
Tim: Umm.
Debbie: Hmm those are interesting expressions, right listeners? Then what about 숨 넘어가다?
Tim: Let’s break the phrase down. 숨 means a breath or breathing and 넘어가다 means to swallow. So 숨 넘어가다 literally means.
Debbie: Ah swallow one’s breath because…
Tim: Because you are so scared to death.
Debbie: So all of those expressions 간 떨어지다, 간이 콩알만 해지다 and 숨이 넘어가다 all mean I was scared to death in English. So what about the next phrase 넌 죽었다?
Tim: Ah let’s break the phrase down, 넌 you are plus 죽었다 to be dead. So 넌 죽었다 means…
Debbie: You are dead in English.
Tim: 딩동댕. However this is a slang term. So it’s more like you are dead meat but a word of caution, please don’t use this with strangers, promise?
Debbie: I promise, okay now let’s move on to the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Debbie: The focus of today’s lesson is the expression, come close to something or come close to doing something.
Tim: 예. 한국어로 ㄹ을 뻔하다입니다.
Debbie: This expression ㄹ을 뻔하다 is used by the speaker to talk about something that would or could come close to happening but actually it did not happen. It’s often used with over exaggerated phrases or sentences. So Tim, can you tell us about the formation?
Tim: 예, 알겠습니다. It’s formation is verb stem plus ㄹ을 뻔하다.
Debbie: Yes rule #1. Attach ㄹ 뻔하다 if the verb stem doesn’t end with a 받침. In other words, it would end in a vowel.
Tim: Rule #2. Attach 을 뻔하다 if the verb stem ends with a 받침. In other words, it ends in a consonant.
Debbie: 팀, 예문 부탁해요.
Tim: 예, 알겠습니다. Why don’t you use today’s vocabulary in our examples?
Debbie: Ah you mean 떨어지다, 넘어가다 and 죽다?
Tim: Yes. 떨어지다 literally means to drop. 떨어지 verb stem plus ㄹ 뻔하다. So it becomes 떨어질 뻔하다. Could come close to dropping? Therefore 간 떨어지다 becomes 간 떨어질 뻔하다 which literally means my liver almost dropped or I came close to dying. Here is an example sentence. 나 바이킹 타고 나서 간 떨어질 뻔했어.
Debbie: Which means I came close to dying after riding on the Viking. 그럼 이건 어때요? What about this then? 무서운 영화 보고서 숨 넘어갈 뻔했어요. I came close to dying after watching a scary movie.
Tim: Ah you just used a verb 넘어가다 to swallow. 넘어가 verb stem plus ㄹ 뻔하다 so it becomes 넘어갈 뻔하다. Could come close to swallowing. So 숨 넘어가다 becomes 숨 넘어갈 뻔하다 which literally means I came close to swallowing my breath. What a great example Debbie?
Debbie: Thank you Tim. Okay now let’s talk about the verb 죽다 to die.
Tim: 알겠습니다. 죽다 means to die. 죽 verb stem plus 을 뻔하다 so it becomes 죽을 뻔하다. Could come close to dying. Here is an example sentence 나 여기 오는 길에 차에 치여서 죽을 뻔했어.
Debbie: Ah which means I almost died from a car accident on the way here. Okay I have one example 생일 선물로 컴퓨터를 받을 뻔했는데 받지 못했어요. I almost got a computer for my birthday but I didn’t get one.
Tim: Oh no. Debbie almost got a computer but she never got one. Poor Debbie. 그럼 데비씨가 불쌍하니까 저랑 지금 가위바위보 해서 이기면 제가 밥 사줄게요. I will buy your dinner if you win a game of rock-paper-scissors against me.
Debbie: 정말요? 좋아요. Really? Let’s do it.
Tim: 자, 그럼 합시다. 가위바위보!
Debbie: 가위바위보!
Tim: 여러분, 데비씨가 졌어요. Debbie is lost. 그래서 저녁밥도 없습니다. So there is no free dinner for her.
Debbie: 에이, 아깝다. 이길 뻔했는데. That’s a shame. I came close to winning.
Tim: But you didn’t. 데비씨, 제가 대신 물 사줄게요. 물물물. Instead I will buy you a bottle of water.
Debbie: 뭐요? 물이요? 됐거든요. No thanks.


Tim: 그럼 여러분 들어 주셔서 감사하고요.
Debbie: 저도 감사드려요.
Tim: 그럼 다음 시간에 더욱 재밌고 유익한 내용으로 만나요.
Debbie: See you next time everyone. Bye!


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