
Vocabulary (Review)

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Hyunwoo: 안녕하세요, 미현 씨.
Mihyeon: 네. 안녕하세요, 현우 씨.
Hyunwoo: He Wasn’t Even At home!
Mihyeon: 그런데 현우 씨, 지난 시간에 제가 없어서 무슨 내용인지 잘 모르겠어요. 조금 설명해 주세요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, right. We missed you last time, but wait…Where is Junsu today?
Mihyeon: 오늘은 준수 씨가 못 왔네요.
Hyunwoo: I see. That’s too bad.
Mihyeon: 저랑 둘이서 녹음하는 거 싫어요?
Hyunwoo: 아… 아니에요.
Mihyeon: 음… 뭐 다음 주에는 준수 씨 돌아오겠죠?
Hyunwoo: Yes, we will have Junsu back next week.
Mihyeon: 그러면 준수 씨가 없으니까 현우 씨가 설명해 주세요. 지난 주에 무슨 내용 배웠어요?
Hyunwoo: Yes, in the last lesson, we learned how to say “and then” while also expressing the connection the two actions, for example 집에 갔더니 아무도 없었어요. “I went home and I found out that there was no one at home.” Or 집에 일찍 갔더니 엄마가 놀랐어요. “I went home early, and as a result, my mother was surprised.”
Mihyeon: 아, 아주 좋은 표현을 배웠네요. 그런데 오늘 배울 표현이 더 좋은 것 같은데요?
Hyunwoo: 아, 그래요? 더 좋은 것 같아요? Well, I don’t know if what we’re going to learn today is better than what we learned last week, but I think it’s equally interesting.
Mihyeon: 알았어요. 그러면 오늘 대화는 어떤 내용이에요?
Hyunwoo: Again, today’s dialogue is continued from the last lesson and 미선 and 과장님 are talking to each other in the office on a Monday morning.
Mihyeon: 아… 월요일 아침이요?
Hyunwoo: 네. And 미선 asked 과장님 how his weekend was and he was just like “eh”, letting out a deep sigh.
Mihyeon: 왜 그럴까요?
Hyunwoo: 글쎄요. We will have to listen to the dialogue to find out.
(1)미선: 과장님, 과장님은 주말에 뭐 하셨어요? 잘 쉬셨어요?
(2)과장: 나? 에휴.... 쉬기는커녕, 일만 했어.
(3)미선: 일이요? 회사에 나오셨어요?
(4)과장: 아니, 와이프가 집안 대청소를 시켜서...
(5)미선: 하하. 대청소요?
(6)과장: 응. 아이고... 어깨랑 허리랑 다 아파.
(7)미선: 그런데 아들이 안 도와줬어요?
(8)과장: 아들? 도와주기는커녕, 집에도 없었어!
(9)미선: 아... 그래요?
(10)과장: 응. 우리 아들은 요즘 거의 집에 없어.
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히.
(1)미선: 과장님, 과장님은 주말에 뭐 하셨어요? 잘 쉬셨어요?
(2)과장: 나? 에휴.... 쉬기는커녕, 일만 했어.
(3)미선: 일이요? 회사에 나오셨어요?
(4)과장: 아니, 와이프가 집안 대청소를 시켜서...
(5)미선: 하하. 대청소요?
(6)과장: 응. 아이고... 어깨랑 허리랑 다 아파.
(7)미선: 그런데 아들이 안 도와줬어요?
(8)과장: 아들? 도와주기는커녕, 집에도 없었어!
(9)미선: 아... 그래요?
(10)과장: 응. 우리 아들은 요즘 거의 집에 없어.
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
(1)미선: 과장님, 과장님은 주말에 뭐 하셨어요? 잘 쉬셨어요?
(1)Miseon: What did you do on the weekend? Did you get some rest?
(2)과장: 나? 에휴.... 쉬기는커녕, 일만 했어.
(2)Section Chief: Me? Phew... I only worked and worked, let alone resting.
(3)미선: 일이요? 회사에 나오셨어요?
(3)Miseon: Work? Did you come to the office?
(4)과장: 아니, 와이프가 집안 대청소를 시켜서…
(4)Section Chief: No, my wife made me clean the entire house, so...
(5)미선: 하하. 대청소요?
(5)Miseon: Haha. The entire house?
(6)과장: 응. 아이고... 어깨랑 허리랑 다 아파.
(6)Section Chief: Yeah... ouch... my shoulders and my back are all aching.
(7)미선: 그런데 아들이 안 도와줬어요?
(7)Miseon: But your son didn't help you?
(8)과장: 아들? 도와주기는커녕, 집에도 없었어!
(8)Section Chief: He wasn't at home, let alone helping me.
(9)미선: 아... 그래요?
(9)Miseon: Oh... really?
(10)과장: 응. 우리 아들은 요즘 거의 집에 없어.
(10)Section Chief: Yeah, my son is rarely at home these days.
Hyunwoo: Well, 잘 들어 보셨죠?
Mihyeon: 네. 전 잘 들었는데 잘 들으셨어요, 여러분?
Hyunwoo: 네. 저도 잘 들었는데요. 여러분, 잘 들으셨죠? This dialogue reminds me of my father.
Mihyeon: 아, 그래요?
Hyunwoo: Well because my father loves cleaning and he wouldn’t have to complain like this at his workplace because if anybody asks, he’s the one who likes to start cleaning the house.
Mihyeon: 그럼 현우 씨 집은 정말 깨끗하겠어요.
Hyunwoo: Well, yeah. My parent’s house is very clean. Not mine.
Mihyeon: 현우 씨는 아버지를 안 닮았나 보죠?
Hyunwoo: Well, I do take a lot after my father but not that aspect, unfortunately.
Mihyeon: 글쎄요. 앞으로 변할지도 몰라요.
Hyunwoo: I hope so. Yeah. So, obviously this 과장님 is not used to cleaning the house and he’s aching all over. And where is he hurting?
Mihyeon: 어깨랑 허리가 다 아프다고 했어요.
Hyunwoo: And 어깨 and 허리 will come out in today’s vocabulary.
Hyunwoo: 미현 씨, 첫 번째 단어는 뭐죠?
Mihyeon: 나오다
Hyunwoo: 나오다
Mihyeon: 나오다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 나오다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: This means “to come out from inside” and 나오다 can be broken down into two parts. 나다 and 오다. 나다 means “to go out” and 오다 means “to come.” So, 나오다 means “come out.” How about “go out”?
Mihyeon: 나가다.
Hyunwoo: So you change the 오다 part to 가다 and 나오다 becomes 나가다 and if you say 나오다 that means “to come out” and 나가다 means “go out from inside”. And here 나오다 meant just “to come” so how did 미선 ask “Did you come to the office?” or more literally “Did you come to the company?”
Mihyeon: 회사에 나오셨어요?
Hyunwoo: Yeah. 회사에 나오다 means “to come to the company” or “to come to the office.” So what would you say if your friend is absent from school and you want to ask him “Why aren’t you coming to school?”
Mihyeon: 왜 학교 안 나와?
Hyunwoo: You want to go somewhere with your boyfriend and he’s very late in getting things ready and you want to yell at him and say “Hey, you! Come out here quick!”
Mihyeon: 야! 너 빨리 나와.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, exactly. Thank you and what’s the next word?
Mihyeon: 대청소
Hyunwoo: 대청소
Mihyeon: 대청소 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 대청소 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: 대청소 can be broken down into two parts. What does 대 mean, 미현 씨?
Mihyeon: 크다.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, it means “big” and 청소 means “cleaning” so 대청소 means “big cleaning.” House cleaning, general cleaning, cleaning the entire house. 대청소 and 대 means “big.” 대, 중, 소 “big, medium, small.” And if you don’t remember, we covered these three Chinese characters in our first Lower Intermediate lesson, so check it out if you haven’t listened to it. What’s the next word?
Mihyeon: 어깨
Hyunwoo: 어깨
Mihyeon: 어깨 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 어깨 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Okay, 어깨 means “shoulder” or “shoulders.” But, let’s look at some more simple expressions. How do you say “to have stiff shoulders.”
Mihyeon: 어깨가 뻐근하다.
Hyunwoo: 어깨가 뻐근하다. 뻐근하다 means “to be stiff.” 목이 뻐근하다 is “to have a stiff neck.” Can you give us another example?
Mihyeon: 어깨에 기대다.
Hyunwoo: 기대다 means to “lean on something” and 어깨에 기대다 is “to lean on” whose shoulder?
Mihyeon: 몰라요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah. To lean on somebody’s shoulder. For example 남자 친구의 어깨에 기대다. 여자 친구의 어깨에 기대다.
Mihyeon: 어깨가 무겁다.
Hyunwoo: “Your shoulders are heavy with responsibility.” 어떨 때 어깨가 무겁죠, 미현 씨?
Mihyeon: 얼마 전에 중국 베이징 올림픽이 있었죠?
Hyunwoo: 네. 2008 중국 북경 올림픽 또는 베이징 올림픽.
Mihyeon: 거기에 나간 선수들이 아마 어깨가 무거웠을 거예요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요. 전 국민이 한국 사람들이 다 그리고 자기 나라 사람들이 다 보고 있으니까 어깨가 진짜 무거웠을 것 같아요. Okay, thanks. And what’s the next word?
Mihyeon: 허리
Hyunwoo: 허리
Mihyeon: 허리 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 허리 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: 허리 means “waist” or “the small of your back” as in your body. So, if you say 허리를 굽히다 it means “to bend your body.”
Mihyeon: 그리고 허리가 아프다는요?
Hyunwoo: 허리가 아프다 means “to have a backache.” So, 허리 means “waist” and how about the back, the backside of your body?
Mihyeon: 등이에요, 등.
Hyunwoo: 네, in Korean, back is 등 and waist is 허리. So, 미현 씨, 우리 지금 body parts 이야기하고 있으니까. Do you want to go over the names of some body parts?
Mihyeon: 어, 좋아요.
Hyunwoo: How about your head?
Mihyeon: 머리.
Hyunwoo: Eyes.
Mihyeon: 눈.
Hyunwoo: Nose.
Mihyeon: 몰라요. 농담이고요. 코.
Hyunwoo: Mouth.
Mihyeon: 입.
Hyunwoo: Ears.
Mihyeon: 귀.
Hyunwoo: Chin.
Mihyeon: 턱.
Hyunwoo: Arms.
Mihyeon: 팔.
Hyunwoo: Elbows.
Mihyeon: 팔꿈치.
Hyunwoo: Your hands.
Mihyeon: 손.
Hyunwoo: Your feet.
Mihyeon: 발.
Hyunwoo: 네, 수고하셨습니다.
Mihyeon: 또 없어요?
Hyunwoo: If you want to know more words about the body parts, please check out our PDF, we will have everything there, including hair, eyelid, eyebrow, eardrum, the back of your hands and everything. So please check out the PDF for more information and, what’s the last word?
Mihyeon: 도와주다
Hyunwoo: 도와주다
Mihyeon: 도와주다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 도와주다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: 도와주다 means “to help”. Actually, 도와주다 can be replaced by the verb –
Mihyeon: 돕다.
Hyunwoo: 돕다 but since 돕다 is an active benevolence and you’re doing it for the good of someone, Korean people usually like to say 도와주다 instead of 돕다 alone. So, 도와주다 means “to do something,” “to help somebody.” 미현 씨, grammar point에서도 저 도와주실 거죠?
Mihyeon: 네, 도와드릴게요.
Hyunwoo: 감사합니다. Thanks. So, let’s go into today’s grammar point.

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: Today’s grammar point can be translated in English as “let alone.” We will have to look at some examples to understand exactly how it is used and what it actually means, but, before we do that to briefly explain it, how do you say “let alone” in Korean?
Mihyeon: 은커녕, 는커녕.
Hyunwoo: Something, something 는/은커녕. And this negates the noun or verb that it follows at least to reveal another fact by comparing the noun or verb with another noun or verb that comes after. So, this grammatical phrase is translated as “let alone” or “not even that.” So, let’s look at how it is constructed. 미현 씨, 어떻게 문장을 만들 수 있죠?
Mihyeon: 명사 + 은커녕/는커녕.
Hyunwoo: For example 밥 + 은커녕.
Mihyeon: 밥은커녕.
Hyunwoo: “Let alone eating a meal” or “not even eating a meal” and 일본어?
Mihyeon: 일본어 + 는커녕, 일본어는커녕.
Hyunwoo: “Not even thinking about Japanese” or “let alone Japanese.” And how do you construct a sentence with a verb?
Mihyeon: 동사 + 기는커녕.
Hyunwoo: And how about the verb “to play” 놀다?
Mihyeon: 놀다 + 기는커녕, 놀기는커녕.
Hyunwoo: “Let alone playing,” “not even thinking about playing,” “not even mentioning playing.” And how about the verb “to come” 오다?
Mihyeon: 오다 + 기는커녕, 오기는커녕.
Hyunwoo: “Let alone coming.” So, how was it used in today’s dialogue?
Mihyeon: 과장님이 “나? 에휴.... 쉬기는커녕, 일만 했어.” 라고 했어요.
Hyunwoo: So the section chief said “Me? Phew... I only worked and worked, let alone resting.”
Mihyeon: 그리고 과장님이 또 얘기했어요. “아들? 도와주기는커녕, 집에도 없었어!”라고 했어요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah. The section chief also said “My son? He wasn’t at home let alone helping me.” Okay. 그럼 미현 씨, 예문을 조금만 더 들어 주세요.
Mihyeon: 그 사람은 소주는커녕 맥주도 못 마셔요.
Hyunwoo: “He can’t even drink beer, let alone soju.” 맥주, “beer” is generally weaker than soju. So it’s easier to drink, but “he can’t even drink beer, let alone soju.” so in that case you can say 소주는커녕 맥주도 못 마셔요.
Mihyeon: 우리는 데이트는커녕 얼굴 보기도 힘들어요.
Hyunwoo: “We can’t even see each other, let alone dating.” If you want to have a date, you have to see each other. But you can’t even do that so, you’re not even complaining about dating.
Mihyeon: 글을 고치기는커녕 실수를 더 많이 했어요.
Hyunwoo: “I made even more mistakes rather than correcting the writing.” So what’s you’re intending to do was to correct the writing, but you did the opposite and made even more mistakes. So, now you can see how 는/은커녕 or 기는커녕 negates the noun or verb that it follows. So, I think it’s all for today. 오늘은 여기까지인 것 같은데요, 미현 씨?


Mihyeon: 네. 벌써 다 끝났어요?
Hyunwoo: 네. 오늘 커녕 어때요 미현 씨가 생각하기에 was it a better expression than the last lesson’s grammar point?
Mihyeon: 네, 오늘 배운 표현도 한국 사람이 많이 쓰는 표현이에요. 확실히 연습해 두면 아주 좋을 거예요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞습니다. 그러니까 여러분도 연습해 보시고요. Practice, practice and practice. Practice makes perfect and practicing with KoreanClass101.com makes your Korean perfect.
Mihyeon: 그러면 다음 주에 또 만나요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 감사합니다, 미현 씨. 수고하셨어요.
Mihyeon: 네, 여러분 모두 수고하셨습니다. 안녕히 계세요.
Hyunwoo: 안녕히 계세요.


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