Vocabulary (Review)

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안녕하세요. 에이미에요. 반가워요.
Hi everybody! I’m Amy.
Welcome to KoreanClass101.com’s 삼분 한국어. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Korean.
In the last lesson, we learned how to introduce ourselves in Korean. Today we’re going to learn how to use good manners as we thank people. Are you ready? Then let’s start!
There are several ways to thank someone. Let's start with the most common phrase:
[slowly] 감사합니다.
감사합니다 means “I do thanks” or “thank you”.
To say "thank you very much," you just need to add 대단히 which means ‘very much’ or ‘greatly’:
대단히 감사합니다.
[slowly] 대단히 감사합니다.
대단히 means "greatly." So 대단히 감사합니다 is like saying “Thank you very much."
In the last lesson we saw that Korean has formal and informal ways of speaking. 감사합니다 is pretty formal. If you want to thank someone more casually, you can use a shorter phrase.
[slowly] 고마워.
Let's break down those phrases. As in formal way of saying thank you, 감사 means "thanks" and 합니다 means "to do" in formal. so 감사합니다 means "I do thanks."
What if you want to be less formal? 감사, or “thanks,” can be used in only formal situations so just use a different verb.
That’s 고마워. It has the same meaning of ‘Thank you.’ but it’s more friendly.
When someone thanks you, how should you answer? There's no set response like "You're welcome" in English, but there are a few things that you can say
The first is:
[slowly] 아니에요.
You literally are saying “no,” but this is a common and informal way to respond to someone thanking you.You're telling the person that there's nothing to bother thanking you for.
There is another phrase that's used to respond to “thank you” in Korean:
[slowly] 천만에요.
But it's not used all that often. You're better off with 아니에요 in most situations.
Now it’s time for Amy’s insights.
감사합니다 sounds formal. 고마워 sounds informal. What if you want to sound kind of formal but still kind of friendly? In that case, you can upgrade the informal 고마워 to 고마워요. You see, you simply add 요 at the end. 요 is the sentence ending particles that makes sentence more polite. This is a nice way to thank your waiter. 고마워요!
Have you ever heard the phrase 안녕히 계세요 before? In our next lesson you’ll learn this and more greetings in Korean!
여러분, 감사합니다! 다음에 봐요!


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2012-07-13 18:30:00

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2023-09-07 15:25:41

Hello Zita,

I'm glad that you like the lesson!

Enjoy your study and feel free to let us know if you have any inquiries!

Kind regards,

Hyeon Yeong Seo

Team KoreanClass101.com

2023-09-01 02:40:22

I loved this lesson😄

2023-09-01 02:39:51

I'm starting to understand the basic in korea language

But I'm still struggling to pronounce daedanhee it means very much but it throwing me off key

2020-08-03 12:07:11

지나가던 사람님 안녕하세요,

글 남겨주셔서 감사합니다. 종종 들러주세요.



Team KoreanClass101.com

지나가던 사람 ㄱ
2020-07-31 01:17:10

ㄱㅅ 가 이렇게 긴 강의가 될 수 있다니 충격.. 과 존경

겸손하게 아니에요라고 말할 때와 관련된 설명도 깔끔하네요 종종 와서 문법공부하고 가야겠어요 ㅎㅎ

2020-07-09 11:20:13

Hi Joy,

Thanks for posting. Could you let us know which part of the quiz you are referring to so we can get back to you? We tried taking the test and the answers were all correct.



Team KoreanClass101.com

2020-07-02 06:53:59


I answered the quiz correctly, but the result says my answer is wrong.

Why is that?


2020-04-13 23:30:48

Hi Lee,

Thank you for posting, we're sure Amy would be happy to hear this!

Study hard, please let us know if you have any questions.



Team KoreanClass101.com

2020-04-09 11:34:44

I'm fan of Amy ssi since I first saw her lesson video on youtube. I'm happy to see her lesson again on this great site for Korean learners

2020-03-17 03:42:50

Hi Ayesha,

Thank you for posting, and you're very welcome!

Please let us know if you have any inquiries.



Team KoreanClass101.com

2020-03-16 02:24:07

감사합니다 🤗🤗

2020-02-21 22:57:53

Hi Errol,

Thanks for posting!

Please let us know if you have any questions.



Team KoreanClass101.com

Errol Flynn
2020-02-21 00:16:20

수고하셨습니다, 여러분.



2020-01-17 02:49:52

안녕하세요 Carolyn,

Thank you for contacting us. I'd suggest that you get a virtual Korean keyboard. Once you have that, you can also switch between Korean and English keyboards when typing a message.

If you need help on how to do that, let us know which operating system your computer is using. 😇

Hope this helps. Good luck!

Kind regards,

레벤테 (Levente)

Team KoreanClass101.com

2020-01-15 11:22:18

How do you type in a mixture of Korean and English? I see people have done this in their comments. It would be useful in stead of having to write everything.



PS I did enjoy the lesson

2020-01-14 09:52:46

Hello 줄리,

Thank you for posting, you did pretty good! And you were close, one way to say it would be '네. 수업 대단히 감사합니다!'



Team KoreanClass101.com

2020-01-07 21:56:09

안녕하세요 ikari,

Thank you for posting and studying with us. Let us know if you have any questions. 😉

Kind regards,

레벤테 (Levente)

Team KoreanClass101.com

2020-01-03 11:04:11


수업이, 대단히 감사합니다!

Is this the way to say "Yes. Thank you very much for the class!" ?

2019-12-28 05:55:21

it was kind of hard to hear what it was saying but otherwise its amazing👍

2019-12-19 08:51:38

HI Imani,

Thank you for posting. If you want to count in native Korean numbers it would be 하나 둘 셋 넷 다섯 여섯 일곱 여덟 아홉 열 열하나 열둘 열셋 열넷 열다섯 열여섯 열일곱 열여덟 열아홉 스물.



Team KoreanClass101.com
