Vocabulary (Review)

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Do you know how to count magazines or newspapers? Find out at the end of this video!
Hi everybody! I'm Alisha.
안녕하세요. 노경진입니다.
Welcome to Korean Counters for Beginners, where you'll learn how to count all sorts of different objects in Korean! Seonsaengnim (선생님), which counter will we learn in this lesson?
권 (gwon)
First, let's take a look at what sorts of objects can be counted with this counter.
You can use this counter to count books.
권 (gwon)
This counter can be used to count books or any object similar to a book, such as a photo album.
Okay, let's count from 1 to 10 with this counter.
한 권
두 권
세 권
네 권
다섯 권
여섯 권
일곱 권
여덟 권
아홉 권
열 권
This counter sounds different when it meets with the numbers that have batchim. Those are the numbers 5 to 10.
daseot kkwon(다섯 꿘) not daseot gwon(다섯 권)
yeoseot kkwon(여섯 꿘) not yeoseot gwon(여섯 권)
ilgop kkwon(일곱 꿘) not ilgop gwon (일곱 권)
yedeol kkwon(여덜 꿘) not yedeol gwon (여덜 권)
ahop kkwon(아홉 꿘) not ahop gwon (아홉 권)
yeol kkwon(열 꿘) not yeol gwon (열 권)"
Okay. Now let's take a look at some sample sentences using this counter. Listen carefully to what sorts of objects can be counted with this counter.
책상에 책이 열 권 있습니다.
There are 10 books on the desk.
잡지를 세 권 살 겁니다.
I'll buy 3 magazines.
학교 도서관에서 책을 아홉 권 빌렸습니다.
I rented 9 books from a school library.
Now it's time for a quiz. I'm going to ask you a question in English. Answer the question in Korean. Are you ready? Make sure to use the right counter.
How many books did you read?
책을 다섯 권 읽었습니다.
How many notebooks did you buy?
공책을 여섯 권 구입했습니다.
Do you know how to count magazines or newspapers? The answer is...
You can use this counter when counting magazines or newspapers. Unlike books, these are published on a daily or a weekly basis. You can use this counter when counting the periodic publication. Seonsaengnim (선생님) will give you an example.
신문 배달원이 매일 우리 집에 신문 한 부씩 배달합니다.
The newspaper delivery man delivers a copy of the newspaper to my house every day.
Okay, everyone. That's it for this lesson. We'll see you next time!


Please to leave a comment.
2013-08-16 18:30:00

How many books have you read this year? Please answer us in Korean!

2024-02-19 12:30:57

Hi ශිවන්ත!

Thank you for your posting.

Good job on your sentences!

Have fun learning Korean, let us know if you have any inquiries.




Team KoreanClass101.com

2024-02-16 18:10:46

올해는 책을 한 권도 읽지 않았다❤️

2024-02-16 18:08:33

🙏공부를 잘해❤️ 🙏여러분 공부를 잘해❤️

2018-08-04 22:22:17

안녕하세요, 벤 씨!

Thank you so much for leaving us a comment.

Yes. Generally, object marking particles are placed after counters.

However, there are cases where the object marking particles comes before the counter especially when other particles need to be added after counters.

i.e.) 저는 책을 열 권이나 샀어요! "I bought ten books! (The speaker is trying to say a lot of books were purchased by using the particle [이나]. Thus, the object marking particles is placed right after the object.)

Hope you found this explanation helpful!



Team KoreanClass101.com

2018-06-25 03:09:33

And by "as well", I mean either after the marker or after the noun, not after both at the same time. :)

2018-06-25 03:08:39

When using the object marker and a counter, does the marker go after the noun or the counter? I seem to recall a teacher of mine saying it could go after the counter as well as the noun but I could be wrong.

2013-08-26 23:03:01

Hey Sina,

Thank you for your question and good job!

Let me slightly fix you as it might make a bit of confusion.

For 'this year', you could say 이번 해에, 이번 년에 - just to let you know, when you say 이 년,people might understood in wrong way as in 'bitch..'haha

So you could say 이번 년에 책을 스물세권 읽었어요 ;)

Thank you


Team Koreanclass101.com

2013-08-19 19:59:57

이 년 책을 스무세 권 읽었어요.

This year I have read 23 books.
