
Vocabulary (Review)

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Gyeong-eun: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com입니다.
Hyunwoo: Hyunwoo here. Is Korea Too Amazing “For” You to Put Into Words? 경은 씨, 이번 레슨에서는 뭐 배울거예요?
Gyeong-eun: 아, 이번 레슨에서는, how to say “for” or “as”, as in comparing the value or state of something with other conditions.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, so this conversation takes place
Gyeong-eun: at home.
Hyunwoo: 집에서 일어나는 대화군요.
Gyeong-eun: 네.
Hyunwoo: 네, and the conversation is between
Gyeong-eun: a married couple, 결혼한 부부사이죠.
Hyunwoo: 네, so the speakers will be speaking
Gyeong-eun: Intimate language, 반말.
Hyunwoo: Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 들어 봐요!
남편: 여보... 나 왔어. 뭐 보고 있어?
부인: 여보 왔어? 이것 봐. 우리 이번 추석 연휴 때 발리 가자.
남편: 뭐? 추석 연휴 때? 발리 비싸지 않아?
부인: 근데 추석 때는 싸. 100만원이야. 패키지 상품치고는 싼 것 같아.
남편: 100만원? 며칠?
부인: 2박 3일이야. 어때?
남편: 2박 3일치고는 너무 비싼 거 아니야?
부인: 아니야. 발리치고는 싸. 그리고 우리 신혼치고는 여행을 많이 안 했잖아.
남편: 안 돼. 너무 비싸! 그리고 추석 때는 부모님 댁에 갈 거야. 당신도 같이 가야 돼.
Gyeong-eun: 영어로 한 번 더 (yeongeoro han beon deo).
Hyunwoo: One more time, with the English.
남편: 여보... 나 왔어. 뭐 보고 있어?
Hyunwoo: Honey...I'm here. What are you looking at?
부인: 여보 왔어? 이것 봐. 우리 이번 추석 연휴 때 발리 가자.
Hyunwoo: Are you home? Look at this. Let's go to Bali during this Chuseok holidays.
남편: 뭐? 추석 연휴 때? 발리 비싸지 않아?
Hyunwoo: What? Chuseok holidays? Isn't Bali expensive?
부인: 근데 추석 때는 싸. 100만원이야. 패키지 상품치고는 싼 것 같아.
Hyunwoo: But it's cheap during that period. It's one million won. I think it's cheap for a tour package.
남편: 100만원? 며칠?
Hyunwoo: One million won? For how many days?
부인: 2박 3일이야. 어때?
Hyunwoo: Two nights and three days. How does it sound?
남편: 2박 3일치고는 너무 비싼 거 아니야?
Hyunwoo: Isn't it too expensive for two nights and three days?
부인: 아니야. 발리치고는 싸. 그리고 우리 신혼치고는 여행을 많이 안 했잖아.
Hyunwoo: No! It's cheap for Bali. And for a newly wedded couple, we haven't traveled much!
남편: 안 돼. 너무 비싸! 그리고 추석 때는 부모님 댁에 갈 거야. 당신도 같이 가야 돼.
Hyunwoo: Nope! It's too expensive! And for Chuseok we're going to my parents' house. You have to come with me, too.
Hyunwoo: So the wife wants to go on a trip during the Chuseok holidays.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 그런데 남편은 안 가고 싶어하는 것 같아요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, the husband wants to go visit his parents, and he wants his wife to come along too.
Gyeong-eun: But this is not very strange actually.
Hyunwoo: traditionally, no, but recently there are some people who think these traditional holidays are not so important. So, 경은 씨, what do you think? 경은 씨는 어떻게 생각하세요?
Gyeong-eun: To tell you the truth, I really wanna go on a trip,
Hyunwoo: Oh, really?
Gyeong-eun: Yeah… 그렇지만, 시댁에 가야겠죠, 하하?
Hyunwoo: Ah, I see. You still think that it’s important to visit the parents.
Gyeong-eun: Yes, yes.
Hyunwoo: But you’re not married, yeah?
Gyeong-eun: 결혼하지 않았어요.
Hyunwoo: But why are you thinking about 시댁?
Gyeong-eun: 어… 결혼할 거니까요.
Hyunwoo: Okay, before we go on, for your reference, the word, 시댁, refers to the house of parents-in-law, for the woman.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 맞아요.
Hyunwoo: So if you get married, your future husband’s parents’ house will be 시댁.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 그렇죠. 현우 씨는 어떻게 생각하세요?
Hyunwoo: Well, me? I think the traditionally holidays are very very important, 저도 중요하다고 생각해요. But I think it's more important to know why they are celebrated, right? If people feel the need to respect these traditional holidays, they will.
Gyeong-eun: But, if you think more practically, 추석 is a good opportunity to travel.
Hyunwoo: Exactly, I've seen a lot of people envying those who got the green light from their parents about going on a trip during 추석.
Gyeong-eun: Well, I would love to travel when not many people are traveling, but I still think 추석 has more meaning than just a holiday.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, I still think 추석 is very important too, so I will keep going back to parent’s house whenever 추석 comes around for many many years to come.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah, haha.
Hyunwoo: So now, let’s look at the vocab!
Gyeong-eun: 네, 좋아요!
Hyunwoo: 첫 번째 단어는 뭐죠?
Gyeong-eun: 추석 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day)
Gyeong-eun: 추석 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 추석 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 연휴 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: consecutive holidays
Gyeong-eun: 연휴 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 연휴 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 패키지 상품 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: package product
Gyeong-eun: 패키지 상품 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 패키지 상품 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 며칠 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: a few days, what date, how many days
Gyeong-eun: 며칠 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 며칠 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 2박 3일 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: two nights and three days
Gyeong-eun: 2박 3일 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 2박 3일 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 신혼 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: new marriage, newly married couple
Gyeong-eun: 신혼 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 신혼 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 여행 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: trip, travel
Gyeong-eun: 여행 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 여행 [natural native speed]
마지막으로 : Lastly:
Gyeong-eun: 댁 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: house, home (honorific)
Gyeong-eun: 댁 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 댁 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Okay, so let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. So the first word we’re gonna have a look at is,
Gyeong-eun: 연휴
Hyunwoo: “consecutive holidays”
Gyeong-eun: (slow) 연휴 (normal) 연휴
Hyunwoo: So how long should it be at least to be called a 연휴?
Gyeong-eun: 3일이요.
Hyunwoo: Three days ?
Gyeong-eun: Yeah, 예를 들어서, if you have a day off on Monday, you have 토요일, 일요일, and 월요일 off, so that's a 연휴.
Hyunwoo: But there are people who work on Saturdays.
Gyeong-eun: In that case, that's a very very short 연휴, because they can only take 일요일 and 월요일 off.
Hyunwoo: Okay, so basically, it could be two days, three days or 45 days, but basically, if you have just one day off in the middle of the week, that's a 휴일, and not 연휴, right?
Gyeong-eun: 네. 휴일 is just one day, and 연휴 is several days, because 연 means continuous or connected.
Hyunwoo: Yeah as in,
Gyeong-eun: 연결,
Hyunwoo: “connection”,
Gyeong-eun: 연속,
Hyunwoo: “continuation”. Okay, what is the next word that we are looking at?
Gyeong-eun: 신혼
Hyunwoo: “new marriage”.
Gyeong-eun: (slow) 신혼 (normal) 신혼
Hyunwoo: So 신혼 literally means, new marriage, 신 plus 혼, 신혼, but like in this conversation, people often refer to the newly married couple, themselves, when they say 신혼.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah so to be more precise, you can say '신혼 부부'.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, so a newly wedded couple can be called 신혼 부부 or 신혼. So for how long do you think a couple can be called a 신혼 부부?
Gyeong-eun: Umm…it depends on the couple, but I think, maybe, at least 2 years?
Hyunwoo: 2 years? That’s impossible!
Gyeong-eun: You don’t think so, haha?
Hyunwoo: Even if other people call this couple, 신혼 부부, for 2 years, I don’t think they would feel like 신혼 부부. I was thinking 3 months, hahaha.
Gyeong-eun: 3 months?
Hyunwoo: 너무 짧아요?
Gyeong-eun: 너무 짧아요.
Hyunwoo: But the term, 신혼 부부, has this nuance of being very excited about their marriage and stuff, but after 2 years, people are not as excited as they…
Gyeong-eun: Really?
Hyunwoo: Alright! I don’t know…
Gyeong-eun: 저는 결혼을 안 해서 모르겠어요.
Hyunwoo: Oh, me neither. I can’t speak for everybody, but I thought 신혼 부부 was like, 3 개월 동안…
Gyeong-eun: 정말요?
Hyunwoo: 그럴 수 있다고 생각했는데, you think that’s 2 years.
Gyeong-eun: But it’s very sad.
Hyunwoo: Sad?
Gyeong-eun: So, it’s only 3 months?
Hyunwoo: No, you don’t have to be a 신혼 부부 to be happy.
Gyeong-eun: 음…하하
Hyunwoo: So, newly married couple have something special about them. So I think that disappears, that goes away within three months.
Gyeong-eun: So, like I said before, I said it depends on the couple.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, it definitely depends on the couple. So for now, let’s look at the grammar points together.
Gyeong-eun: Okay.

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: What's the grammar point of this lesson?
Gyeong-eun: The grammar point of this lesson is how to say "considering..." or "for..."
Hyunwoo: As in the example?
Gyeong-eun: 50살치고는 젊어요.
Hyunwoo: "He's young, for being 50 years old."
Gyeong-eun: So when you want to express your opinion about something in relation to a certain fact, you can use the expression, 치고는.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, 치고는 has the meaning of "when you consider..." "if you think about..." or "for..."
Gyeong-eun: And it is often used when what you see or find is different from what you would normally expect.
Hyunwoo: Right, so for example, if you want to say, "This is heavy, for a laptop computer." What do you say?
Gyeong-eun: 노트북 컴퓨터치고는 무겁네요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, and how do you use it?
Gyeong-eun: after a noun, you just add 치고는.
Hyunwoo: And with a verb?
Gyeong-eun: FIRST you make it into a noun form by making it VERB plus -은/는 것, and you add 치고는.
Hyunwoo: Okay, so let's look at how it can be used in context by looking at how it was used in the dialogue for this lesson.
Gyeong-eun: 패키지 상품치고는 싼 것 같아.
Hyunwoo: "I think it is cheap for a package tour product."
Gyeong-eun: 2박 3일 치고는 너무 비싼 거 아니야?
Hyunwoo: "Isn't it too expensive for two nights and three days?"
Gyeong-eun: 발리치고는 싸.
Hyunwoo: "It's cheap for Bali."
Gyeong-eun: 그리고 우리 신혼치고는 여행을 많이 안 했잖아.
Hyunwoo: "And for a newly married couple, we haven't traveled much!" Great, now before we finish, let's look at three more examples. first, 경은 씨, how do you say "He's really tall for a middle school student."
Gyeong-eun: 걔는 중학생치고는 키가 너무 커요.
Hyunwoo: And how do you say, "For someone who lives alone, you have a very big room."
Gyeong-eun: 혼자 사는 사람치고는 방이 넓네요. I wish people could say that about my room.
Hyunwoo: How do you say, "Considering that it's summer, I don't think it's very hot."
Gyeong-eun: 여름치고는 안 더운 것 같아요.


Hyunwoo: Okay, so that just about does it for today, everyone! Practice a lot! Practice using this phrase over and over again whenever you get the chance. For example, 경은 씨, 경은 씨는 30살치고는 젊어 보여요.
Gyeong-eun: Haha, 감사합니다.
Hyunwoo: For being 30 years old, you look young.
Gyeong-eun: Haha.
Hyunwoo: Very very young. You look 29.
Gyeong-eun: Okay, thank you, haha.
Hyunwoo: So, if you have a question, please stop by KoreanClass101.com and pick up the lesson notes, and we will see you there.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 감사합니다. 안녕히 계세요.
Hyunwoo: 네, KoreanClass101.com에서 만나요!


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