
Vocabulary (Review)

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Gyeong-eun: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com입니다.
Hyunwoo: Hyunwoo here. “I Didn’t Know” It Could Happen in Korea!
Gyeong-eun: Today’s dialogue is also continued from the previous lesson.
Hyunwoo: 태훈, who just entered the company made some really bad first impressions at the welcoming party. 환영회에서 안 좋은 첫인상을 남겼죠.
Gyeong-eun: Haha, 네. Let’s find out what happens in today’s lesson.
Hyunwoo: So, what are we going to learn in this lesson?
Gyeong-eun: In this lesson, we will learn how to say, “to have thought that (something)...”, “to know that (something)”, or “do not know that (something)” using -은/는 줄 알다/모르다.
Hyunwoo: Okay, and the conversation takes place
Gyeong-eun: in the company where 태훈 started working.
Hyunwoo: And the conversation is between
Gyeong-eun: 태훈 and his bosses.
Hyunwoo: Right. Therefore, 태훈's bosses will be speaking intimate language, and 태훈 will be speaking polite language. Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
태훈: 아... 지각이네...
부장: 아니, 이태훈 씨! 나 좀 봅시다. 어제 기억나? 태훈 씨가 그렇게 술을 못 마시는 줄 몰랐어.
태훈: 어제요? 제가 어제... 실수... 했나요? 죄송합니다.
과장: 어제 태훈 씨가 나한테 뭐라고 했는 줄 알아?
부장: 됐어. 그냥 일 합시다.
태훈: 죄송합니다. 정말 죄송합니다. 제가 그렇게 많이 취할 줄 몰랐어요.
과장: 나랑 부장님이 어제 얼마나 화가 났는 줄 알아?
태훈: 죄송합니다. 두 번 다시 그런 일 없을 거예요.
과장: 흠... 두고 보겠어. 아무튼, 보고서 가져 와.
Gyeong-eun: 영어로 한 번 더 (yeongeoro han beon deo).
Hyunwoo: One more time, with the English.
태훈: 아... 지각이네...
Hyunwoo: I'm late again...
부장: 아니, 이태훈 씨! 나 좀 봅시다. 어제 기억나? 태훈 씨가 그렇게 술을 못 마시는 줄 몰랐어.
Hyunwoo: Hey, Taehun. I need to talk to you for a second. Do you remember yesterday? I didn't know tolerance was so low.
태훈: 어제요? 제가 어제... 실수... 했나요? 죄송합니다.
Hyunwoo: Yesterday? Did I… do anything wrong yesterday? I'm sorry.
과장: 어제 태훈 씨가 나한테 뭐라고 했는 줄 알아?
Hyunwoo: Do you remember what you said to me yesterday?
부장: 됐어. 그냥 일 합시다.
Hyunwoo: Forget it. Let's just work.
태훈: 죄송합니다. 정말 죄송합니다. 제가 그렇게 많이 취할 줄 몰랐어요.
Hyunwoo: Sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't know I would get so drunk.
과장: 나랑 부장님이 어제 얼마나 화가 났는 줄 알아?
Hyunwoo: Do you know how angry the manager and I were yesterday?
태훈: 죄송합니다. 두 번 다시 그런 일 없을 거예요.
Hyunwoo: I'm sorry. It's not going to happen again.
과장: 흠... 두고 보겠어. 아무튼, 보고서 가져 와.
Hyunwoo: Hmm...I'll keep an eye on you. Anyway, bring me the report!
Hyunwoo: 경은 씨, I know this is a very very embarrassing question, but have you ever made this kind of error or mistake to anyone? 이런 실수 한 적 있어요?
Gyeong-eun: 아니요. 저는 술 마시고 실수한 적 없어요, 하하. I've never made any mistake after drinking.
Hyunwoo: You sure? 확실해요?
Gyeong-eun: haha. 당연하죠. 확실해요. As far as I remember, I've never made a mistake.
Hyunwoo: You see? you're not sure.
Gyeong-eun: 지금 그게 중요한 게 아니에요. What's important is that you shouldn't drink too much.
Hyunwoo: Haha, that's right, but you know there's a word for this kind of behavior when you are drunk.
Gyeong-eun: You mean, 술주정?
Hyunwoo: Yeah.
Gyeong-eun: 술/주/정. 술주정.
Hyunwoo: Any action or behavior that you do when you are drunk that might leave some bad impressions is called 술주정. Okay, how about learning some more words in the vocab section?
Gyeong-eun: 좋아요. 오늘의 단어 보시죠.
Hyunwoo: Okay, the first word is,
Gyeong-eun: 지각 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: being late
Gyeong-eun: 지각 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 지각 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Gyeong-eun: 기억나다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to remember, to come to mind
Gyeong-eun: 기억나다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 기억나다 [natural native speed]
그리괴 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 실수하다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to make a mistake
Gyeong-eun: 실수하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 실수하다 [natural native speed]
And : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 취하다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to get drunk, to be drunk
Gyeong-eun: 취하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 취하다 [natural native speed]
그 다음에 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 화나다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to get angry, to get mad
Gyeong-eun: 화나다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 화나다 [natural native speed]
다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 두번 다시 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: never again
Gyeong-eun: 두번 다시 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 두번 다시 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 두고 보다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: wait and see
Gyeong-eun: 두고 보다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 두고 보다 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 아무튼 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: anyway, anyhow
Gyeong-eun: 아무튼 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 아무튼 [natural native speed]
마지막으로 :Lastly:
Gyeong-eun: 보고서 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: report
Gyeong-eun: 보고서 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 보고서 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Okay, let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Gyeong-eun: 화나다
Hyunwoo: “to get mad”, “to be mad”
Gyeong-eun: 화/나/다.
Hyunwoo: You can break this word down into two parts.
Gyeong-eun: Yes, the first letter 화 means “anger”, and 나다 means “to get out”, “to come out”, so, literally, it means that your “anger” gets out of you.
Hyunwoo: Haha, right. Your anger is coming out of you, which happens often in the office. 화나다, righ?
Gyeong-eun: Yeah, right.
Hyunwoo: It happens from you, to me. Anyway, haha. For example?
Gyeong-eun: 화났어?
Hyunwoo: "Are you mad?" "Are you angry?"
Gyeong-eun: 나한테 화났어?
Hyunwoo: "Are you mad at me?" "Are you angry at me?"
Gyeong-eun: Yeah, always.
Hyunwoo: Please don’t be.
Gyeong-eun: But there's a similar word that a lot of people get confused about.
Hyunwoo: Which is?
Gyeong-eun: 화내다.
Hyunwoo: “To get mad”, “to get angry”. Well, if you just look at the translated meaning, it's the same as 화나다, but how is 화내다 different from 화나다?
Gyeong-eun: If you look at the last part, 나다 is “to come out”, and 내다 is “to take something out”.
Hyunwoo: Right. And 내다 as you know also means “to pay” in some contexts. So 화나다 means “to be angry”, and it expresses your emotion, and 화내다 means “to get angry”, “to show anger”.
Gyeong-eun: Which... expresses your behavior or action.
Hyunwoo: Right, and in Korean you can't really say the 'don't' with a state, so when you want to say 'don't be upset', you can't say 화나지 마, but you have to say
Gyeong-eun: 화내지 마.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, because 화내다 is an action, and 화나다 is not. It's just an emotion. You can only tell someone not to do an action, not a state.
Gyeong-eun: 그러니까, 현우 씨, 화내지 마세요.
Hyunwoo: Me? I'm not upset. 화 안 났어요. 그리고, 화 안 냈어요. I'm not upset, and I didn't show any anger.
Gyeong-eun: 항상 화내잖아요. 화내지 마세요.
Hyunwoo: Don’t lie, please. Okay, 경은 씨, what’s the next word we are looking at?
Gyeong-eun: 두고 보다
Hyunwoo: “to wait and see”
Gyeong-eun: 두/고/보/다. 두고보다
Hyunwoo: and this can also be broken down into two parts
Gyeong-eun: 두다 and 보다
Hyunwoo: 두다 means “to put something down somewhere”,
Gyeong-eun: and 보다 means “to see”, “to look at”,
Hyunwoo: so together, 두고 보다 means “to put something down and have a good look at it”.
Gyeong-eun: so it means ”to wait and see”.
Hyunwoo: Okay, excellent job! Then, now let's look at the grammar point of this lesson.

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: What's the grammar point of this lesson?
Gyeong-eun: -은/는 줄 알다/모르다
Hyunwoo: “To Have Thought that (something)”/ “To Know That (something)” / “Do Not Know That (something)”, as in the example,
Gyeong-eun: 오늘인 줄 몰랐어요.
Hyunwoo: “I didn't know that it was today.”
Gyeong-eun: Yes, when you want to express whether or not you know about a method or a fact, you can use this grammatical structure.
Hyunwoo: 네. The ending verb is usually 알다 “to know” or 모르다 “do not know”.
Gyeong-eun: And it follows -ㄴ/은/는 줄. So the entire structure means "to know/not know that ..." or "to think/not expect that ..."
Hyunwoo: Good. I think it will give our listeners a better idea if we have a look at an example on how to form a sentence with this. So how do you form a sentence with this structure?
Gyeong-eun: After the Verb stem, you add ㄴ/은/는 줄 알다 or 모르다.
Hyunwoo: Right, but one little tip to remember is that there's a slight difference between the past tense and the present tense.
Gyeong-eun: 네. 맞아요. For 과거시제, the past tense, you add -ㄴ/은 줄 알다/모르다.
Hyunwoo: and for the present tense?
Gyeong-eun: -는 줄 알다/ 모르다
Hyunwoo: So what's different ? Haha.
Gyeong-eun: Just remember 은 for the past tense and 는 for the present tense.
Hyunwoo: Okay, 은 for the past tense and 는 for the present tense. So can you give us some examples? How do you say, "I didn't know you had waited for me." in the past tense?
Gyeong-eun: 저를 기다린 줄 몰랐어요.
Hyunwoo: How about an example in the present tense; I mean, not the sentence but the relative times of the two actions that happened? So how do you say, "I didn't know you were waiting for me (at that moment/at that time)."
Gyeong-eun: So you have to think about 는 for the present tense, so 저를 기다리는 줄 몰랐어요.
Hyunwoo: “저를 기다린 줄 몰랐어요.” for the past tense / “저를 기다리는 줄 몰랐어요.” for the present tense. 좋아요. 더 많은 예문은 PDF를 참고해 주시고, 오늘 대화에 나왔던 예문들을 볼까요?
Gyeong-eun: 네. "태훈 씨가 그렇게 술을 못 마시는 줄 몰랐어."
Hyunwoo: “I didn't know you were so weak with alcohol.”
Gyeong-eun: 어제 태훈 씨가 나한테 뭐라고 했는 줄 알아?
Hyunwoo: “태훈, do you remember what you said to me yesterday?”
Gyeong-eun: 제가 그렇게 많이 취할 줄 몰랐어요.
Hyunwoo: “I didn't know I would get so drunk.”
Gyeong-eun: 나랑 부장님이 어제 얼마나 화가 났는 줄 알아?
Hyunwoo: “Do you know how angry the manager and I were yesterday?”
Gyeong-eun: 내가 어제 현우 씨한테 얼마나 화가 났는 줄 알아요?


Hyunwoo: I don’t know, haha. That was not a very good example, haha. I don’t know how angry you were yesterday to me, because you weren’t angry. You’re always so nice.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah right.
Hyunwoo: Because I’m nice back to you.
Gyeong-eun: 화내지 마세요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 화 안 낼게요. So, 여기까지 인가요?
Gyeong-eun: 네, 여기까지입니다.
Hyunwoo: Alright, so that's gonna do it for this lesson. Okay, 그러면 오늘은 여기까지 하고 여러분, 다음 시간에 다시 뵙겠습니다.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 여러분, 화내지 마세요.
Hyunwoo: Be happy.
Gyeong-eun: 안녕히 계세요.
Hyunwoo: 안녕히 계세요.


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