
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Keith: Keith here. 25!
Seol: Bon Voyage.
Keith: Voyage, isn’t it like Voyage?
Seol: Ah was it Voyage?
Keith: I guess. I don’t know anything about French.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Okay well Bon Voyage means goodbye.
Seol: So this is our last intermediate lesson.
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: Oh…
Keith: But don’t worry about it. We have another series in the wings ready to go.
Seol: Wow! Then okay, okay.
Keith: Up, up, up.
Seol: Up, up, up.
Keith: Okay so today it’s a happy ending.
Seol: 네. 인성, 소연, 민호, 지혜가 모두 함께 모여서 여행을 가요.
Keith: And do you know where they are going?
Seol: No.
Keith: Yeah me neither 저도 몰라요 but it’s a happy ending because they all get to jump in the car and hey let’s go.
Seol: 저도 여행 가고 싶어요.
Keith: 여행 많이 해 봤어요?
Seol: 많이는 아니고요.
Keith: Well did you travel a lot by car because that’s how they are traveling today.
Seol: 네. 언니 차로 많이 여행 했어요.
Keith: Umm so 국내 여행.
Seol: 네.
Keith: Domestic traveling is very easy because Korea is such a small country.
Seol: 맞아요.
Keith: 근데 만약에 if North Korea and South Korea were together, how long would it take to get from the bottom of South Korea all the way to the top of North Korea?
Seol: By a car, I guess it’s about 15 hours or 18 but less than a day.
Keith: Umm well it’s not so small then.
Seol: Uhoo...
Keith: But Korea is – the reality is Korea is divided into half.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So how long does it take from the top of South Korea to the bottom of South Korea.
Seol: About 8 hours.
Keith: It’s kind of small hah!
Seol: Umm 10 hours.
Keith: Okay so these people are not going to travel much.
Seol: No.
Keith: Or maybe take a car, 2 hours, 3 hours driving.
Seol: 예, 한 두 시간 정도만 가도 바다를 볼 수 있어요.
Keith: Yeah anywhere you are, 2 hours you can see the sea.
Seol: Umm 좀 오래 걸리면 세 시간? 여튼 한국은 조그마하니까.
Keith: All right. So that’s what’s going on today. So before we get into the dialogue, what should the listeners listen for as they are driving, what kind of words?
Seol: 운전
Keith: Drive.
Seol: 막히다
Keith: To be blocked, to be jammed traffic.
Seol: Uhoo.
Keith: So watch out for these words as we get into today’s dialogue.
(1)인성: 소연아! 지혜야, 이쪽이야.
(2)소연: 오빠!
(3)지혜: 인성 오빠 안녕하세요! 우리 민호 오빠는 아직 안 왔어요?
(4)인성: 민호는 뭐 항상 늦잖아. 우리끼리 갈까?
(5)지혜: 안 돼요!! 우와! 근데 오빠 이거 오빠 자동차예요?
(6)인성: 아니, 오늘 소연이랑 지혜랑 민호랑 놀러 간다고 하니까, 아버지가 빌려 주셨어.
(7)지혜: 우와! 나도 빨리 운전면허 따고 싶다. 소연아 넌 운전 면허 있어?
(8)소연: 아니... 나중에 따야지.
(9)인성: 소연이는 내가 나중에 운전 가르쳐 줄게!
(10)소연: 응, 오빠.
(11)지혜: 어유! 닭살! 어! 민호 오빠다! 오빠! 오빠! 오빠아아!
(12)소연: (피식 웃으며) 진짜 닭살은 누군데!
(13)민호: 애들아 늦어서 미안! 차가 막혀서!!
(14)인성: 지하철도 막히냐? 빨리 가자!
(15)민호: 가자 가자!!! 출발!
Seol: 이번에는 영어와 함께
(1)인성: 소연아! 지혜야, 이쪽이야.
Keith: Soyeon! Jihye! This way.
(2)소연: 오빠!
Keith: Inseong!
(3)지혜: 인성 오빠 안녕하세요! 우리 민호 오빠는 아직 안 왔어요?
Keith: Hi Inseong! Isn't Minho here yet?
(4)인성: 민호는 뭐 항상 늦잖아. 우리끼리 갈까?
Keith: You know he's always late. How about just going without him?
(5)지혜: 안 돼요!! 우와! 근데 오빠 이거 오빠 자동차예요?
Keith: No way! Wow. By the way, is this your car?
(6)인성: 아니, 오늘 소연이랑 지혜랑 민호랑 놀러 간다고 하니까, 아버지가 빌려 주셨어.
Keith: No, I told my father that I'm going out with Soyeon, Jihye and Minho, and my father lent it to me.
(7)지혜: 우와! 나도 빨리 운전면허 따고 싶다. 소연아 넌 운전 면허 있어?
Keith: Wow. I want to get my driver's license soon, too. Soyeon, do you have a driver's license?
(8)소연: 아니... 나중에 따야지.
Keith: No... I'll have to get it someday.
(9)인성: 소연이는 내가 나중에 운전 가르쳐 줄게!
Keith: Soyeon, I’ll teach you how to drive someday.
(10)소연: 응, 오빠.
Keith: Okay.
(11)지혜: 어유! 닭살! 어! 민호 오빠다! 오빠! 오빠! 오빠아아!
Keith: Oh... goose bumps... Huh! It's Minho! Minho! Minho! Minho!!!
(12)소연: (피식 웃으며) 진짜 닭살은 누군데!
Keith: (laughing) Look who's talking!
(13)민호: 애들아 늦어서 미안! 차가 막혀서!!
Keith: I'm sorry for being late! I got stuck in traffic!
(14)인성: 지하철도 막히냐? 빨리 가자!
Keith: Do subway trains have traffic too? Let's go!
(15)민호: 가자 가자!!! 출발!
Keith: Go go go!
Keith: 기쁘지 않아요?
Seol: 기뻐요. 해피 엔딩이잖아요. 다들 사이 좋은 거 같아서 기뻐요. 근데 Keith는 운전면허 있어요?
Keith: I used to have a driver’s license but it expired. I don’t drive much anymore.
Seol: 이제 그러면 Keith는 운전 못 하는 거네?
Keith: 운전할 수 있죠. I can drive but…
Seol: But if you drive, it’s illegal.
Keith: How about yourself?
Seol: I have, I have. So I can drive. So I can drive you anywhere you want. 누나잖아. 맡겨 봐.
Keith: Let’s travel around South Korea all 6 hours, 8 hours. Okay so let’s get into the vocab.
Keith: First word we have is
Seol: 항상
Keith: Always, all the time.
Seol: 항상 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 항상 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 놀다
Keith: To play, to hang out.
Seol: 놀다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 놀다 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에
Seol: 빌려주다
Keith: To lend.
Seol: 빌려주다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 빌려주다 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에
Seol: 운전면허
Keith: Driver’s license.
Seol: 운전면허 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 운전면허 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 운전
Keith: Driving.
Seol: 운전 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 운전 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에
Seol: 가르치다
Keith: To teach
Seol: 가르치다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 가르치다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next
Seol: 닭살
Keith: Goosebumps.
Seol: 닭살 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 닭살 [natural native speed]
Keith: And 마지막으로
Seol: 막히다
Keith: To be blocked, to be jammed.
Seol: 막히다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 막히다 [natural native speed]
Keith: I want to talk about the word 가르치다 a little bit. Do you know why?
Seol: 왜냐하면 Keith가 한국어를 가르치고 있으니까. 아니에요?
Keith: 설씨도 그렇잖아요.
Seol: 네
Keith: Well not because we are teaching but actually the pronunciation of this, a lot of people get it mixed up.
Seol: 가르키다
Keith: Yeah a lot of people say that instead of
Seol: 가르치다 but 가르키다 means pointing out.
Keith: Yeah so a lot of people mix these two up even native Korean speakers.
Seol: 맞아요. 저도 가끔 그래요.
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: 자주 그래요.
Keith: 자주 그렇죠, right?
Seol: 네.
Keith: So let’s have a couple of example sentences where you use 가르치다 to teach and 가르키다 to point out. So how about 가르치다?
Seol: 한국어 좀 가르쳐 주세요.
Keith: Please teach me some Korean.
Seol: 백화점이 어디 있는지 가르켜 주세요.
Keith: Please point out where the department store is but in a lot of cases, you might hear 한국어 가르켜 주세요. Please point out Korean to me instead of 가르치다.
Seol: 네.
Keith: 그렇죠?
Seol: 가르치다, 한국어를 가르치다. 꼭 기억하셔야 돼요.
Keith: Okay. Next let’s talk about 닭살.
Seol: Yeah I knew you were going to point this out. Keith가 이걸 가르킬 줄 알았어요.
Keith: Why? How did you know I was going to point it out?
Seol: 왜냐면 because this word is really helpful 그리고 Keith때문에 제가 닭살 많이 돋으니까.
Keith: Okay so 닭살 means Goosebumps but literally what is it?
Seol: 닭
Keith: Chicken.
Seol: 살
Keith: Skin.
Seol: Chicken skin.
Keith: So if you imagine a chicken skin, a pluck chicken and it’s kind of bumpy. And when will we use this word, in what situations?
Seol: 닭살에는 두 개의 뜻이 있어요. 첫 번째 뜻은 영어의 goose bumps하고 정말 똑같은 뜻이에요.
Keith: Kind of like when you are scared or when it’s cold.
Seol: 네.
Keith: How do you say it?
Seol: 너무 무서워서 닭살이 돋았어.
Keith: 닭살이
Seol: 돋다
Keith: To get Goosebumps.
Seol: 두 번째 뜻은요 조금 귀여운 뜻인데요. 커플이 서로 너무너무 사랑하는 그런 티를 낼 때 옆 사람들이 너네들 닭살 돋아라고 말해요.
Keith: So maybe this happens to you.
Seol: Yeah 제 친구가 친구의 남자 친구와 함께 막 좋아하는 티를 내면
Keith: Yeah kind of like lovey-dovey, I love you…
Seol: Oh I hate it. 닭살 돋아요.
Keith: So 닭살이 돋다 to get goose bumps. So you know when you see two lovey-dovey people and it’s ah I love you so much and uh why don’t we do this together, it’s like ah…
Seol: 으 닭살 돋아
Keith: And how did it come out in today’s conversation?
Seol: 지혜가 인성과 소연 커플을 보고 어유 닭살 이렇게 얘기해요.
Keith: Because they are so lovey-dovey. What’s that word? How do you say lovey-dovey in Korean?
Seol: 한국어로는요 러브러브 커플이라는 말 쓰는데.
Keith: Love, love couple. Okay so if you are 러브러브 couple, then maybe you hear a lot of
Seol: 닭살
Keith: Yeah. Okay and lastly let’s talk about our last word.
Seol: 막히다
Keith: To be blocked, to be jammed. Now this is the passive form of
Seol: 맏다
Keith: To block. The actual action of blocking something. So you use this with traffic. There is a traffic jam. How do you say this?
Seol: 차가 막혀요.
Keith: How did it came out in today’s conversation?
Seol: 민호가 늦었어요. 그래서 he is making an excuse that 차가 막혀서.
Keith: Because it was blocked or because it was jammed and he is referring to the traffic and 인성 also replies.
Seol: 지하철도 막히냐?
Keith: Do Subways also get traffic jams?
Seol: Oh yes it was just an excuse.
Keith: Yeah. Okay let’s move on to today’s grammar point.

Lesson focus

Seol: Today the only grammar point is 고 하니까.
Keith: And this is actually maybe a little complicated over here but this is intermediate. We can tackle this. We actually have two grammar points intertwined into one. So what’s that first one we have?
Seol: 고 하다
Keith: And this is used for reported speech. So let’s have a couple of examples.
Seol: 민경이는 학교에 간다고 했다.
Keith: Mingyeong said, she was going to school. Now the verb that we add to the beginning of 고 is in the plain declarative.
Seol: 간다고 했다
Keith: But now we add another construction.
Seol: 민경이가 학교에 간다고 하니까
Keith: And this 니까 means because and it gives a reason for something that follows after it. So we need something that follows after it to finish up the sentence. So let’s have that same example.
Seol: 민경이가 학교에 간다고 하니까 엄마가 태워주셨다.
Keith: Because Ming Yong said she was going to school, her mom gave her a ride and 오늘의 대화에는 어떻게 나왔어요?
Seol: 오늘 놀러 간다고 하니까, 아버지가 빌려 주셨어.
Keith: Because I said I was going to hangout, my dad lent it to me. What are you talking about when you use this construction?
Seol: 보통 본인에 관해서 얘기할 때 많이 쓰여요.
Keith: When you are talking about yourself. So when you report speech, it’s usually reporting your own speech.
Seol: 그런 경우가 많죠.
Keith: Yeah so I said this. So this happened. 예문 좀 들어 보세요.
Seol: 내가 대학생이 된다고 하니까
Keith: Because I said I am going to become a university student
Seol: 아빠가 용돈을 올려 주셨어.
Keith: My dad raised my allowance. Is this true?
Seol: Yeah it is.
Keith: Yeah, yeah. Okay
Seol: 모르겠다고 하니까
Keith: Because I said I didn’t know
Seol: 선생님이 야단치셨어.
Keith: My teacher yelled at me.


Keith: Okay so that’s going to do for today.
Seol: 어, 아쉬워요.
Keith: 아쉽죠?
Seol: 네.
Keith: What does that mean exactly?
Seol: I cannot find the exact you know English expression for this expression.
Keith: Yeah it’s a little difficult to translate because it’s – there is not really a word in English that you use just like this word 아쉽다 but for example, we are ending our intermediate series today. So 아쉽다.
Seol: 다시 오지 않으니까 다시 intermediate lesson이 없으니까 아쉬워요.
Keith: Yeah it’s like ah you missed out kind of because aww that’s it 아쉬워 I want more. I want this but we can’t.
Seol: 맞아요. 예를 들어서 제 친구가 이사를 가면 더 이상 자주 볼 수 없으니까 아쉽고요.
Keith: So if your friend is moving away from you, you can’t see them too often, you are missing out. You want to meet them again but they are not around anymore. So…
Seol: 아쉬워요.
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: 그리고 좋아하는 티비 드라마가 끝나 버려도 아쉬워요.
Keith: Every time.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Every drama that you like whenever it ends 아쉬워.
Seol: 네.
Keith: Because you want to watch more.
Seol: 맞아요.
Keith: Okay, so I hope you enjoyed that word. That’s a really good word actually.
Seol: 여러분, 수고하셨습니다.
Keith: 수고하셨습니다.


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