
Vocabulary (Review)

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Jaehwi: Imagine you want to go to a Korean public bathhouse. What do you do? 안녕하세요. 이재휘입니다. Jaehwi here. Anyone can learn how to enjoy a public bath and sauna in Korea. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Mark and Kosu are at a public bathhouse in Korea. Let's watch!
여직원: 어서 오세요. 목욕이세요, 찜질이세요?
마크: 목욕이요.
여직원: 여기 표랑 열쇠 가져가세요. 남탕은 오른쪽이에요.
고수: 마크, 목욕탕에는 열탕과 온탕이 있는데 열탕에 들어가볼까?
마크: 열탕? 많이 뜨거워?
고수: 40도 정도?
마크: 열탕은 너무 뜨거울 것 같아. 난 온탕에 있을게.
고수: 목욕도 했으니까 때를 밀자.
마크: 난 괜찮아. 샤워만 할게.
Jaehwi: Now, with English!
Female staff: Welcome. Are you here for a bath or sauna?
Mark: For a bath.
Female staff: Please take your tickets and locker keys. The men's baths are on the right.
Kosu: Mark, there is a hot and warm bath in the bath area...shall we try the hot bathtub?
Mark: Hot bath? Is it very hot?
Kosu: About 40 degrees celsius?
Mark: 40 degrees seems too hot. I'll be in the warm bathtub.
Kosu: Since we took a bath, let's scrub.
Mark: I'm okay. I'll just take a shower.
Jaehwi: Here are the key words from the scene.
Mark: 어서오세요
Lyn: 어서오세요
Becky: welcome, can I help you?
Lyn: 어서오세요, 어서오세요, 어서오세요
Mark: 목욕
Lyn: 목욕
Becky: bath
Lyn: 목욕, 목욕, 목욕
Mark: 온탕
Lyn: 온탕
Becky: warm bath
Lyn: 온탕, 온탕, 온탕
Mark: 열탕
Lyn: 열탕
Becky: hot bath
Lyn: 열탕, 열탕, 열탕
Mark: 괜찮아
Lyn: 괜찮아
Becky: I'm alright. It's okay
Lyn: 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아
Mark: 오른쪽
Lyn: 오른쪽
Becky: right side
Lyn: 오른쪽, 오른쪽, 오른쪽
Mark: 찜질
Lyn: 찜질
Becky: sauna
Lyn: 찜질, 찜질, 찜질
Jaehwi: And now, a breakdown of some of the Korean you heard in the scene.
Becky: How does the staff member ask what service Mark and his coworker would like to use?
Staff: 어서오세요. 목욕이세요, 찜질이세요?
Lyn: 어서오세요. 목욕이세요, 찜질이세요? 어서오세요. 목욕이세요, 찜질이세요?
Becky: "Welcome. Are you here for a bath or sauna?" First, we have the phrase...
Lyn: 어서오세요.
Becky: meaning "welcome." This is followed by...
Lyn: 목욕이세요, 찜질이세요?
Becky: "Are you here for a bath or sauna?" Let's break this down. The words...
Lyn: 목욕, 찜질
Becky: mean "bath" and "sauna" respectively. Then, we have...
Lyn: ~이세요?
Becky: When you want to politely ask someone to choose between two things, you can use this sentence ending.
Becky: If the preceding noun ends with a consonant or batchim like we have in the dialogue, you can use the ending...
Lyn: ~이세요?
Becky: If the preceding noun ends in a vowel, then you can use...
Lyn: ~세요?
Becky: So, for example, if you are going to the beauty salon, the staff may ask you if you want a cut or perm by saying...
Lyn: 커트세요, 파마세요?
Becky: "Do you want a cut or a perm?" The words...
Lyn: 커트 and 파마
Becky: mean "cut" and "perm" respectively. As both words end with a vowel, you need to say...
Lyn: 커트세요, 파마세요?
Becky: "Do you want a cut or a perm?"
Becky: Now, you try! Say the staff member's line.
Staff: 어서오세요. 목욕이세요, 찜질이세요?
Becky: How does Mark politely decline going for a scrub after their bath?
Mark: 난 괜찮아. 샤워만 할게.
Lyn: 난 괜찮아. 샤워만 할게. 난 괜찮아. 샤워만 할게.
Becky: "I'm okay. I'll just take a shower." The first phrase is...
Lyn: 난 괜찮아.
Becky: which means, "I'm okay."
Becky: "This is a casual phrase and you can use it to gently turn down a suggestion or offer from the other party. This phrase starts with...
Lyn: 난
Becky: This is the colloquial version of...
Lyn: 나는
Becky: Meaning "I am." You can break it down even further.
Lyn: 나
Becky: means "I" and...
Lyn: 는
Becky: is the subject marking particle.
Becky: Next we have...
Lyn: 괜찮아
Becky: Which is the colloquial version of...
Lyn: 괜찮다
Becky: This adjective means "not bad," "okay," "alright.”
Becky: Now, let's take the second half.
Lyn: 샤워만 할게.
Becky: means "I'll just take a shower."
Becky: It starts with...
Lyn: 샤워만
Becky: means "just shower" and the verb...
Lyn: 할게
Becky: means "will do."
Becky: Now, you try! Say Mark's line.
Kosu: 목욕도 했으니까 때를 밀자.
Mark: 난 괜찮아. 샤워만 할게.

Lesson focus

Jaehwi: Now, the lesson focus. Here is how you can enjoy a public bath and sauna in Korea.
Becky: Have you ever been to a "Korean Sauna"? In Korean, it's called..
Lyn: 찜질방
Becky: "Sauna culture" is very unique to Korea. It's a place where many foreigners and Koreans like go to relax and enjoy themselves.
Becky: Not only can you enjoy baths and sauna, but there is also a resting area where you can watch TV, eat Korean food, and talk with family and friends.
Becky: When you first arrive at the sauna, the staff may ask you...
Lyn: 목욕이세요, 찜질이세요?
Becky: "Are you here for a bath or sauna?" You can say...
Lyn: 목욕
Becky: if you want to take a bath or...
Lyn: 찜질
Becky: if you want to use the sauna.
Becky: Then, the staff member will give you your ticket and locker keys and show you where the changing rooms are.
Becky: Once you enter the bath area, you may notice something a little strange...many Korean people wear their towels on their head rolled into buns on both sides. So, why is this?
Becky: This trend actually grew in popularity because of the Korean drama, "My Name is Kim Sam Soon." The proper name for it is...
Lyn: 양머리 수건
Becky: which roughly translates into English as, "sheep head towel."
Becky: Not only is this considered to be "cute,” but it also prevents sweat from rolling into your eyes. Maybe you can ask one of your Korean friends to show you how to tie it!
Becky: Once you've finished your bath, you may want to try a very unique service in Korea called...
Lyn: 때밀이
Becky: This is a service where staff dressed in black bathing suits or undergarments use a rough cloth to scrub your entire body clean.
Becky: It's advised to go into a rather hot bath before this service, so that your body is easier to clean. In Korean saunas, you'll also see native Koreans taking a "milk bath." If you order this, staff members will rub milk all over your body for moisture!
Becky: These bathhouses are also great places for you to meet new people and practice your Korean. So relax, take a soak and have a good time!
Jaehwi: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Becky: You’re visiting a public bath in Korea. Ready? Here we go.
Becky: What is the word for the Korean head towel made into the shape of a sheep?
Lyn: 양머리 수건
Becky: How do you say "sauna" in Korean?
Lyn: A.) 때밀이 B.) 목욕 C.) 찜질
Lyn: C.) 찜질
Becky: How do you gently decline an offer in Korean to your friend?
Lyn: 난 괜찮아.
Becky: Great job!
Lyn: 양머리 수건
Lyn: 찜질
Lyn: 난 괜찮아.


Korean: 잘 했어요! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, You're ready to enjoy a public bath and sauna in Korea! Have a good time! 안녕히 계세요!
여직원: 어서 오세요. 목욕이세요, 찜질이세요?
마크: 목욕이요.
여직원: 여기 표랑 열쇠 가져가세요. 남탕은 오른쪽이에요.
고수: 마크, 목욕탕에는 열탕과 온탕이 있는데 열탕에 들어가볼까?
마크: 열탕? 많이 뜨거워?
고수: 40도 정도?
마크: 열탕은 너무 뜨거울 것 같아. 난 온탕에 있을게.
고수: 목욕도 했으니까 때를 밀자.
마크: 난 괜찮아. 샤워만 할게.

