
Vocabulary (Review)

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Jaehwi: Imagine you have started working at a Korean company. How would you greet your coworkers? 안녕하세요. 이재휘입니다. Jaehwi here. Anyone can learn how to greet their coworkers in Korean. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Mark is talking to his colleague at work. Let's watch!
마크: 안녕하십니까. 좋은 아침입니다.
마크: 선배님 안녕하세요. 어제는 잘 들어가셨어요?
선배: 응응. 마크 씨도?
마크: 네. 저도 잘 들어갔습니다.
마크: 벌써 퇴근시간이네.
마크: 선배님, 오늘 저녁 약속이 있어서.. 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?
선배: 응응. 잘 들어가.
마크: 그럼 내일 뵙겠습니다.
Jaehwi: Now, with English!
Mark: Hello. Good morning!
Mark: Hello, sir. Did you get home safely yesterday?
Senior colleague: Yes, I did. Did you?
Mark: Yes, I went back safely too.
Mark: It's already time to leave the office.
Mark: Sir, I have plans this evening... Do you mind if I leave first?
Senior colleague: No, no. Go ahead.
Mark: I'll see you tomorrow then.
Jaehwi: Here are the key words from the scene.
Jaehwi: 아침
Lyn: 아침
Becky: morning
Lyn: 아침, 아침, 아침
Jaehwi: 좋은
Lyn: 좋은
Becky: good
Lyn: 좋은, 좋은, 좋은
Jaehwi: 먼저
Lyn: 먼저
Becky: first, earlier, before
Lyn: 먼저, 먼저, 먼저
Jaehwi: 약속
Lyn: 약속
Becky: appointment, engagement, promise
Lyn: 약속, 약속, 약속
Jaehwi: 시간
Lyn: 시간
Becky: time
Lyn: 시간, 시간, 시간
Jaehwi: 저녁
Lyn: 저녁
Becky: evening
Lyn: 저녁, 저녁, 저녁
Jaehwi: 퇴근
Lyn: 퇴근
Becky: going home after work
Lyn: 퇴근, 퇴근, 퇴근
Jaehwi: And now, a breakdown of some of the Korean you heard in the scene.
Becky: In the dialogue, how does Mark politely greet his co-workers in the morning?
Mark: 안녕하십니까. 좋은 아침입니다.
Lyn: 안녕하십니까. 좋은 아침입니다. 안녕하십니까. 좋은 아침입니다.
Becky: ”Hello. Good morning." The word...
Lyn: 좋은
Becky: is an adjective that means "good." This is followed by the noun...
Lyn: 아침
Becky: "morning." If you want to sound polite, you can add the phrase we learned in the first lesson and say...
Lyn: 안녕하세요. 좋은 아침입니다.
Becky: "Hello, good morning."
Becky: If you're saying "good morning" to a group of friends, instead of coworkers, you can simply say...
Lyn: 좋은 아침!
Becky: which could translate as "Morning!" in English.
Becky: How about if you want to say “goodnight”? Just replace...
Lyn: 아침
Becky: "morning" with...
Lyn: 밤
Becky: "night." Also replace 입니다 with...
Lyn: 되세요.
Becky: This is the honorific form of...
Lyn: 되다
Becky: which means “to be." So the whole phrase would be...
Lyn: 좋은 밤 되세요
Becky: "Good night." The casual phrase would simply be...
Lyn: 좋은 밤!
Becky: "Night!"
Becky: Now, you try! Say Mark's line.
Mark: 안녕하십니까. 좋은 아침입니다.
Becky: How does Mark excuse himself before his other coworkers?
Mark: 선배님, 오늘 저녁 약속이 있어서.. 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?
Lyn: 선배님, 오늘 저녁 약속이 있어서.. 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요? , 선배님, 오늘 저녁 약속이 있어서.. 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요? 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?
Becky: "Seonbae, I have plans this evening. Mind if I leave first?" Here we will focus on the phrase…
Lyn: 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?
Becky: or "Mind if I leave first?". Here we have...
Lyn: 먼저
Becky: It's a noun meaning "before," or "earlier." This is followed by...
Lyn: 들어가...
Becky: This literally means, "to go back inside." The nuance comes from the idea that you leave work for "outside" so you would like to return to "inside," which is home.
Becky: After that we have...
Lyn: ~봐도 될까요?
Becky: means "Would it be alright to do something" or “Would you mind if I do something?" It is a phrase used by the speaker to ask permission to leave earlier than his senior.
Lyn: 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?
Becky: means "Would you mind if I leave first?"
Becky: Now, you try! Say Mark's line.
Mark: 벌써 퇴근시간이네.
Mark: 선배님, 오늘 저녁약속이 있어서.. 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?

Lesson focus

Jaehwi: Now, the lesson focus. Here is how you can greet your coworkers in Korean.
Becky: Koreans tend to arrive at work between 5 to 10 minutes early. This way you can chat with your fellow coworkers a little bit and prepare for the start of the day.
Becky: When you arrive at work, it's important to politely greet your coworkers. When you get to the office in the morning, you can say...
Lyn: 좋은 아침입니다.
Becky: which is the polite way to say "Good morning" in Korean.
Becky: While many western countries maintain a strictly professional environment, Koreans like to make personal connections with people at work. The expression of this culture can be found in weekly...
Lyn: 회식
Becky: which means "company get-togethers" where many people in the same department go out for drinks. This is usually paid for by the company itself. This type of cultural practice is believed to strengthen the relationships and bonds of trust between coworkers.
Becky: However, please keep in mind that in Korea, much like other east Asian countries, there is a hierarchy in the workplace. If you speak too casually to your boss or senior colleagues, it might be considered to be "too personal." Maintaining a level of professionalism while reading the air is very important.
Becky: Something foreigners may find difficult about working in Korea is the number of hours one is expected to be in the office. While the Korean government has legally implemented a 5-day, 40-hour workweek, those guidelines are seldom followed, and many people work overtime. If you have made plans on a weekday and would like to excuse yourself before others, you can ask your senior or boss.
Lyn: 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?.
Becky: "Would it be alright to leave first?" It's polite to ask this even if you're working past your designated hours, because your coworkers might be staying later than you are.
Becky: If you are working on a project and haven't finished, keep in mind you may have to stay late or come in early another day in order to complete that work.
Becky: Before you leave, it's a good idea to say a quick goodbye and bow to your coworkers in order to show respect for their diligence and hard work.
Becky: Working culture in Korea may seem a little bit challenging at first, but there is no better way to improve your Korean and understand Korean culture than to work and live everyday life in Korea. Give it a try!
Jaehwi: Now it's time to practice your new ability. You are talking to your Korean colleagues in the office. Ready? Here we go.
Becky: How do you say "work get-together" in Korean?
Lyn: 회식
Becky: How do you say "Good morning" politely in Korean?
Lyn: 좋은 아침입니다.
Becky: How do you ask to excuse yourself from work before others in Korean?
Lyn: 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?
Becky: Great job!
Lyn: 회식
Lyn: 좋은 아침입니다.
Lyn: 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?


Jaehwi: 잘 했어요! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, You're ready to greet your coworkers. Have a good time! 안녕히 계세요!
마크: 안녕하십니까. 좋은 아침입니다.
마크: 선배님 안녕하세요. 어제는 잘 들어가셨어요?
선배: 응응. 마크 씨도?
마크: 네. 저도 잘 들어갔습니다.
마크: 벌써 퇴근시간이네.
마크: 선배님, 오늘 저녁 약속이 있어서.. 먼저 들어가 봐도 될까요?
선배: 응응. 잘 들어가.
마크: 그럼 내일 뵙겠습니다.

