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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Keith: Keith here. Idioms and Phrases, Lesson #9 The Essence of Noodles.
Seol: The noodles?
Keith: Yeah but in this lesson, we are not actually talking about noodles, are we?
Seol: No.
Keith: Kind of.
Seol: There is a hidden meaning of noodles.
Keith: Well we will get into that pretty soon. So what are we talking about in this lesson?
Seol: Two students are in a classroom and talking to each other.
Keith: And they are talking about their teacher, their math teacher to be more specific.
Seol: And because they are friends, they are close friends, they speak to each other in 반말.
Keith: Casual language. All right so before we jump in, what are we taking a look at? What’s our phrase for today?
Seol: 국수를 먹다.
Keith: And we can give a literal translation right?
Seol: Uh-huh.
Keith: Well that means to eat noodles.
Seol: Yeah literally it’s to eat noodles.
Keith: Yeah but in this conversation, watch out. There is no object marking particle. What did you say?
Seol: 국수를 먹다.
Keith: Yeah that 를 is not there in the conversation. So what is it?
Seol: 국수 먹다.
Keith: And that’s our phrase for today. What’s our grammar point for today? What are we focusing on?
Seol: Today’s grammar point is 는 거.
Keith: The verb nominalization. So turning a verb into a noun. All right, so what do you say we listen in?
Seol: 자, 들어 볼까요?
(1)은주: 보람아!! 보람아!!
(2)보람: 응. 왜?
(3)은주: 나 어제 수학선생님 애인이랑 데이트 하는 거 봤다!
(4)보람: 어머어머!! 진짜?
(5)은주: 응!! 진짜 진짜 이쁜 여자랑 같이 반지를 사는 거야!!
(6)보람: 드디어 우리 국수 먹는 거야?
(7)은주: 그랬으면 좋겠다!!
(8)보람: 은주야!! 선생님 온다. 쉿!
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히.
(1)은주: 보람아!! 보람아!!
(2)보람: 응. 왜?
(3)은주: 나 어제 수학선생님 애인이랑 데이트 하는 거 봤다!
(4)보람: 어머어머!! 진짜?
(5)은주: 응!! 진짜 진짜 이쁜 여자랑 같이 반지를 사는 거야!!
(6)보람: 드디어 우리 국수 먹는 거야?
(7)은주: 그랬으면 좋겠다!!
(8)보람: 은주야!! 선생님 온다. 쉿!
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
(1)은주: 보람아!! 보람아!!
(1)Eunju: Boram!! Boram!!
(2)보람: 응. 왜?
(2)Boram: Yeah. What?
(3)은주: 나 어제 수학선생님 애인이랑 데이트 하는 거 봤다!
(3)Eunju: I saw the math teacher with his girlfriend on a date yesterday!
(4)보람: 어머어머!! 진짜?
(4)Boram: No way!! Really?
(5)은주: 응!! 진짜 진짜 이쁜 여자랑 같이 반지를 사는 거야!!
(5)Eunju: ya!! He was with a really really pretty woman buying a ring together!!
(6)보람: 드디어 우리 국수 먹는 거야?
(6)Boram: He's getting married finally?
(7)은주: 그랬으면 좋겠다!!
(7)Eunju: I hope so.
(8)보람: 은주야!! 선생님 온다. 쉿!
(8)Boram: Eunju, the teacher is coming, shhhhh!!
Seol: 어, 나도 국수 먹고 싶어요.
Keith: Don’t worry, we will go out for lunch soon.
Seol: No not that 국수 먹고 싶다고.
Keith: Hey relax, I know a good noodle shop around here.
Seol: He he that’s today’s phrase.
Keith: Right. I don’t know if our listeners got that but in case they didn’t, let’s take a look at some of the words we have in our vocabulary section.
Keith: First word we have is
Seol: 애인.
Keith: Girlfriend, boyfriend, lover.
Seol: 애인 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 애인 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 국수.
Keith: Noodle.
Seol: 국수 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 국수 [natural native speed]
Keith: And after that
Seol: 어머.
Keith: Oh my! Oh dear!
Seol: 어머 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 어머 [natural native speed]
Keith: And after that, what do we have?
Seol: 예쁘다.
Keith: To be pretty.
Seol: 예쁘다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 예쁘다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next what do we have?
Seol: 드디어.
Keith: Finally, at last.
Seol: 드디어 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 드디어 [natural native speed]
Keith: And what’s our last vocabulary word?
Seol: 반지.
Keith: Ring.
Seol: 반지 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 반지 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. So let’s have a closer look at some of the usage of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Seol: The first word we will look at is 애인.
Keith: This means lover but it can also refer to a boyfriend or a girlfriend. It’s a unisex word. So if I ask 설 씨, 애인 있어요? Do you have a lover?
Seol: Yeah I can ask the same question to Keith. Keith, 애인 있어요?
Keith: Yeah because it’s a unisex word. So can we have a sample sentence?
Seol: Keith 애인은 정말 예뻐요.
Keith: Keith’s girlfriend is really pretty. Keith’s lover, it’s not so passionate in Korean, is it?
Seol: Umm it’s kind of in the middle.
Keith: Yeah because in English, when you say lover, it’s very passionate.
Seol: Strong.
Keith: Yeah but in Korean, it’s just a word that means your girlfriend, your boyfriend. All right, so what do we have next?
Seol: We will talk about 국수.
Keith: Noodles and what are some kind of 국수s out there?
Seol: 냉면.
Keith: Cold buckwheat noodles. That’s one of my favorites.
Seol: Oh really. In my case, I like 칼국수.
Keith: It’s a warm noodle. We are trying to find out a translation for this but it’s just – it’s a little tough to translate.
Seol: Yeah you have to taste it.
Keith: Actually we had two 국수s that we are talking about.
Seol: 냉면 and 칼국수.
Keith: Okay and 칼국수 where is that famous in Korea?
Seol: Yeah 명동 is really famous for 칼국수.
Keith: And actually I think 냉면 is famous in 명동 too.
Seol: Yeah I guess so but every area has their own famous 냉면 place. So you can have delicious 냉면 everywhere.
Keith: Okay so it’s like a specialty. In every area, they have their own specialty.
Seol: Sure.
Keith: All right. So let’s take a look at our next word.
Seol: The next word is 어머.
Keith: And that’s a very feminine word.
Seol: Yeah it’s a word that women use. It’s oh my or oh dear.
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: Do you say oh dear?
Keith: No I mean, no. I mean, you can’t imagine a man ever saying 어머.
Seol: No, no.
Keith: Right. So it’s a very feminine word. So for the men out there listening to this audio lesson, what can the men say?
Seol: Well, it can be like 어 or I don’t know.
Keith: Yeah I don’t think there is actually any word out there but it’s mostly just sound effects.
Seol: Yeah, yeah like 어!
Keith: 어!
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: All right. So what are we taking a look at? What’s our next word?
Seol: 예쁘다.
Keith: To be pretty. Now this is a pretty simple word but the reason we are taking a look at it is because in this conversation, it was used as
Seol: 이쁜 여자.
Keith: Yeah instead of 예쁜 여자 which it should be, it’s
Seol: 이쁜.
Keith: Yeah there is no difference in meaning, it’s just the pronunciation change that a lot of people make for whatever reasons.
Seol: Yeah, it is very colloquial.
Keith: Yeah so which one do you use more 예쁜 or 이쁜?
Seol: When I want to show that I am a real adult, I would say 예쁜 but you know, among close friends, I would say 이쁜. So basically it’s the same.
Keith: Yeah so anytime you hear 예뻐, 예쁘다 you can also hear 이쁘다.
Seol: 이뻐.
Keith: Yeah just exchange that 예 with 이 and it’s just colloquial.

Lesson focus

Keith: All right, so let’s take a look at our grammar point. So what are we taking a look at?
Seol: 는 것.
Keith: And this is verb, this is a verb nominalization and it makes the verb into a noun. So how did it come out in this conversation, the grammar point?
Seol: 은주 says “나 어제 수학선생님 애인이랑 데이트 하는 거 봤다!”
Keith: I saw the teacher going on a date on a day. Now what’s the verb to date?
Seol: 데이트하다.
Keith: And now what did 은주 see?
Seol: 데이트 하는 거.
Keith: Right. So she saw the date and traditionally when you see something, you need an object and that object needs to be a noun. So what happens here is we take the verb 데이트하다 and then we turn it into a noun so we can use that as the object that we see.
Seol: And it’s very simple.
Keith: Yeah. So can you tell us how to construct it?
Seol: We just take the verb stem and add 는 것.
Keith: Right. So let’s take an example from this dialogue.
Seol: We have another example here 반지를 사는 거. So the verb itself is 반지를 사다.
Keith: Right. So 사다 what’s the verb stem?
Seol: 사.
Keith: To buy a ring. So what’s the verb stem?
Seol: 반지를 사.
Keith: And then we just add
Seol: 는 것. 반지를 사는 것.
Keith: Buying a ring and this structure is translated as verb ing.
Seol: Yeah the verb nominalization.
Keith: And just a quick note. Often times, 것 is changed to
Seol: 거.
Keith: And that’s just to make the pronunciation easier and for a speech to flow more easily.
Seol: 거 is used in spoken Korean.
Keith: All right. So what about in this conversation, how did it come out?
Seol: Here we have 데이트 하는 거.
Keith: Dating.
Seol: 반지를 사는 거.
Keith: Buying a ring.
Seol: 국수를 먹는 거.
Keith: Eating noodles and once again that’s our phrase for today.
Seol: The hidden meaning of 국수 the noodle.
Keith: Yes the essence of 국수.


Seol: Yeah kind of, ah I am so sad about it.
Keith: Why? Why are you so sad about it?
Seol: Because I want to eat 국수 too. 국수 먹고 싶어요.
Keith: You will do that soon but first of all, we are going to have to stop this lesson and tell our listeners to stop by KoreanClass101.com and pick up our bonus track. There, we explain
Seol: The meaning of 국수를 먹는 거.
Keith: All right. So we will see everybody at KoreanClass101.com.
Seol: 안녕.


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