
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Minkyung: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다.
Keith: Hey Keith here, Idioms and Phrases, Lesson #8 My Beautiful Girlfriend. This title is great for this lesson because I got two of my most beautiful girlfriends here.
Seol: Thank you but I don’t want to be called your beautiful girlfriend. Sorry Keith. What about Minkyung?
Minkyung: 저도 됐어요.
Keith: I keep getting rejected on the show. Maybe I should move to JapanesePod101.com.
Seol: Oh I am sorry.
Minkyung: Are we going to get a new host?
Keith: No, no. Getting so excited. All right, so what are we talking about? What’s going on in this conversation?
Seol: Jeongtaek is introducing his girlfriend to his friends and from his point of view, she is so beautiful.
Minkyung: A little bit annoying story but it’s kind of cute.
Keith: So it is just this one guy and he is really into his girlfriend and what is he doing?
Seol: 자랑해요.
Keith: Yeah he is showing off.
Seol: 자랑하다.
Keith: Yeah to show off. So he is taking his girlfriend to meet his friends and…
Minkyung: And he went a little far.
Keith: She is this, she is this…well you will see in the conversation. And because they are all friends, what kind of politeness level will they be using?
Seol: It is casual language, 반말.
Keith: Since the girlfriend is meeting his friends for the first time, she is just saying one line but it’s going to be polite.
Seol: Yes. 자, 들어 볼까요?
Minkyung: 아니요!
Seol: 뭐야?
(1)정택: 얘들아. 내 여자친구야.
(2)여자친구: 안녕하세요.
(3)친구들: 오... 예쁘다!
(4)정택: 그렇지? 예쁘고, 귀엽고, 섹시하고, 착하고, 공부도 잘하고, 몸매도 이쁘고, 성격도 좋고, 술도 잘 마시고...
(5)친구들: ...
(6)정택: 게다가 얼마나 생각도 깊은데..정말 최고야!!!!!
(7)친구들: ...
(8)여자친구: 비행기 태우지 마... 창피해…
Seol: 천천히 들어 보세요.
(1)정택: 얘들아. 내 여자친구야.
(2)여자친구: 안녕하세요.
(3)친구들: 오... 예쁘다!
(4)정택: 그렇지? 예쁘고, 귀엽고, 섹시하고, 착하고, 공부도 잘하고, 몸매도 이쁘고, 성격도 좋고, 술도 잘 마시고...
(5)친구들: ...
(6)정택: 게다가 얼마나 생각도 깊은데..정말 최고야!!!!!
(7)친구들: ...
(8)여자친구: 비행기 태우지 마... 창피해…
Seol: 이번에는 영어로.
(1)정택: 얘들아. 내 여자친구야.
(1)Jeongtaek: Hey guys, this is my girlfriend.
(2)여자친구: 안녕하세요.
(2)Girlfriend: Hi.
(3)친구들: 오... 예쁘다!
(3)Friends: Oh... She's pretty!
(4)정택: 그렇지? 예쁘고, 귀엽고, 섹시하고, 착하고, 공부도 잘하고, 몸매도 이쁘고, 성격도 좋고, 술도 잘 마시고...
(4)Jeongtaek: Right? She's pretty, cute, sexy, kind, good at studying, fit, has a nice personality and she can drink!
(5)친구들: ...
(5)Friends: ...
(6)정택: 게다가 얼마나 생각도 깊은데..정말 최고야!!!!!
(6)Jeongtaek: And also she’s so thoughtful! She is the best!!
(7)친구들: ...
(7)Friends: ...
(8)여자친구: 비행기 태우지 마... 창피해...
(8)Girlfriend: I am embarrassed...
Keith: This girlfriend reminds me of both of you exactly.
Seol: 비행기 태우지 마.
Minkyung: 창피해.
Keith: Well all right, well that’s our phrase for today. What’s our phrase?
Seol: 비행기 태우지 마.
Keith: And that has something to do with an airplane.
Seol: Yeah of course. 비행기 is an airplane so…
Keith: Yeah what’s the word for airplane?
Seol: 비행기. 비행기.
Keith: We will get into this in a little bit but yeah it has to do with something with airplanes and we are not going to get into the meaning of this phrase just yet but come on, I like you girls.
Seol: So what? 비행기 태우지 말고 그럼 말을 해 봐.
Keith: All right. Now let’s move on to the vocabulary.
Minkyung: 좋아요.
Keith: See, you like that part but you don’t want to…
Minkyung: Yeah. 빨랑 가요.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: So our first word is
Minkyung: 얘들아.
Keith: Hey guys!
Minkyung: 얘들아 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 얘들아 [natural native speed] This is same word as 여러분 but more casual.
Keith: Yeah so if you are with a group of friends and you are meeting up with them 얘들아 hey everybody, hey guys. Just a casual way to address everybody in a group but if you are giving a speech or something, try not to use this one.
Minkyung: You can’t use this one, really.
Keith: Well you can, but it’s not going to be good.
Seol: You shouldn’t.
Keith: And what should the listeners use if they are going to be doing this.
Minkyung: 여러분.
Keith: And how did it come out in this conversation?
Seol: 얘들아, 내 여자친구야.
Keith: Hey guys, this is my girlfriend and can we have a sample sentence?
Minkyung: 얘들아 안녕.
Keith: Hey guys, hi. It’s just a easy way to address everybody. All right, let’s move on to our next word.
Minkyung: 그렇지.
Keith: Right.
Minkyung: 그렇지 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 그렇지 [natural native speed]
Keith: Now this is in a different form but what does it come from, what verb?
Seol: 그렇다.
Keith: To be right, to be so, to be that way. Now in this form, it’s like, that’s right, right. You know, yeah I know. Yeah you know.
Seol: Yeah 그렇지?
Keith: All right. So in this conversation, what happened? What did his friends say?
Seol: 오...예쁘다!
Keith: Oh she is pretty and then he says
Minkyung: 그렇지?
Keith: Yeah right?
Minkyung: With the confidence.
Keith: Yeah. So you kind of have got to get that rising intonation at the end. It’s in the question form, but it’s actually not a question, it’s just a statement. So can we have a couple of sample sentences?
Seol: 이 햄버거 진짜 맛있다!
Keith: 그렇지? I made it, of course.
Seol: 고마워.
Keith: All right. Let’s move on to our next word.
Minkyung: 귀엽다.
Keith: To be cute.
Minkyung: 귀엽다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 귀엽다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Minkyung: 섹시하다.
Keith: To be sexy.
Minkyung: 섹시하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 섹시하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Now I want to talk about these two words really quickly. Now in the past, Korean girls were focused on being cute. 귀엽게 하고 싶었잖아요.
Seol: 네.
Keith: But these days, I think Korean women are more focused on being sexy.
Seol: 맞아요. 정말 길거리를 가 보면 All the girls are sexy in the street and they want to be more sexy. They want to be sexier and sexier and sexier.
Keith: So I mean the goal isn’t to be cute anymore, it’s to be sexy.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Generally speaking.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Generally speaking, what’s your personal preference?
Seol: Me Seol? I want to be cute.
Keith: Ah well you are.
Seol: Thank you.
Minkyung: I want to be sexy.
Seol: Wow!
Keith: Yeah but your personality is not like that. Your personality is like cute.
Minkyung: 아 네...
Keith: Follow your heart, follow your heart! All right, next what do we have? What’s our next word?
Minkyung: 착하다.
Keith: To be kind, to be nice, to be good.
Minkyung: 착하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 착하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Now this is a great word in Korean. Now this is one of those words that don’t translate into English but this girl is 착해, 착해요. So what does that mean?
Seol: She is kind to other people, she is nice and she is warm hearted and she is just good. She is a good girl.
Keith: Generally good.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: I think that’s a good way to translate it. Generally good, this word is a very broad word but I think a lot of parents use it to their kids.
Seol: Yeah if I did something good, my mom always said 어이구, 착해라. 어이구 내 딸 착해라.
Keith: Oh you are so kind, you are so good and I think a good way to explain it is, you do what you are supposed to do and then you are 착해.
Seol: Oh yeah, yeah you are right.
Keith: So if you are a student, you study hard, you get good grades, then you are 착해.
Seol: Yeah, yeah that’s the point right?
Minkyung: 네, 맞아요.
Keith: So can we have a couple of examples?
Minkyung: 어머, 숙제 다 했어? 아 착하다.
Keith: Oh you finished your homework, you are so kind, you are so good. How about personality?
Seol: 민경이는 정말 착해서 항상 다른 사람들을 도와줘.
Keith: Because she is so good or kind, she always helps other people. So this is a great word. It’s packed with a lot of great meanings and I hope our listeners 우리 리스너들은 착한 것 같아요.
Minkyung: 네, 아주 착해요.
Keith: Yeah our listeners are pretty 착해.
Seol: 네.
Keith: Let’s move on to our next phrase.
Minkyung: 몸매가 예쁘다.
Keith: Fit, has a nice body.
Minkyung: 몸매가 예쁘다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 몸매가 예쁘다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And that last part is 예쁘다 to be pretty but what is actually pretty, what’s 몸매?
Minkyung: Your bodyline.
Keith: Yeah your figure and this is only referring to women because a woman’s figure is pretty. Man’s figure, I don’t think it – no.
Minkyung: No, no.
Keith: So how do you say a man has a nice body?
Seol: 몸이 좋다.
Keith: Yeah the body is good but here it’s 몸매 which is figure.
Seol: So it’s for women.
Keith: All right and next we have another phrase. What’s our next phrase?
Minkyung: 성격이 좋다.
Keith: To have a nice personality.
Minkyung: 성격이 좋다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 성격이 좋다 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right that last part 좋다 means to be good. So what is good, my body?
Minkyung: The personality.
Keith: Ah okay well that’s true too.
Minkyung: But not your body.
Keith: Well most of the time it’s one or the other right. Okay I am fine with one of them. All right, so what’s that word?
Seol: 성격.
Keith: Personality. So in our conversation, the girlfriend, the beautiful girlfriend 성격이 좋아요.
Seol: 네.
Keith: Her personality is good. All right so what’s our next phrase?
Minkyung: 술을 잘 마신다.
Keith: To be able to drink alcohol well.
Minkyung: 술을 잘 마신다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 술을 잘 마신다 [natural native speed]
Keith: 민경 씨, 술을 잘 마셔요?
Minkyung: 아니요. 잘 못 마셔요.
Keith: So if you wanted to say, I can drink a lot, I drink a lot of alcohol, how do you say that?
Minkyung: 저는 술을 잘 마셔요.
Keith: And if you say, I can’t just like you said, how do you say that? I can’t drink a lot.
Minkyung: 술을 잘 못 마셔요.
Keith: Yeah so that phrase and then just add in that 못 in there 잘 못 마셔요. All right so 설, 술을 잘 마셔요?
Seol: 네. 저 술 잘 마셔요.
Keith: Yeah. You like to party like a rock star.
Seol: Ah thank you. What about you?
Keith: No, no…
Seol: 술 잘 못 마셔요?
Keith: 술을 잘 못 마셔요.
Seol: 아 거짓말.
Keith: No you are the party animal.
Seol: Okay what’s next word Minkyung?
Keith: Yes you don’t want to get into a personality. That’s why. Your night life. What’s our next word?
Minkyung: 생각이 깊다.
Keith: To be thoughtful.
Minkyung: 생각이 깊다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 생각이 깊다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Minkyung: 최고
Keith: The best.
Minkyung: 최고 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 최고 [natural native speed]
Keith: How do you use this word?
Minkyung: Like when I want to say 우리 엄마 최고!
Keith: My mom is the best.
Minkyung: 설언니 최고!
Keith: Seol is the best.
Minkyung: Keith 최고!
Keith: Keith is the best. Wait, you can’t have four or five bests. It needs to be one best, right?
Minkyung: 민경이 최고!
Seol: Yeah you are the best.
Keith: So it’s used a lot when you want to hey, I think this thing is great. So 최고 and in this conversation, how did it come up?
Seol: 정말 최고야.
Keith: She is really the best. All right and let’s move on to our last word.
Minkyung: 창피하다.
Keith: To be embarrassed.
Minkyung: 창피하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 창피하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And also this word is sometimes pronounced as
Minkyung: 챙피하다.
Keith: And you were about to say that. You weren’t about to say 창피하다.
Minkyung: Yeah. When I wrote this dialogue, I first wrote it as 챙피하다.
Keith: Yeah and actually a lot of people say it that way but the standard spelling and the standard way you are supposed to say it is
Seol: 창피하다.
Keith: Is it a 서울 사투리 maybe?
Seol: Maybe.
Keith: Seoul dialect.
Seol: Maybe.
Keith: All right. Well let’s move on to our grammar.

Lesson focus

Keith: So what do we got for our grammar points. We have two of them today.
Seol: 도 and 고.
Keith: They rhyme and they are also pretty similar too actually. So what’s that first one?
Seol: 도.
Keith: And this is the auxiliary particle. This is used for nouns in a sequence. So can we have an example?
Seol: 책도 영화도 공부도 재밌다.
Keith: Books and movies and studying are fun. So those are all nouns and you added them all together with
Seol: 도.
Keith: All right and what’s our next grammar point?
Seol: 고.
Keith: And this is also another auxiliary particle but this one is used for verbs. So can we have a sample sentence? But Minkyung, what do you think about me?
Minkyung: 재밌고 무섭고 웃겨요.
Keith: Interesting, scary and fun.
Seol: Yeah and then some hesitation between them.
Keith: Yeah. All right well if you noticed there, those are all verbs or in this case descriptive verbs but they work for verbs, action verbs and descriptive verbs. How do we construct it with 고?
Seol: Take the verb stem and plus 고.
Keith: Yeah and then you can just add on the next verb that comes along. So in this conversation, how did it come out?
Seol: 예쁘고 귀엽고 섹시하고 착하고.
Keith: She is pretty, cute, sexy and nice or kind. That good word that we were talking about 착하다, but after that, we have a bunch of phrases. What are the phrases that we have?
Seol: 공부도 잘하고, 몸매도 이쁘고, 성격도 좋고, 술도 잘 마시고...
Keith: Yeah and those are all phrases and if you noticed in there, they are all connected with 고 at the end of all of those but the nouns in there also take 도. When you have a couple of phrases that you want to say in a sequence and there is nouns in all of those phrases, then they all take the 도 and the verb also takes the 고. So can we have a sample sentence?
Minkyung: 요리도 잘하고, 청소도 잘하고, 일도 잘해.
Keith: So she is – who are you talking about by the way, me?
Minkyung: You!
Keith: No, I am the scary one, right? Just kidding, just kidding. All right so she is good at cooking, she is good at cleaning and she is also good at working. So if you notice all in there, there all the nouns take the 도 and all the verbs take the 고. All right so what do we have for our phrase? Once again what is our phrase for today?


Seol: 비행기 태우지 마.
Keith: And actually we can give a literal translation, right?
Seol: It literally means don’t get me on the plane.
Keith: Yeah don’t bring me on. Well that’s just a hint.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So we have a hint for our listeners. If you want to find out what this phrase means, stop by KoreanClass101.com. There you can listen to our phrase for today. What’s our phrase once again?
Minkyung: 비행기 태우지 마.
Keith: All right. So we will see you at KoreanClass101.com. See you soon.
Seol: 안녕.
Minkyung: 보너스에서 봬요.


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