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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Minkyung: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다.
Keith: Hey Keith here. Idioms and Phrases, Lesson #7 The Marketplace Shuffle. Now in Korea, what’s the marketplace like? What’s so different about marketplaces in Korea than they are in other countries?
Seol: 되게 시끄럽고요. 그리고 가격을 흥정할 수 있어요.
Keith: No, I think you can haggle in a lot of places.
Seol: Okay then, what’s the difference Minkyung?
Minkyung: 밤 늦게까지 시장을 해요.
Keith: Yeah in Seoul, actually, the markets are open late at night.
Seol: 아, 남대문 시장이랑 동대문 시장이요?
Keith: Yeah they are open about 24 hours but…
Seol: Up until 4 o’ clock AM.
Keith: Yeah when do these people sleep?
Seol: After 4, after 5.
Keith: And when do they open?
Minkyung: 12:00.
Keith: That’s not bad but it’s like sleep, work, sleep, work. 그러지 않아요?
Seol: And they have some rest too.
Keith: Take a day off, okay.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Okay so before we get into this conversation, what’s our phrase for today? It’s an idioms and phrases day, it’s a fun day.
Minkyung: 바가지 씌우지 마세요.
Keith: And this is only used in marketplaces. So it might give you a little hint as to what it might mean. All right, so what’s going on in this conversation?
Minkyung: There is a man who is trying to buy something but he doesn’t buy it because it’s too expensive.
Keith: Yeah so it’s a little going back and forth, back and forth a little bit.
Seol: So let’s listen in.
Keith: Sounds good.
(1)상인: (시장에서) 총각!! 뭐 찾아! 여기 다 있어 이리 와!
(2)총각: 어! 아줌마 저거 얼마예요?
(3)상인: 40만원! 싸지? 어때? 응?
(4)총각: (작은 목소리로) 뭐?! 그럼 저거는요?
(5)상인: 20만원! 어때? 괜찮지? 응?
(6)총각: 아줌마... 바가지 씌우지 마세요.
(7)상인: 알았어 알았어... 만 9천원에 줄게! 가지마, 그냥 여기서 사!
(8)총각: 됐어요. 안 사요.
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히.
(1)상인: (시장에서) 총각!! 뭐 찾아! 여기 다 있어 이리 와!
(2)총각: 어! 아줌마 저거 얼마예요?
(3)상인: 40만원! 싸지? 어때? 응?
(4)총각: (작은 목소리로) 뭐?! 그럼 저거는요?
(5)상인: 20만원! 어때? 괜찮지? 응?
(6)총각: 아줌마... 바가지 씌우지 마세요.
(7)상인: 알았어 알았어... 만 9천원에 줄게! 가지마, 그냥 여기서 사!
(8)총각: 됐어요. 안 사요.
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
(1)상인: (시장에서) 총각!! 뭐 찾아! 여기 다 있어 이리 와!
(1)Merchant: (In the marketplace) Hey, what are you looking for? We have everything, come over here!
(2)총각: 어! 아줌마 저거 얼마예요?
(2)Man: Hmm... Excuse me. How much is that?
(3)상인: 40만원! 싸지? 어때? 응?
(3)Merchant: 400,000 won! Cheap, huh?
(4)총각: (작은 목소리로) 뭐?! 그럼 저거는요?
(4)Man: (In a small voice) What!? Then how about that one?
(5)상인: 20만원! 어때? 괜찮지? 응?
(5)Merchant: 200,000 won! It's a good price, right?
(6)총각: 아줌마... 바가지 씌우지 마세요.
(6)Man: Lady...
(7)상인: 알았어 알았어... 만 9천원에 줄게! 가지마, 그냥 여기서 사!
(7)Merchant: Alright, alright. I'll give it to you for 19,000 won. Don't go, just buy it here.
(8)총각: 됐어요. 안 사요.
(8)Man: No thanks. I'm not buying.
Minkyung: 근데 아줌마가 반말을 쓰는데요?
Seol: 어, 저도 들었어요. 존댓말이 아니네요.
Keith: Yeah why is she not using polite language towards the customer, they are strangers.
Seol: If somebody talks to me in 반말 for the first time and I’d feel a little bit of intimacy at the same time when I feel rude.
Keith: So maybe this person wants to get that little, hey you know, I am your friend, I am your pal.
Seol: Yeah so you can believe me, you can trust me. The price that I am saying you is just right.
Minkyung: But this is how 아줌마 is.
Keith: Yeah actually one really quick thing. I think marketplaces, they tend to not care about politeness levels so much.
Minkyung: Not at all, not at all.
Seol: But I love that kind of atmosphere. So we can feel like the intimacy between us and I can buy more than I you know usually plan.
Keith: Or you could get ripped off.
Seol: Thank you for that kind of your understanding.
Keith: So people in marketplaces, they tend not to care so much about the politeness levels. So don’t feel too bad if someone is not using polite language towards you.
Seol: Yeah it’s their own expression for the intimacy.
Keith: All right. So why don’t we take a look at this lesson’s vocabulary.
Minkyung: 총각.
Keith: An unmarried single man.
Minkyung: 총각 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 총각 [natural native speed]
Keith: You know, this is what the marketplace lady called the customer, the man but how does he know he is unmarried, he is single.
Seol: If the customer looks quite young, then they would call him 총각 and if he looks older than like you know being called by 총각 then he would be 아저씨. So it’s very simple 아저씨 or 총각. It’s kind of dichotomy. So you will be in the category of 총각. Don’t worry about it.
Keith: Even if I am married or…
Seol: No you will be 총각 still.
Keith: Okay so as we mentioned in previous lessons, students are called 학생 and then after that it is
Seol: 총각.
Keith: And then after that
Seol: 아저씨.
Keith: All right and for women, students are called?
Seol: 학생.
Keith: Young women.
Seol: 아가씨. And we have another category for that, 새댁.
Minkyung: 그리고 언니. 언니, 이리 와 봐 막 이러잖아요.
Seol: Ah yeah, yeah. People call young lady 언니 too.
Keith: Yeah there is a lot of them because you don’t want to hurt feelings. And what’s the last one?
Seol: 아줌마.
Keith: What’s our next word?
Minkyung: 찾다.
Keith: To look for.
Minkyung: 찾다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 찾다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And how did it come out in this conversation?
Minkyung: 뭐 찾아?
Keith: What are you looking for. What look for. So can we have a sample sentence?
Minkyung: 우리 엄마를 찾아요.
Keith: I am looking for my mom. How old are you? All right, what’s our next word?
Minkyung: 이리 와.
Keith: Come here.
Minkyung: 이리 와 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 이리 와 [natural native speed]
Keith: When I hear this, it kind of sounds like fighting words to me.
Seol: Yeah. It can be. 이리 와. Okay, it’s time to fight with you.
Keith: But in this case, it was just hey, come over here. Buy from my market, buy from my stuff. Next we have
Minkyung: 아줌마.
Keith: A married woman.
Minkyung: 아줌마 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아줌마 [natural native speed]
Keith: And as we mentioned before, this is probably not the nicest. I mean it’s not bad but…
Seol: There is another word for 아줌마. 아주머니.
Keith: Oh and yeah, actually that’s good. That’s the politest way you can call somebody that. All right, next we have
Minkyung: 얼마.
Keith: How much.
Seol: 얼마 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 얼마 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Minkyung: 바가지.
Keith: Bucket.
Minkyung: 바가지 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 바가지 [natural native speed]
Keith: And this is actually part of our phrase for today. What is that phrase again?
Seol: 바가지를 씌우다.
Keith: Okay we are not going to get into the meaning but we are getting into
Minkyung: 됐어요.
Keith: No thanks.
Minkyung: 됐어요 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 됐어요 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. So in this conversation, how did that phrase come out?
Minkyung: 됐어요. 안 사요.
Keith: No thanks, I am not buying. So how can our listeners use that phrase?
Minkyung: If somebody comes to your door and trying to sell all this you know stuff, you could just say 됐어요. 안 사요.
Keith: 됐어요. No thanks. Well it doesn’t have to be just selling. I mean if I am giving you here, here is the beer.
Seol: 됐어요. It means you are rejected.
Keith: Yeah but what’s the nuance behind that word?
Seol: It’s just turning down in a rude way.
Keith: Yeah so if your boss hands you a drink,
Seol: You cannot say 됐어요.
Keith: No yeah just accept it. If you don’t want to drink, don’t drink it but just accept it.
Seol: Yeah sure.
Keith: All right. So what’s our next phrase? Our phrase of the day.
Minkyung: 바가지를 씌우다. 바가지를 씌우다.
Keith: And we are not going to get into this phrase right now. Stop by KoreanClass101.com, check out our bonus track or if you’ve subscribed to our premium feed or my feed, you can get that track in iTunes but we are not going to go into the meaning but we just want to get into a little bit about 바가지. What is 바가지?
Seol: It’s a bucketful of water.
Keith: I mean in Korean, there is also bucket right?
Minkyung: But 바가지 comes from the fruit 박.
Keith: Yeah what is that fruit by the way?
Minkyung: It doesn’t taste good and we can only use the outside right?
Seol: Have you ever eaten it?
Minkyung: No.
Seol: No, me neither.
Keith: Actually when I was a kid, I saw a lot of Korean
Seol: The old stories.
Keith: Folk stories, yeah fairy tales or something.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: They always had those 박 everywhere.
Minkyung: On the roof right?
Keith: Yeah. So actually it’s just that fruit and you slice it into half and there you go. It’s a 바가지.
Minkyung: Yeah I mean there is stuff inside but you just take it out because you can’t really eat it or you can’t do anything with it.
Keith: So it’s kind of like a big coconut with no flavor of milk.
Seol Right, right you are right.
Keith: It’s like a hard shell.
Seol: Right.
Keith: But nowadays, what is a 바가지 we don’t use that anymore so much.
Seol: It looks like the old real 박 but it’s made from plastic and you just use it in the bathroom.
Keith: Yeah like when you are taking a shower, you put the water in there and you dump it over your head. All right, so a phrase for today. It has to do with a bucket of some sort a 박, half a 박.
Seol: 네, 바가지를 씌우다.
Keith: And but have you ever
Seol: 바가지를 써 본 적 있냐고요?
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: 네. 여행 가서 바가지 써 본 적 있어요. 식당에서.
Keith: Oh well, we will see what that means in our bonus track. All right, well let’s move on to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

Keith: What do we have today?
Minkyung: 지 말다.
Keith: The negative imperative, don’t do it, don’t, stop, I don’t want you to do it.
Seol: Thank you for good explanation.
Keith: Well, who usually uses the negative imperative?
Seol: To me, it’s my mom and my roommate and my boyfriend who is older than me.
Keith: And that’s because they are in a higher position than you, a higher social position.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: And since Minkyung, you are the youngest one here, we can do that to you all day.
Minkyung: But I wouldn’t listen. 됐어요.
Keith: No thank you. All right, well how did it come out in this conversation?
Minkyung: 바가지 씌우지 마세요.
Keith: Hey that’s a phrase. Can’t give it away right now.
Minkyung: Oh we have something else.
Keith: Okay.
Minkyung: 가지 마.
Keith: Don’t go.
Minkyung: 가지 마.
Keith: Who are you talking to? Your imaginary friends. They are leaving you too. I am just kidding, it’s a joke, it’s a joke.
Minkyung: You are so mean!
Keith: All right. I think many of our listeners might know the phrase 하지 마.
Minkyung: 네, 많이 쓰는 표현이죠?
Keith: Yeah it’s used very often. So don’t do it, stop it. The negative imperative.
Minkyung: 오빠, 하지 마!
Keith: What! What! What am I doing? So how do we construct this? Let’s take the verb 하다 to do.
Seol: We need the verb stem 하.
Keith: Okay and we add on
Seol: 지 마.
Keith: Okay. There we go.
Seol: 하지 마.
Keith: And yeah, if you want to use that phrase 하지 마 you got to have a little intonation in there.
Seol: 하지 마. 보지 마. 먹지 마.
Keith: And that last verb 마 is actually from the verb 말다 but actually the conjugation gets a little irregular. So if you want to check it out, remember to look at it in the PDF. All right, so let’s have a couple of sample sentences. Who is the whinier one?
Seol: You Keith.
Keith: Me?
Seol: Keith, 울지 마.
Keith: Don’t cry. Actually I heard this a lot from my mom. I am a big baby. Next sample sentence.
Minkyung: 수업 시간에 자지 마.
Keith: Don’t sleep during class.
Seol: I hear these a lot.
Minkyung: Even now?
Seol: Yeah.


Keith: All right. So what do we have to say to our listeners because we are done with this file but we are not done with the lesson yet?
Minkyung: 보너스 트랙 체크해야 하니까 가지 마.
Keith: Yeah because you got to check out that bonus track, don’t go. So remember to stop by KoreanClass101.com and listen to our bonus track. There, we are going to get into
Minkyung: 바가지를 씌우다.
Keith: All right. So we will see everybody there.
Seol: 가지 말고 얼른 와요.
Minkyung: 안녕히 계세요.


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